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About war, death, and drama


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Hello everyone, and thanks a lot to the devs for shaping our dreams like they do. A few days ago I pledged to the supporter pack, and I cant wait for the Alpha 2 to be launch.I would like to pull out some ideas I got that maybe have been already covered in another topic, so I will apologise for that first. I couldn't be more interested in building, crafting, trading, farming, mining, exploring, and all the other neutral or Pve oriented aspects the game offers, I simply love them as a gamer, but… according to this, I have to mention two of my favourite games, wich represent two of my favourite genres: I love Minecraft, and I love Battlefield. Said that; just imagine an industrial decadent landscape, maybe around a huge mining facility, set in an exotic planet, far away from Alioth, where an enormous amount of resources in the form of technology, or precious materials are safely kept and heavy guarded. Now imagine an epic scale conflict taking place in such an environment, with dozens of different troops running around in armored player designed transport vehicles; with specialized soldiers building bunkers and trenches, while others are manning big turrets and other fixed heavy weapons, stablishing defensive lines; with elite troops dressed in heavy power armors running into first line combat, while big panzer-like vehicles provide them with armoured support; with light atmosferic warships crossing the sky at match 2 speed, offering air support to the soldiers on the ground, and engaging in crazy dogfighting with enemy vessels; imagine the ambient filled with fire and explosions, with ships falling from the sky, with loudy engines furiously working, with desperate screams from fallen soldiers and orders being demanded by army commanders. Just imagine the cost in resources involved in such event, the gameplay related to the logistics, transport, communication, and hierarchy it implies. And of course imagine the PvP combat. Imagine that kind of Dual Universe. 

Maybe I am dreaming too much, but I´m thinking of Warhammer 40k and similar epic sci´fi universes, and the possibility to experience something like that from inside. Something in a CFC vs Test Alliance fashion, but in a new, unheard epic scale. Burning the sky, taking place above and along the planet's orbit, and down the ground level, all at once.

I only have two questions for now:

-Does PvP system, wich I understand has to be limited in some way to work properly, allow to represent conflicts like the one I tried to describe? For the sake of the ancients, how?


-I think for the drama to be driven correctly, a simple spawning after death system like the one we have in most PvP shooters like BF or COD won't work. I´m aware of the resurrection nodes, but, dont you think for many situations to be epic and has a true meaning, death should definitely be a factor in terms of penalization? Don not missunderstand me, I dont want a bunch of crazy psychopats wandering around the planets killing everyone and by doing that ruining their experience f the game, but at the same time, I trust the community could easily came up with an emergent-gameplay clever solution for this, like a bounty hunting system, a security agency, a private or federal army, etc. I´m just thinking of the epic possibilities of introducing real drama in such universe.

Thats my message in a bottle, for the community, and the devs, to obtain some answers, or to start an interesting discussion. Iam from Spain, so I apologise if i wrote something wrong, for sure I did.


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