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  1. Kraken Industries (Logo by Alethion) Do you use money? Do you sell or buy items? Are you a member of BOO? If the answer to any of those questions is yes, you will probably end up doing business with us. Kraken Industries is a group dedicated to meeting the needs of Band of Outlaws and other groups. We specialize in markets, infrastructure and manufacturing. We hope be the leading supplier for all of our customers' needs. We are here to get the economy working, for you! How are we structured? We have three departments: Infrastructure, Trading, and Manufacturing. Each department has a Director, and the Directors answer to the CEO. Infrastructure - This department is responsible for building and maintaining physical assets such as mines, market units, stargates, factories, and so on. It is also responsible for making these available to the wider community for a fair price. Joining this department will provide many opportunities in construction, exploration, and negotiation. Trading - This department is in charge of all market and broker services. This includes serving as market makers, brokers, commodity exchanges, bulk trades, consumer markets, and logistics. This group is in charge of making sure you have someone to sell your goods to, or buy goods from, and that other groups are able to get the resources they need at the prices they want. Joining this department provides ample opportunities to practice your spreadsheet skills and rake in the big bucks! Manufacturing - This department is tasked with building things, with turning raw lumps of rock into the products that consumers want, and materials that industries need. This ranges from refining minerals, to building intermediary parts, to constructing finished ships. This department takes advantage of Kraken's Trading and Infrastructure resources to deliver goods at competitive prices. Joining this department The departments structure themselves as needed. What sets us apart? We are a Special Interest Group of Band of Outlaws, meaning that we get all of the benefits of being BOO members. This also means we have a good base of people to do business with. Not only do members get paid for the work they do, but every member also recieves dividends of the groups overall profits. This means you aren't working to make some elusive shareholders or absentee robber baron rich, you are working to make yourself rich! Our shares system means that profits are divided pretty equitably, so even the CEO doesn't make an obscene amount more than an average member. (more detail on this to come) Vertical Integration. By combining and controlling multiple stages of production and service, all the way from manufacturing to distribution we can lower our costs, generating higher profits and saving our customers money. Driven by Data. We believe in innovation and in understanding the markets on a deeper level. That's why we are driven to analyze the markets with everything from Big Data to statistical modeling. Our tools allow us to spot trends and gain insights that can shape our business practices. Want to apply? Join our Discord server ( https://discord.gg/eHdEhBz ) or contact @Lord_Void! Check us out at https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/kraken-industries#tab-description
  2. As I currently understand it, Stargates will be usable based on having the proper permissions or something along the lines of a key. The Stargate owner can collect fees when people use the gate. This is a nice system; it's simple, but I think it can be easily expanded. I think a system that can be based on the mass of the ship will allow for more emergent gameplay around stargates. People could of course choose to just have a flat rate, if that is what they prefer. I propose three additions: The ability to charge a fee for using the stargate based on the mass of the ship. The ability to set different tiers of mass that have different tax rates. The ability to crate different "keys" or permission levels that have different tax settings. I will now go into more detail why I think this is good system and why it should be very easy to implement. First, taxes based on mass: why? Well, it's more fair. Why should someone who is flying a tiny shuttle pay the same fees as a space trucker who is hauling millions of kilograms of goods? How do you balance the two if you can only charge a flat tax? A mass tax helps solve that. If you charge one Quanta per 10 kilos and the shuttle is 1000kg, then that person pays 100 Quanta whereas the massive freighter of, say, 10,000,000kg pays a million Quanta. The freighter can easily afford a larger sum because it will make money off of the cargo it is carrying and it is just a cost of doing business. The pilot of the smaller ship will be happy because their fees will be low, since they don't have to pay some middle ground, one size fits all rate. The stargate owner is happy because it let's them collect more taxes overall while still remaining competitive. How difficult would this be to implement? It shouldn't be too hard based on what we know. NQ have indicated that ship and cargo mass will be taken into consideration by the physics engine, so they data already exists and all that has to be done is some basic multiplication. The plus side of this is that since cargo is also already accounted for, an empty cargo ship pays less fees than one that is fully loaded Mass tiers, this is where it really starts to get interesting. Users should be able to set "tiers" of mass that have different rates between them. For example, perhaps the rate for ships between 0kg - 10,000kg is 0.1 Quanta per kg, 10,001kg - 50,000kg is 0.5 Quanta per kg, and 50,001kg and up is 1 Quanta per kg. In this way, the large ships get the more they have to pay. Consider three ships: Ship 1 is 5,000kg and pays 500 Quanta. Ship 2 is 30,000kg and pays 15,000 Quanta. Ship 3 is 120,000kg and pays 120,000 Quanta. Why would you want to do this? To dissuade larger ships either for market reasons or military reasons. Or perhaps there is the theory that the bigger the ship, the more money the owner has to burn. That's up to the gate owner, but the true power of the mass tiers comes out with the third point. Different keys. The tax settings should be tied to each key and not to the gate itself, allowing for different keys with different settings for different people. There are many reasons that people travel and this would allow the fee system to be better suited for each person. I will give an example. Perhaps someone is coming to tour an empire, or apply for a job or whatever, and they need to get around but don't want to spend a ton on fees. Naturally, the people who live in the region don't want somebody who may not be fully trusted dumping a ton of goods on the market to compete with local businesses or bringing in a large battleship and causing trouble, so the tourist is given a key designed to meet these needs. The key could be set so each use under 2,000kg is only 20 Quanta but over 2,000kg it's 20 Quanta per kg. So if that tourist tries to bring in a 20,000kg freighter they are going to be smacked with a 400,000 Quanta fee. More taxes for the gate owner and it strongly discourages that tourist from bringing in larger ships or a lot of cargo. It's emergent and not set in stone. You could also raise the price even further to really discourage large ships. Maybe over 10,000kg it's 500 Quanta per kg! That's 10,000,000 Quanta for that same 20,000kg freighter! Good luck turning a profit on that. So long as that tourist follows the guidelines of their key, they can avoid paying much in fees, but if they try to do stuff that they are not supposed to they will pay the price, literally.
  3. In real life cities are built for a number of reasons (duh!): access to workplaces (income), shops (food, clothes, goods etc.), communication (internet), infrastructure (energy, water, waste disposing, public transportation), healthcare, leisure, etc. These fundamental factors which contribute to urbanization IRL won't be pretty much present in DU. People will be spread around different organizations, cartels, syndicates, corporations, etc., maintaining their own infrastructure, energy grid, factories, landing/docking/building sites, defense systems, etc. So I guess we won't be seeing large cities in DU, unless some very dedicated urbanists will be willing to design them just for the sake of design itself. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel discouraged from playing DU in any aspect whatsoever, however I just realized the things I've written above and it kinda made me a little upset, that's all. Or maybe I'm just plain wrong?
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