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Posts posted by LynkxDev

  1. I think I read somewhere "Player will create the Lore"

    well i dont think the player will stuck on humans
    I think they will add some humanoid "klingon like" atc ..


    but i still prefer to play an totally different race, Humans SUX btw
    and hope they implement a "mod system" where we can upload our own 3D models


  2. Ok here is an interesting point i was wondering,

    All modern MMOs have a complex character appearance system able to create thousands of variations.

    I believe DU will not let us down on this ... but...


    Since this is a state-of-art of freedom sandbox MMO, I'd like to ask for the Devs:

    Will players be able to create their own character race and appearance or upload 3D model?



    Lets suppose i don't want to play a human or even a humanoid life form,
    Since I am a big fan of CyFic want to play member of an advanced alien race that looks bizarre compared to a humanoid life form,

    One with tentacles or many limbs or feet, or maybe and insectoid, a weirdo like Sebulba, or maybe a fluffy Ewok ....


    (Just an illustrative image fond on google)


     The Devs go for a PLEX system essentially, other people buy your subscription and they sell it to you for in-game cash.

    I really hope the Devs reconsider it !!


    I think i have showed that ANY item that can be purchased by real money, and sold in-game for game money is P2W!!! 

    Since a Rich guy with 1000$+ to spend, can start in the game today, buys a lot of sellable plex, and become a millionaire ingame tomorrow,

    and use all this ingame money to buy everything he needs to finance his guild / company / army of destruction. (including hire mercenaries with those Plex)


    And he will be unstoppable simply because you wipe his armada today just to see him replaces his ships and items using his real money to convert in game money

    selling those Plex, while you need to have all your guild members mining to try to repair yours,


    Also soon you will see that all important items in the market will be priced by real money comparison not game currency.


    What I mean by the second one is will I be able to sit down and write a code that would allow me to fly instead of a regular space ship a giant robot that I built using the voxels

    Oh Yeha !!


    Hey Jared ! I think you are one of my kind, my intent is to run the TOP builders end engineers and organization you are more than invited !!!


    i was thinking about built a ship that can transform into a Gundan style robot for the battle, and like you I'm exited and aware of this program system,

    Not only for the ship, i want to have a fully automated production line of my basic ships, also program mining drones, and sentinels  to work wile I will be off line.



  5. As a personal goal, I want to be one of the most respectful builders of the game,


    I want to raise a brand and customers that save money for one of my ships


    also I Just started a company, to train and join the best builders and repair engineers and build a reputation,


    and Of course i can reproduce famous star-ships like Enterprise class



    (but IDK if it will be possible, i have tried this on ESO just for discover later that on end-game craft mechanics doesn't work, and i have the same concern here )

  6. I Want to be the TOP master ship designer of DU (if its possible)

    I really don't know how powerful will be the craft system , and how free I will be.. but... once again "if its possible "

    later game i will design:
    Automaton Replicant Cyborgs that can "assimilate" planets and resources, use it to replicate and split across the galaxy like a virus
    (yes, the Borgs !)


    "Resist is Useless !! "

  7. if game succeed and have about 10K player on, there will be no such thing as rare mat, or better crafter than the other,

    it will become ESO like system, where i worked for 6 months to MAX  ALL my crafts thinking "i will play as a great scavenger/crafter"
    just to discover all guilds have some guys exactly as capable as myself and so much players mining look for money in the market that after some time of game all you need is 10 minutes searching the local or guild stores (that are not even global) and find the mats you need to do what ever you want, and that will be exactly the same stats of all others maxed skilled crafters, with a different skin,


    i hope you can understand that is what i don't want on this game

  8. the problem with no random values involved, is that all crafted items will be exactly the same, 
    after some game time when all mats will be available in the market 

    and all crafters maxed their skills

    all crafted items will have the same stats that only different looking 


    take a look on ESO craft system, they tried to do a different and only skill and mat based system where take 6 months to master a skill,


    after 1 year of game play no one buys nothing from crafters on the market simply because all guilds can craft the same items,

    I craft lots of free stuff since no one buys any more. There is no market if all players cam max their craft skills with no random values involved

  9. Hello Captan,

    When i say random value i don't mean it would suppress crafters decision ,

    it suppose to be more than 20% of the crafter decision, and its very realistic and lore friendly
    so considering a crafter chose to do an item with all stats with a value of  "100" some final prods can variate from "90" to "110" on its stats
    this make that 2 players with same skill level rarely create exact same item just with a different visual skin


    unless the item is made on a production line of an industry, that's only situation when all items are 99.99% equals.



    (btw L2 fondation sistem is a 10% of chance to produce an item with "master work" bonus of +x', 

    if 2 players craft a 'foundation sword' they weapons were exactly the same sword in the end, its the opposite of what i'm talking about !!)

  10. I know what you mean Majestic, its just add a Random value to each variable at time of its creation,

    so an crafted item would consider the material, crafter skill level and a random value that modify all the stats  so all items will be single and rare, and some will be stronger than others and so more valuable.

  11. Few days ago i have wrote a big article about Monetization and posted at the end of this topic

    I'm not an economist, or an expert, but I'm a business graduated that study the MMO market since Ultima Online and still work very close to games industry now days. My article is a MMO market based study of case,

    I hope you guys can have a look specially at P2P part of my article where i demonstrate why subscription is and obsolete method and because Real World Money and currencies are not balanced

    The (P2P) Methode unbalance the game, its not lore friend and break the immersion,

    with a risk to become P2W if any kind of item (like a Plex) can be purchased with Real money and sold for game money inside the game


    Just as example: if the subscription is based on $15 USD a player today would pay (and think):


    UK (British) player .....:   $ 13.25 EUR  (Ah that's OK,  not real expensive I like the game and I can afford for it)

    CA (Canadian) ...........:  $ 37.48 CAD  (Well if its just I playing its OK, sadly i think it will become hard to pay 2 subs, for me and my son)
    BR (Brazilian)Player....:  $ 48.22 BRL  (PQP its half hundred! I love the game but Idk if i can maintain and so idk if worth to join this game)

    SA (South African)......:  $ 202.54 ZAR (OMG ! i love game but impossible to pay monthly, even I can afford to buy items some times)


    P2P is a huge pay-wall for families with more than one player, teens that need parents to pay, low budget college students, etc ...

  12. Yap this seems to be a great system, my only concern is the UI,

    I am a coder and advanced builder but....


    Many ppl i knew from minecraft like, or other sand box games are kids or teens,
    so I hope there will be a simple UI with preset buttons for basic tagging with more common functions,

    and one advanced UI where we can control in more advanced way all aspects

  13. I think i figure out a way for do the "oxygen" effect on a ship or building,

    without work with fluid simulation and to realistic things that would need a super computer to process...


    They can add a "Compare algorithm" to encapsulate a ship or building,

    like the blueprint system for repairs ore rebuilt,

    this algorithm will compare the actual ship with its previously saved blueprint after it receive any attack,

    (after shields absorb the extra damage and any type of armor or damage reduction)

    the comparison is a % percentage of how much of the ship was removed / exploded / vanish some parts away , 

    or  how much  damage was taken. If the structure is

    1% ~ 9% different of its saved blueprint you can (if your ship have the sensor for it) receive a signal that its compromised and need repairs,  10% ~ 20% between its actual state and original state, simply attach a "negative status" to all ppl inside like: "Low Oxygen level 1"

    that would works like an accumulative  poison, reducing the player capabilities and giving slow and few damage, and slowly progressing  to its next level, if the player stay in the area it will progress to "Low Oxygen level 2" (and so on)
    with stronger negative effects and until the effects kill the player, (or he find a pressurized suit, or repair the ship during the battle)

    higher percentages of damage also can make the status advance to a higher level instantly and all crew inside would need to use pressurized suits to avoid the negative effects. Also you could install a bridge protection upgrade for your ship to seal the bridge and negate the effect inside so you could fight until your ship is complete wiped from existence (with you inside).



  14. sorry friend, but go to ESO and take a look the desert that is inside, what makes a server alive are the players, player come to a game that is easy and welcome to join.

    if server have 10k+ online the game shop will pay and be way more lucrative than subscription method, 
    i hope you have read the  P2P part of my article, i know its huge, but i think the explanation is clear about why P2P don't prioritize the costumer and  are very unbalanced because of different currency's of real world, plz analyse as a company not as a player, and it turns P2W to if a player can sell those PLEX

  15. so its kindda like i've sayd ?  can make my own mesh and attach the object to make it work ? 



    hummm are there any official documentation i can read ? for details ? 

    i will be  "that guy who makes things shinny and functional" 

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