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Found 4 results

  1. Welcome to Serious Industries. (The main language of this organization is "German". News and other important things will be translated in English). Deutsch: Als Mitglied hast du Zugang zur gesamten Fabrik auf Sanctuary. Ich habe mich auf die Herstellung von Gütern spezialisiert, so dass ihr das meiste aus der geringsten Menge an Material herausholen könnt. Die Fabrik wird immer weiter ausgebaut und auch eine Fabrik auf Alioth ist Geplant. Aktuelle Gegenstände, die hergestellt werden können: N = Menge des benötigten Gegenstands G = Menge des Gegenstands, den Sie erhalten Eisen: Hämatit N532.35L / Eisen G465.75L Kohlenstoff: Kohle N532.35L / Kohlenstoff G453.60L Aluminium: Bauxit N532.35L / Aluminium G453.60L Mehr Kommt noch! English: As a member you have access to the entire factory on Sanctuary. I specialize in manufacturing goods so you can get the most out of the least amount of materials. The factory is always expanding and there are also plans for a factory on Alioth. Current items that can be made: N = amount of item needed G = amount of item you will receive. Iron: Hematite N532.35L / Iron G465.75L Carbon: Coal N532.35L / Carbon G453.60L Aluminum: Bauxite N532.35L / Aluminum G453.60L More to come!
  2. Once alpha starts and ends, then beta, then eventually the final release... I'm just curious what NQ plans to do with the forums during those times. This is the first time I've been a part of any pre-alpha community and I really want to know. Ever since I started taking part in alphas and betas, I always figured that the forums would be archived in separate pre-alpha, alpha, and beta folders, but strangely I've never seen this in any other game I've played. Sure the game has moved into a new state, the old stuff is no longer relevant, why delete it though? Maybe I'm just appealing to my inner historian, but some of the stuff we discuss here on the forums impacts where the game goes in the future. Wouldn't it be awesome to just dig around in some of those pre-release threads and laugh at some of the ridiculous (and sobering) discussions and ideas that we've had and be able to compare it to the current game? It might be inevitable that what is discussed here would be deleted at some point in development or lost in some unorganized jumble post-release, but I'd really love to see some organization and sorting away done with these pre-release threads when the time comes later next year. Hell, I got 6TB of drive space, I could archive some parts of this on my own if it comes to that. Thoughts?
  3. Hello every one, I plan on publishing an E-book on Amazon But i need your help guys to decide what genre it will be and when it will be based, As the Ark ship lands and after it? a Thousand years after it when billions of humans populate the stars with different governments with a saucy galactic war between different governments? Also if any of you would like to suggest what the Book could be about then just simply reply below. Oh by the way if any one is good with digital work if some one could make me a cover once the Genre and all that is decided then that would be nice. Am i a very lazy author for asking all you guys this instead of thinking it up my self? Yes and no. It takes a long time for a book to go from planning to being published due to the Authors taking a lot of time to brain storm every thing that goes on it the book, By asking you guys all this i could potentially get it published much faster, not only this but Dual Universe is a Sci-Fi game with a lot of Sci-Fi fans playing this and since my book is going to be a Sci-Fi one why not get the opinions of potential readers? Because what i think makes a good book might not actually make a good book because every one has opinions right?
  4. Hello every one, I plan on publishing an E-book on Amazon But i need your help guys to decide what genre it will be and when it will be based, As the Ark ship lands and after it? a Thousand years after it when billions of humans populate the stars with different governments with a saucy galactic war between different governments? Also if any of you would like to suggest what the Book could be about then just simply reply below. Oh by the way if any one is good with digital work if some one could make me a cover once the Genre and all that is decided then that would be nice.
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