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Reseed Illmenite Ore Please


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Apologies for the repost but I wasn't aware this area of the forums existed.




I know I am not the only one feeling this and yes I'm sure that some of the lack of ilmenite available to purchase is due to market manipulation but we urgently need ilmenite reseeded. I can literally spend weeks on Lacobus scanning with multiple characters only to find if I'm lucky 1-10 scans with any ilmenite and of those, if I'm lucky, 1 might have more than a thousand in it. Not saying this is everyone's case by any means but no other t5 is on this level of craziness with the exception of Thoramine for obvious reasons. I go to Jago and can find dozens of scans of Columbite ranging for 3-20k in each tile each day, go to Ion and there's literally Rhodanite in every other tile half the time. Symeon, though a bit more rare, I can at least expect to find some Vanadite, but Ilmenite is basically no more. Something was done wrong with the seeding of ilmenite from the get go, those guys who found a mega of ilmenite with like 7 mil back in pre-beta must have sparked a huge nerf that went over board so please correct this NQ it is fairly urgent. 

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