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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Cybrex

  1. I wouldn't think too critically about it for now. 


    KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid (Not a jab at you, just a saying)


    As much as I would like to keep from drawing comparisons between this and other games, I always keep referencing Eve Online. It's also fair to point out that many on the Novaquark team apparently play Eve Online, and I already see influences of it here with what little we know.


    Eve has a a very robust system in place for running player made organizations. Corporations up to Alliances, and so on and so forth. And I can tell you, in my many years of playing Eve, and based off of my own real world experience in the military, a democracy will never work in a game. Ever. I explain why in one of my blog posts.


    Anyways, it's too soon to even speculate on this stuff right now with what little we know. Brainstorm by all means, but don't get crazy with it! 

  2. Hi Astrophil,


    Indeed, we have a few internal early videos about the gameplay.
    But, those are not available publicly for several reasons:
    1) In the mind of some people, releasing a video (even if you specifically say that it is very early development, in Pre-Alpha or such) it's like saying "this game is ready for reviews and critics, even if the features displayed are unfinished and/or not polished". This is sad, but this is reality. We saw this state of mind quite apparent not later than a few weeks ago, on a pre-alpha video made by another indie studio. All the more reasons to be cautious. While we are sure that releasing early videos would please players who are eager to know and see more about the game, we also want to be sure we are ready before showing anything at all.
    2) You saw the forest screenshot published last year and you might think we should be quite advanced now with amazing videos with this kind of forest covering kilometers on a planet. Unfortunately, development isn't that simple. Last year, we did a small procedurally generated forest area on an empty planet. The goal of this experiment was to see to which extent we can push the graphics quality. However, in order to speed up internal testing & QA on gameplay we have ? temporarily ? deactivated many graphics options. Currently all our internal gameplay videos are more technical than focusing on graphics. Showing those now would just confuse new, non-informed players about the graphics quality we?re aiming at. That?s why we don?t want to release any gameplay videos yet.
    3) Starting to release videos is generally the phase where the press start to talk about a game. And while it might not appear that way, we're still more or less in "stealth mode", even if we're already open to discussion on many various subjects. We don't want to see the press talking about the game too soon, before we're ready. We haven't launched any real PR campaign yet. All the people who came to this forum are people who found the game by personal research or after a discussion on a social media. In short, in our communication plan, releasing videos means we have reached a specific milestone.

    Best regards,



    Seems pretty fair to me!

  3. Haha, we hear you (not just me, but the team too! ;)).

    Well... Here are one good and one bad news on the topic:


    First the bad news.

    Okay, probably not as bad as it could be, but not the best you can expect either:

    While we make constant and regular progress there are still too many low-level features we can't discuss in detail for now.

    And if it's just to say - for example - "Hey! we are working on the planetary engine, including spherical gravitational field and procedural generation of landscape right now!" for several months, this is not enough content to call it "Community Updates". At some point, yes, we definitely want to make community updates. But this won't be any time soon (don't expect next month).


    Now the good news.

    We don't want to keep the community completely in the dark, even this early in the project.

    What we are currently working on is to publish a list of all suggestions/ideas posted on the forum since its opening, and give a clear answer from the team for each of them. The status for each suggestion/idea will be either:

    • Already done
    • Already in progress
    • Planned for Alpha phase
    • Planned for Beta phase
    • Planned for official release
    • Planned for post-release
    • Still unsure to plan it at some point
    • Not planned at all for specific reasons (which will be explained if necessary)

    Expect this list to be published either in September or October :)


    Best regards,



    This makes me moist. 


    Works for me! Not like anyone has any room to complain regardless. Anything we get is great by itself, considering how early the development is period. The fact you guys keep such steady contact with your current community is applause worthy anyways.


    - Lego

  4. This is more directed to Nyz, our fearless community manager.


    While myself, and everyone else here understands that DU is very early in its development, is there any chance we can receive a bi-weekly, if not monthly development update? Can be formal or informal if you ask me, it would just be neat to be able to track where DUs development is.


    - Lego

  5.  like the previous ones Nanopack and Nanoformer...


    But im also torn to suggest some other names...


    Been thinking this past few days on some other good names that could be used for the tools, based on the description Mr. Bailie gave us on the Alpha Gameplay devblog



    Nanopack = Gravitational Compressor Unit (GCU for short).

    Nanoformer = Molecular Compressor Canon (MCC for short).


    Just some names I thought up. Coming up with simple names does prove to be a challenge...


    If I think of anymore, I'll edit my post.


    I dig it.



  6. - State of science and existing technologies

    - Pre-Exodus Factions

    - Possible mindsets


    Duly noted!

    Thanks for the suggestions, Vylqun and Jared! :)


    @Jared: Your idea is far from being ridiculous.

    Believe it or not, we have started to discuss about social tools enabling players to search for similar mindsets & centers of interest in-game,  to have easier ways for players to find organisations that meet their expectations. That's not exactly what you described in your suggestions, but there are a lot of similarities. And speaking of possible abuses, if such tool is implemented, this kind of information will possible to set on "private/non shared" to prevent this. However, keep in mind this social tool idea isn't validated yet, it's still in early discussion. More will be explained if the idea becomes a planned feature ;)


    Best regards,



    I like the direction though, that you going with the social tool you guys have cooking up. One of the most common downfalls of any MMO game is a lack of a group finder (Which is what I think you're basically describing). Having a functioning, diverse, and fluid group finder on launch would be gold. 


    Hi everyone,
    Glad to know you continue to enjoy the story!
    Part 5 will be the last one. But there will be a surprise in it ;)
    1. The portable AI is, for the time being, just for fluff.
    To create a portable, customizable AI isn't currently included in our roadmap.
    But this is an interesting idea, and if the dev team validate it, it might be a feature planned after the game official release.
    2. About the morpher: As a tool used in daily tasks (building, gathering, etc), it is planned to have something a bit more interactive than a menu. There will some animations where, in first person view, you will see the the arm equiped with the morpher pointing toward the target (who might a resource prop, some ore deposit, or just a specific point in space where you want to build something.
    Thanks a lot for the two blog posts you have written about Dual Universe! :)
    By the "juicy bits of starships", do you mean some storytelling about how is envisioned the building of starships? If it's the case, this won't be in this short story (as it mainly focus on the first steps to colonize the planet). However, we have several ideas to to give a glimpse of what we plan. It is not decided yet, but among them are the following ideas: maybe another short story, storytelling through short gameplay videos, etc.  
    Best regards,


    I suppose another short story would be just fine. Down the road, if you continue the trend of describing mechanics through short stories, include both concept and actual gameplay art etc. to sort of give the reader the visualization. Nothing too different than what is being done now really.


    - Lego

  8. Hi everyone! 


    About the general backstory settings:

    It's a bit difficult to talk about it right now. It will be easier to talk about it at least when the short story will be completely published.

    Two parts remain (part 4 and 5) so we could start a discussion on this subject at the end of the month ;)


    What we can already say:

    Currently we want to keep the Lore as light as possible, to avoid putting limits/restraints on fan-based short stories.

    When we say we aim for a player-driven experience, we mean it: we want to give as much freedom as possible on this aspect as well.

    However, we're totally open to your feedback. If you think more will be needed like political and or religious factions emerging right from the start in the backstory, just let us know. We have some unpolished ideas for the time being. So we don't know yet whether we will integrate them or not. On the NPC side, you can expect Mr. Decker and the AI to play a role. Maybe a few more alpha team colonists ? who knows...


    You can continue to give us your opinion, comments, critics for the time being and we will begin the "real" discussion in two weeks (taking into account your feedback on the matter)! :)


    Best regards,


    I'll hold any of my opinions and what not until after said "real" discussion really takes place. Not much to discuss until then right? :D


    Thanks, Nyz.


    - Lego

  9. Haha :D ... Well, we were thinking of something less massive than the "Elysium-esque" exo-skeleton:

    It would be practical for war, but not really for daily mundane life ;)



    Indeed, what could possibly go wrong ?  :ph34r:


    Pffffft, who says being able to throw cars through walls wearing a super exo-skeleton suit isn't practical for daily mundane life? You gotta live a little Nyz.


    - Lego

  10.  cuzz I'm super tire right now. 




    Yes, I as well transcend from my simple human form, and become a super tire as well at times.  :lol:


    You make valid points Astro. For now, at least personally, I'll be holding on committing to any stories and write ups of my own until more concrete canon is released, and oh how I can't wait.


    - Lego

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