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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by GeneralTragedy

  1. I would also add that EAC essentially prevents you from running any other game that uses EAC at the same time. A couple of examples are Black Desert Online and New World. So, no more running another game using EAC in the background, or to have something to do while slow-boating long distances, running missions, etc. 


    Not a fan of this change.

  2. I echo the sentiments of many here relating to the core count changes. The proposed numbers are way too low in a game with a primary pillar of creative building with "their imagination being their limit". Personal core count with maxed talents has always been way too low, which led players to create personal organizations in order to continue with their creativity beyond those tight constraints. This has been compounded by the changes with mining that drove an increase in core usage in order to get materials for building (or for something to sell in order to purchase materials).


    I do understand the need for limits and the drivers behind this proposed change. However, this is far too extreme. I would suggest at least doubling but ideally tripling both personal and organization core counts. Tripling the current personal core count on the existing personal talents would grant a max of 45 trained plus the 2 free for a total of 47 personal cores allowed. Likewise, tripling the proposed organization count would provide 45 base core slots that could be donated, with an additional 30 if the proper skills are trained. It would be fine to retain the same proposed maximum possible cores for an organization, but would give players more flexibility in donating slots to organizations and using slots themselves. It would also give creators the ability to still scale their core count a bit higher with a personal organization (but still below the current maxed-talent levels under the Organization Construct Management tree).


    Alternately, you could skip these changes altogether and tie a single new role to organizations in general. This role would be one specific designated individual to be the "core master" for an organization. Players could only be the "core master" for a single organization and apply their Organization Construct Management skills to that organization. This would eliminate the need to do anything else, as all organizations would need their own unique "core master" to benefit from the talents in that tree to provide cores for the organization. (While there is an impact to an organization if this player leaves the role, any organization that plans to grow and thrive could and should be prepared for this by having others in the organization who have planned for this by training the proper skills that could be assigned this role if that occurred.)


    Thanks for your consideration in reviewing this input.



  3. https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/020415/what-difference-between-private-equity-and-venture-capital.asp#:~:text=Private equity is capital invested,potential for long-term growth.



    • Private equity is capital invested in a company or other entity that is not publicly listed or traded.
    • Venture capital is funding given to startups or other young businesses that show potential for long-term growth.
    • Private equity and venture capital buy different types of companies, invest different amounts of money, and claim different amounts of equity in the companies in which they invest.



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