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  1. Introduction The primary mindset behind our conception is to promote and establish strong bonds through unity and order. Triumvirate functions like a Brotherhood. We teach and learn to cooperate in a Tri-force fashion instead of isolated singular units. Symbolism The three colored triangles stand for individual Faction members and the triarchy among our ranks. Their position inside the circle is a reflection of the teamwork required, to support each other. The circle represents the Faction's Unity as a whole. Everyone in line within will find support and sanctuary. Last but not least, the central white triangle reflects the fruits of everyone's labor through unity and cooperation. Recruitment We are looking for people that strive for teamwork and dedication. If you want to be a part of your own small crew then Triumvirate is the right place for you. Here, all new recruits are divided and organized into three manned squads in relation to their aspirations. Form an application through the Community Portal or join our Discord Server and pm @Armedwithwings directly. Choose your Specialization All work within Triumvirate is divided into three specializations. Members are encouraged to dedicate themselves to work that's related exclusively on their respected profession. Architecture Designer Builders and Architects of all kinds. Members part of this profession specialize in everything construct related. From structure designs to room decoration they are responsible for providing the Faction's living and working facilities. Excavation Specialist People in charge of Ore Prospecting and Resource mining are part of the Excavators. Through their hard work we create the essentials to operate our Faction. They are the heart and lungs of Triumvirate as without them nothing would be possible. Ship Engineer Created for ship designers and haulers alike. The Mechanized Division is in charge of maintaining crafts and run resupply missions. Constantly on the move, there is always something to be done. Faction Structure First Echelon - Triumvirate Company Squad Members - Supervisors ────────────────── Second Echelon - Triumvirate Officer Party Commanding Officers - Administrators ────────────────── Third Echelon - Triumvirate Central Command Chiefs of Staff - Legionnaires ────────────────── Senate - Triumvirate High Command Legates - Triumvirs ────────────────── Tri-Squad Members Tri-squads are tasked to cooperate united at all times towards a single goal. Triumvirate Brotherhood detachments share the same workspace,living quarters and remain unchangable for their remaining enlistment period. They are charged one vessel and perform duties as a single entity, never divided. Each Tri-squad will be assigned an elected Supervisor. Among other duties, they will be tasked of keeping their squad present at all times and conveying orders from their superiors. ─────────────────── Commanding Officers A Commanding Officer will be overseeing one Tri-squad and assign their daily work schedule determined, by either through "job boards"or Administrational orders. The job of a Commanding Officer is to keep a detailed log of his squad's completed assignments and report them to the "Administrator". ───────────────────────── Administrators Administrators are individuals in charge of the Faction's needs by coordinating the Brotherhood's workforce/military. Their tasks among others include holding responsibility for two Commanding Officers,regularly updating their designated Platoon's job board and formulating their activity reports. They receive their orders from either the Chiefs of Staff or the Legionnaires. ─────────────────────────────────────────────── Chiefs of Staff Command of each legion lies in the hands of two Chiefs of Staff along with their Legionnaire. Being the cream of the crop of Triumvirate,these highly skilled individuals hold tremendous authority and equal responsibility. Through their Ranks, a Legionnaire is elected in power though the legion's favor. ──────────────────────────────────────────────── Legates Generals/Senate along with the Faction Leader are the ones who make the plans to shape the Brotherhood's future. Behind any major decision,a council is organized to determine the best course of action. Each General/Senate party will be held responsible for a Major Faction Asset. ──────────────────────────────────── Triumvirs The central leadership role of Triumvirate is in the hands of the Faction Leader and two prestigious legates called Triumvirs. These influencial parties can be elected in power through the Senate only once every year
  2. Was just curious about how people felt about the potential for private servers? I am a streamer and one thing that happens to us on public servers (even really large ones) is getting sniped. The idea of a single place for people to populate a world is a thrilling "idea". In practical application though these things usually don't end the way you want them to in an uncontrolled environment. Someone who becomes bored might decide to fly their ship into your carefully crafted city and you lose hours of work. I would love to the the ability to have server hosting for this game so that the larger communities servers that have application processes and rules would be able to utilize this game. I am also an avid RP streamer and that community is really excited for something like this to come along. Experience shows that in an open server not everyone likes to play ball and grief instead when you are trying to tell a story. Anyways I would love to hear what others thoughts are on the potential of server hosting for the game, pros, cons and the like. Cheers SteelRain27
  3. [FR] PRÉFACE --------------------- Confédération de commerçant se plaçant en neutralité parfaite sur l'échiquier diplomatique de l'univers Dual. Trust us, because we trust you. Serveur vocal Site communautaire La DELTA Confederation est une organisation à but de commerce, nous sommes des bâtisseurs, pour une bonne partie des passionnés d'architecture, attirés par la folie des grandeurs et du design building. Notre objectif n'est autre que de créer un climat propice aux échanges et interactions entre joueurs et/ou organisations, tout en regroupant diverses organisations confédérées en notre cloud. Nous sommes des pacifistes, notre organisation n'entrera jamais en guerre de son initiative. Nos services, vont de la conception technique, au stock de ressource pour des organisations nomades dans des ambassades en leurs noms sur notre territoire, tout en passant par la vente de ressources primaires ou secondaires. L'objectif de la DELTA Confederation est de pérenniser un climat neutre et convivial entre tout les acteurs de l'économie de Quanta City. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Site communautaire Serveur vocal [EN] PREAMBLE --------------------- Merchant confederation placing itself in perfect neutrality on the diplomatic spectrum of the Dual universe. Trust us, because we trust you. Vocal server Organization board The DELTA Confederation is an organization for commercial purposes, we are builders, for a good part of architecture enthusiasts, attracted by the madness of grandeur and design building. Our goal is to create a climate conducive to exchanges and interactions between players and / or organizations, while bringing together various confederate organizations in our cloud. We are pacifists, our organization will never go to war on its own initiative. Our services range from technical design, to resource stocks for nomadic organizations in embassies to their names in our territory, while passing on the sale of primary or secondary resources. The goal of the DELTA Confederation is to maintain a neutral and friendly atmosphere among all players in the economy of Quanta City. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Organization board Vocal server
  4. Hi, I'm Ever_green. I've always shown an interest in space games and about four months ago I found dual universe. I loved the idea of a virtual civilization and I think dual universe is going to achieve that. So I bought a contributor pack. I cant wait for this game to come out its like a dream come true for me. I alsoi created two organazations here they are: https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/evergreen-alliance https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/evergreen-industries
  5. Is alpha going to be the same thing as space engineers, but without damage? - _ -
  6. Hi all, I've been a long time lurker here and decided to finally register to ask a question that's been bothering me. I understand that there's a lot, if not most of this game that isn't quite set in stone. There's a lot of questions I want to ask but I know most of then can't really be answered yet. What I do want to ask is about the so called "persistent universe". Now in the F.A.Q. it's a little vague about how it describes the way the universe functions. It is implied that it is infinite but it never directly says it either so I'm left unsure about how that will all work. I'm pretty interested in the political concepts that are being looked at. It seems to be possibly derivitve of EVE Politics which is to me a good thing, politics in EVE are probably the most interesting part about that game. However it should be know that often times what drives political conflicts and wars in EVE and even in our own history is landgrabs, there's always some peice of land or territory that somebody else wants to get their hands on. My question is that if there is no limit to how much territory there can be, what value does it even really have? I've read plenty already and I see it being said that it will take a long time to even claim territory and try to spread out amongst the stars which is all well and good but let's be real here nobody outside the dev team really has anyway to measure that. In EVE territory is limited, and with low supply comes high demand and spectacular conflicts ensue as a result. If it's easy to just explore some more and get more land why would anybody fight over it? Obviously the idea of a never ending MMO universe sounds cool but is it really the best thing to do? Or will politics not really matter as much in this game. If this question has already been answered then I apologize, I searched but didn't find anything anywhere. Tl;Dr basically what the title says
  7. The Empire is an organization that values Honor, Loyalty, Wisdom, but above all else, it values Respect among its people and its Military. The Imperial Military has probably the most advanced Ranking and Communication system yet and in Battle Scenarios, we train our Military Leaders in the art of war. Our fleets are comprised of ships that can decimate an entire planet if called for but we are not tyrants, we are peacekeepers but when our territory is threatened our fleets will go to war. We have an Economy plan that will shine brightly as a beacon of success and of industry as our worlds grow and our citizens get rich.As our Emperor said "you could become a multi-billionaire if you wish" all with the help of the Empire. But if you don't want to be a businessman/businesswoman or you don't want to be in the Military, you could be in the IAD or Imperial Advanced Development and be constructing the great imperial fleets or you could be a Researcher in IAD-RD or Imperial Advanced Development Research Division, this Division is for researching new technologies and constructs prototype ships for the imperial fleets to test.This is the Link to our Website if you would like join us we would be glad to have you!http://dualempire.com/
  8. Who here has Alpha access? And how is super hyped for it to begin? I don't know about you guys but the recent mining gif was spectacular. I literally jumped out of my seat and cried allowed to my girlfriend "Did you see that dust effect?!?!" she then gave me a subtle raised eyebrow. Although I still believe that if we all jump around and make a bunch of noise the alpha will get here faster! =D
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