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Posts posted by Jager14

  1. It sounds like the devs are already leaning towards a piping system for energy. I imagine if the performance hit from piping energy around isn't too much trouble then the performance hit for piping oxygen around shouldn't be too bad either. The real problem comes from checking a given construct for enclosed volumes. Any time I run a script in Blender to calculate the volume of a mesh it always takes some time to run. My case is probably a little more extreme than DU since I can model at any resolution I want in Blender but I also am not trying to run volume checks on thousands of ships at once.


    The best solution I can think of is to program the game to run a sort of simulation whenever a construct is built, modified or damaged and use that model to pre-define pressurized volumes within the ship. Each volume is defined in a coordinate system relative to the ship rather than the world. It would also define which doors connect two pressure volumes and which doors connect a pressurized area to space. That way you can cycle your airlock without having to re-run the whole simulation, just trigger the relevant volume to pressurize or depressurize. If you cycle the airlock incorrectly (AKA open both doors at once) then the game can quickly detect that the interior volume has an open door connected to the currently depressurized airlock volume. Any time the ship is modified or damaged the simulation can check which volumes, if any, the change intersects with and re-run the simulation of just the relevant volumes to check for leaks. To make sure there isn't too much stress when a ship is getting bombarded or built the game could limit each construct to one pressure check every few seconds. It might result in some weird delays at times, where half the room is blown open and you get five seconds to stare into space before anything happens to you, but I think this would be worth it if it means getting a pressurization system in the game.


    Of course I still don't know what it actually takes to identify a fully enclosed volume in a voxel game, particularly if people have to be annoying and build some kind of really weird interior geometry. The game might need a contingency for edge cases where it either ignores an overly complicated geometry or just gives up and declares a ship unfit for habitation if a pressure check takes too long.

    I'm hoping it works this way more so, it's like how they program the player relative to the ship as a grid and not the world, making it possible to move about while underway (very important also, considering the potentially epic length of travel)

  2. That's kinda what I was thinking, but tbh, I focused a lot more on ore and planet exploration when I was thinking about it lol maybe alien npc life (simple stuff like space deer)

  3. I was saying that alien ruins should be a bit rare to make them important, but not be a cornerstone of everything lol. Groups should still be able to do research without them lol they just provide a nice boost

  4. Or being able to name planets or systems you discover (within reason lol). But also think of the stories that would be generated. Like that one time Adventurer Bob went to go find Iron on Planet Y and stumbled into a huge vein of gold or something, causing a literal gold rush lol (as an example). Or when Explorer Jane accidently discovered anti-matter while flying through a nebula or something lol. Being a good explorer should be dangerous and arduous, yes, but it should pay off, and have some mystery, like it did for our ancestors and today and probably in the future.

  5. Note: I mean sure, most historical discoveries have been accidents while searching for something specific. Most people go into the unknown with something somewhat specific in mind and a plan (not wandering around until you bump into something). But I want there to be a system that makes thise accidents a thing and makes them significant, you know? It gives the idea of a large universe life and meaning

  6. That was my idea as well. Make it Souls like in nature, with written text entries you got to decode with a "hacking" skill or something. Make the players want to keep going towards a specific star system where the next base lays. The devs could keep on adding as they go, it's only a text entry thing, some automated turrets and all that. It wouldn't be about the PvE combat and super powerful bosses, but exploration and immersion with rewards.

    A bit like a prometheus discovery, but less violent lol. I mean that would come later though, what I really want is for this system to be implemented early on. You have access to the basics and essentials for survival and getting into space (so that small groups and the occasional solo player can still play the game with some comfort -note I didn't say it would be easy for them) but if you want to get anything more than the basics, you have to get off your butt and look around.


    One of my biggest disappointments with a lot of space sims today is that, when you go exploring, you already kinda know what you're gonna find. I mean I mostly find myself just going to planets more to say,"I've been there" than real discovery or adventure.


    When you make these things accessible to know without actually going and exploring, you take away the significance of exploration and the also potential abilty to really profit from a well done expedition.

  7. That's exactly what I suggested as a PvE thing. Let adventurers go out there and recover lost tech through difficult dungeons, possibly puzzle games or something , I don't know. Make them some sort of uneditable moons that become editable when the PvE situation is dealt with and "respawn" the moon in a procedural way in another system far away as a new discovery, with "random loot" tech. Could be amazing.

    I mean I like the idea, but the reason I'm not so sure is that the planets are kinda random. I mean perhaps you could do it Minecraft style and make it a rare seed ir some such (derelict space stations or ships could just spawn in the odd sector too). I mean, it could just be a structure defended maybe by NPC mobs or turrets or something. It be a generated construct. I mean, if you could even involve some lore in it to get players really involved in these places, like a lomg extinct alien race and that finding their tech or such is a big deal and super rare. Of course, balance, balance, balance. I don't think you should get a planet destroyer out of it or anything lol

  8. I mean you could do alien archaeology as a skill too. Somebody who can go into a ruin and pick up different bits and bobs, reverse engineer it, and bring back maybe planet coordinates, or the location of a secret base, or a new weapon (balanced of course)

  9. (Scroll to bottom for tl;dr, but I insist you read this if you're interested. It's a bit complex and hard to explain)

    This might not be a good idea, but I was thinking: maybe we make tech trees and planet/ore types invisible and unpresented to players in the beginning. Make it so players only start with the basics (electronics, basic hydrogen/solar power, etc.) and canmt necessarily see what the next level of materials is. Now WAIT, hear me out, I'll explain lol


    In human society, since its very root beginnings, knowledge has been one of the most effective tools and deadliest of weapons. Groups with superior technology and knowledge, when they use it with proper economy, will have a distinct advantage. We should have a dynamic like this in DU where, to an extent, science and technology aren't an on rails "kill deer to gain XP to build laser turrets".


    We could make specific devices focused on research and skills/specializations where players focus on science (like weapons/armor research, ship systems, material: keep it relatively simple, but also seperate). As players explore the universe, digging up strange ore, testing weapons in combat, maybe mixing material, they unlock tech and knowledge specifically related to what they are testing or researching.


    An example: Let's say you're a small exploration team. You have your marine, your captain, your engineer (maybe a doctor), and a research specialist. You set down on an alien planet after parking your ship in orbit and begin scanning the surface for composition of the ground and atmosphere, while your marine maybe scouts around for ruins or something (probably later in the development time). Your scanner gives you the location of a deposit of unknown material nearby, so you and your research spec. Go over there and dig some up. After you return to the ship, he takes that sample you dug up and puts it into an atomic scanner or something, and then that's how you figure out what the Spice (just a random example) is. You then go back down and dig up some more to take back with you to sell to a material institute for study, and a few days later, maybe it's being used as a more efficient ship fuel or something, idk lol.


    Now why do I think this should be a thing? Because it simply, encourages emergent roles in research, exploration, and prospecting. When everybody knows what planets hold for them or what they look like, less people will be inclined to spend resources in getting to them. Empires stagnate because they go for a specific thing (like the top tier resource) and then that's it. Technology when it's on rails loses it's sense of discovery. When everybody is able to know everything, it lessens the need for cooperation. When the universe is, to an extent, a big question mark, big groups will be more inclined to continue exploring, colonizing, and whatnot.


    I have dozens of examples of how this would add a lot of depth to this type of game, things like keeping what you know a secret, research business that make money on doing research and experiments for the highest bidder, having people who specialize in SCIENCE tm being a type of role that is sought after, etc. etc. it also offer upward mobility (you have a monoploy in steel in a system, suddenly somebody discovers, idk, adamantite in another. There a california gold rush type run to colonize the source and suddenly, you're ebing run out of business because admantite is the new rage. A new monopoly takes your place...unless you capitalize on the step forward in tech).


    Tl;DR make us do science and earn tech, actually having to go out and seek it/research it.


    Thanks guys, sorry this was a long one :)

  10. I would be interested in hearing it, I'm a bit stumped. Though I personally like the engineering aspect of having to figure out oxygen logistics in my ship designs (and I also like the idea of, in battle, being able to target such things like a life support network).


    I think you have a good point that it would more than likely create too many issues for this game


    Hmmm...maybe instead we have life support modules? Kinda like the old Star Wars Battlefront space battles?

  11. (Sorry still learning how to use quotes)

    I was planning on posting it myself. I feel like having the ability to pressurize environments makes for better RP. I play a lot of Empyrion, and one f the annoying things is that, unless you're on a specific planet with a breathable atmosphere, you're using oxygen from your rebreather and fill tanks. You burn so much so fast.


    You could argue that there is less oppurtunity for gas loss and server issues with filling voxel environments, and I would agree, but I just feel like oke of the cool aspects of a space sim like this would be lost, ya know?


    I guess it's a fine line between complexity but also having a game that functions (flash back of SE)

  12. This is actually an interesting question. Space Engineers recently stopped setting the oxygen system as a default, as it caused heavy performance losses (Like anything in SE, it feels like). Oxygen in a mesh (like a cockpit) seems straight forward - but pressurizing an entire voxel spaceship brings a number of issues. The cheap way out here would be to integrate some sort of 're-breather' in the player characters suit, and call it a day...


    Has anyone posted this as an ask us everything question?

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