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Permissions Expansion

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So I just read up about how territory is going to work, and how the force field idea is implemented, and it got me thinking: Will there be/is there, a more in depth system of permission setting then just allowing or not allowing someone access?

I would suggest we have options like "tagging" all, but for organizations once implemented in game. Also, I drop down menu based UI would be welcome, though the current one seems to work fine from the Dev footage. This drop down based system could be per "tag" (an individual, all, organization, etc), and have a default setting.


I'd like to hear any other ideas other people have about this, because sharing rights can be a tedious things sometimes. Any other "tags" like the "all" "tag", are especially invited, because I'm more interested in those mechanics at least to start with.

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6 hours ago, Queejon said:

Will there be/is there, a more in depth system of permission setting then just allowing or not allowing someone access?

The planned RDMS (Rights and Duties Management System) for DU will be the most sophisticated system ever seen in an MMO.


The devblogs are currently being migrated to a new section of the website, once that's complete you'll be able to find the relevant blog more easily.

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