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-47th Legion -Alliance of Free Worlds -Cerberus Expeditionary Fleet -Diverse Unified Alliance -Galactic Republic of Planets -Imperial Cinderfall Syndicate -Pax Imperius -Redstone Masons
[] Free Worlds Alliance The Free Worlds Alliance is an active community of individualists who respect both personal freedom, Liberties and Ideas, We Applaud Those with the same ideology where people are free to go about their way of life, be it but not limited to the following: - Anarchist - Democrats - Dictators - Monarchists - Nepotists - Communists - National Socialists - Technocrats - Theocratic - Any other part of the social spectrum when dealing with a civilization(s) and their peoples... If you are any of these, The Free Worlds Alliance is here for YOU! That's right, We support the right of FREEDOM, The right of Individualists, 1 man empires and the such to be protected under the mighty Free Worlds Alliance! If you are interested in assigning yourself under our interstellar nuclear umbrella feel free to join up, And be protected by the combined military machine of the ALLIANCE! F#CK YEAH! Here's how it works. We share our militaries for the purpose of civil defense, War time purpose's and Espionage against other Alliances like that other one on this page..*cough* But we respect your authorityyyy* as you are in command of your own empire, how it runs and the likes. Our duties will regularly evolve around spying on people, The governmental structure will be as follows; The Council - The Council will be the combined heads of each empire state, Here matters such as war declaration**, Shenanigans**, shenanigans**. shenanigans** and more shenanigans and maby butthurt** will take place. Oh and also Diplomacy*, Should never forget about lolplomacy**. The Military - The Military will be the combined armed forces of the Alliance, Each Empire will contribute a different field of technology as their focal point. e.g. Dictatorship A will Be specialized in shield technology, Republic B will specialize in unit tactics and Strategy, Banana empire C will like to rush the enemy and launch a blitz of missiles. etc etc. Advocacy - The Advocacy will be an External Civilian Organisation that strives to spread the beautiful elegance of this system to other empires, here we will strive to recruit empires into our Union. Until our Alliance will become a galactic peace* bringing gestalt of different civilizations... Illuminati** - The Illuminati are the combined intelligence services of all of the sovereign states, They will have diplomatic immunity and supreme authority over war time matters and butthurt matters, They are involved in finding information on suspects - And other empires - Are involved in paranormal matters including, but not limited to: - Lost Souls - Missing Wives - Women who turn into little girls - Buildings that vanish and reappear - Sustained virtual Realities for people in custody - Special flag shapes - Bot empires - People who question our ethics - And a range of other unorthodox methods If any of the above interests you, Feel free to PM me and we can add you to the list of free sovereign states. Long live the Alliance! *= Things that are most likely never going to happen **= Things that are most likely going to happen