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VR Headset Support


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Searched the forum and couldn't find this topic, which I find very surprising. 

My Oculus Rift is expected to arrive this weekend and now I'm wondering if DU will have support for it. Please, pretty please?

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In one of the dev articles, the reasoning for First Person Perspective was given (iirc):-


1. It's more immersive. A view (ho-ho-ho) I've become much more comfortable with in fact to the point where I feel it's easily superior to 3rdpp for such a Virtual World (VW)

2. There was a vague aspiration to the fact 1stpp "COULD" support such as VR interfaces. But nothing direct on VR and nothing specifically with regard to the OR implementation.


I'm sure the sentence in the developer diary (?) could be dug up...

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