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Found 11 results

  1. My friend and I have been playing for a about a week now, and today by accident I discovered that CTRL-Double Left Click within the inventory does a select all function in containers/nanopacks. I couldn't find this in any ingame tooltips, we've actually been annoyed thinking this didn't exist and have been manually selecting via CTRL+Left Click 1 by 1 to drag multiple items around. This is mostly a "Newbie Help" item, to add it to the context menu where I see there is room left for more tool-tips. Please see screen capture for my suggestion to add this tool-tip. -Neoki
  2. Hi, my in-game name is Reg-01. I'm from Queensland, Australia (UTC +10). I started playing DU a few months ago, however I wasn't able to get very far until another player who was playing another game, invited me to join his DU Society (New Genesis). Thanks to the leader of the Society (TMA), within an hour or 2, I had a much better understanding of the basics like which keys to press and in what order. This game has a lot of potential, however in my view it needs some point of difference from similar MMORP Games like Entropia Universe, Empyrion Galactic Survival and Eve Online. These games have a sophisticated and well-developed virtual market place, structure and vehicle building, Player Vs Player and Player Vs Environment. The challenge with these game is for them to continue holding your interest. Once you build a nice base, join a faction/society, get some PvP and PvE ships, and participate in raids and dog fights, what do you do next? So I hope NQ and dedicated players can find ways to challenge the mind of the players with less experience, whilst maintaining a fair, equitable and non-bullying environment. I also fervently hope they will discourage 'Pirates' from playing or being a part of their Society. I'm usually up for a chat online or preferably Discord (New Genesis channel) or one of the other games mentioned above (similar in-game name). All the best. C U there!
  3. Hi Guys and Gals, Moose here. Thought I would pop in here since I’m a backer now. I’m currently an Eve industrialist that will be moving over. Everything I have watched on YouTube and it looks like the manufacturing process is going to be really different. Can’t wait to get started! So... someone want to throw the switch in the shard so we can get going? ? Moose42!
  4. HI, i just want to say hello.☺️
  5. Hello Everyone! It's nice to meet you all, been interested in this game for a while now and glad to be part of the community. Though I haven't been able to join any of the tests do to the game locking up when trying to connect to the server. But maybe one day I'll be able to join you all.
  6. Hi guys, New Novean's here with improper english knowledge. Recently i found this game on the net and i really like the idea behind it. (both the raised technical difficulties and core sandbox concepts). Thus i have backed immediately. Oh and i was an "EVE ONLINE" player too, so Thumps up for single-shards-sandbox universe! See you in Alpha and good luck for the developers. o7 Starkky
  7. Hi, I must admit this game/mmo/simulator only appeared on my radar two days ago. Since then I am consuming all I can. I will be signing up for the gold this evening. I have a vast background of MMO experiences spreading across multiple "stylized" genres over 20+ years. I have been a part of server/continent firsts, I have played with 2 friends and achieved nothing, but I have always pushed myself and those around to have fun. I have been hardcore and I have been relaxed. I played Frontier Elite II on an Amiga back in the day, I was interested in Dangerous, but some aspects of that turned me off so I never invested the time. The experience this game is going to represent will be something I have not been able to experience before, voxel and construction gaming. As an individual who grew up building spaceships with lego and watching every scrap of sci-fi I could, this excites me. As an individual who hears JC mention Ready Player One in interviews, this intrigues me. As an individual who understands politics, governance, and leadership within an MMO is just as important as a statistic, this game makes me drool! I am hoping that the building aspects of this platform are balanced enough that someone who does not have this as background can hit the ground running and can enjoy a learning curve that reflects a natural growth. I look forward to engaging with all of my fellow persons who feel the same. Thank you, Perseus Founder of Mycenae
  8. required first post for the discordio~ lets see... so have an original meme i guess?
  9. Hey guys/gals, So I've been here a while but I tend to stay away from forums, but I am really enjoying this game and I'm looking forward to playing with all of ya'll!! I actually had to upgrade some parts on my PC to be able to really enjoy the game xD but it's good now and I can't wait to really dig into the game! V/R Shadow_pryo
  10. Hello to Everyone and to all first Immigrant of Dual Universe A half year ago i found some information about this great project. Yesterday after a long search i found back to this insane project. But unfortunately a little too late to participate in the kickstarter campaign. It has changed alot here. Now, however, I am a bit unsure about to get the right ACCESS to this early phase. I would like to support this project with buying a pledge, but i am not sure which one of these offers would give me the right access to dive in. Do you have any recommendation for me? I would be so happy. Many thanks =) Je vous remercie =)
  11. Hello all, I'm just dropping by to say hi, I've been a member of the discord group for a while now, but never got around to hitting the forum. I'm a youtuber and will be, when I get my hands on it, doing videos on Dual Universe, so get yourself sub'd now if you like watching gameplay videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/BladeofAkire I backed enough for alpha, so looking forward to that day when it transitions from pre-alpha to alpha. I've been enjoying watching the construction videos, I find them strangely therapeutic!! Anyhow, I'll leave it there for now! {aB;}
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