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  1. Hello fellow citizens! Welcome to the Osiris Federal Republic! Organized around the ideas of freedom and prosperity, our organization gives our members complete freedom in how they wish to live within Dual Universe and their contribution towards the nation! The SFR is a democratic organization, one that promotes liberty and defends it from those who wish to rule with tyranny! From our vast new member programs, to our reward system, our government is here to support all our citizens! We believe firmly in letting our members' creativity grow and expanding their knowledge in the depth of Dual Universe with the help of our Alpha Veterans. From mining to PvP, we support any and all play styles within the verse! Our robust community provides opportunities in all sectors and is supported by a firm belief in merit. Hard work is at the core of any successful organization, and we provide exceptional means of rewarding our members. With the institution of national programs such as wages, dividend/share distribution and fair recognition, our members have the means of rising through the ranks with dedication and creating success! At Osiris we also offer immense protection services. Whether it be through the routine patrols by our expansive fleet or the safe havens of our cities and stations, Osiris is sure to provide a secure environment for you to succeed! We are looking for creative intuitive members who are willing to work in a team environment for the better of the organization. With us, your choice matters and your opinions are always heard. We facilitate and welcome an environment that will enable you to be yourself. The nation is divided into multiple ministries of governance, who work synonymous with each other. While working within the departments of your choosing, you will be offered the choice of being tightly integrated within our teams that expertise in their roles, while at the same time offering the autonomy and freedom you desire. Our three ministries consist of; the Ministry of Development, Ministry of Defence, and the Ministry of State! Please check out our website for more information! https://osirisfederal.wixsite.com/a-new-beginning/ At the leadership level, we have integrated pathways for promotions within the organization. Hard work is always recognized and rewarded! Members have both the economic prosperity associated with your freedom as well as the access to immense resources to construct the next titans of the fleet! Like any successful organization, communication among our members is paramount. That's why we offer a 24/7 active discord community to converse and make lasting friendships that organically develop beyond the scope of this virtual reality! Hope to see all of you soon! https://discord.gg/sm54skF
  2. Greetings everyone, I am Daralax, Leader of the IDS Independent Diplomatic Specialists is an org that will do diplomatic business on the behalf of orgs and players, from peace treaty's to trade agreements, we will ensure that you don't get screwed over. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/independent-diplomatic-specialists Discord: https://discord.gg/f5QyWbk IDS
  3. Discord: voice.grplanets.com or discordapp.com/invite/MJddkYt Forums: forum.grplanets.com - coming soon Galactic Republic of Planets - The Republic - URA Founded: 12.390.01 (Year: 12,390 - Month 1 or Year 1) Capital: Unkown (Alioth?) Legislature: Republic Council Official Language: Republic Basic/Standard Currency: Unknown - Republic Credit - Galactic Credit(which ever currency gets placed in game) Government: President of the Galactic Republic of Planets Republic Council Republic Guard Backstory The Galactic Republic of Planets was founded on 12.390.01 by Rison Gillard. (One of my Eve Online Characters and the name of my Dual character) Rison Gillard was among the first wave of individuals aboard the USS Novark - Along with Sohan Decker and others - to be awaken first in order to explore, exploit and report on the new planet found planet the Novark had landed on, Alioth. After a month of exploring, exploiting and learning. Rison Gillard learned that, all by himself, he wasn't going to get anywhere, thus decided to found a small guild of players, after which this became known as the "Galactic Republic of Planets" even though the only explored planet at the time was Alioth. The Year is now 12.390.02 and the Galactic Republic of Planets looks to a bright and peaceful future amongst the stars of the new galaxy. The Galactic Republic Government is divided into 3 areas all responsible on the different aspects of the Republic. Foremost is the President of the Galactic Republic of Planets, followed by the Republic Council and Lastly the Republic Guard. President:Commander-in-Chief of all Republic Guard Forces Head of the Republic Republic CouncilRepresentatives from each planet. Can declare war/peace Can remove a president Republic GuardThe Republic guard serves as the principal means for conducting deep-space exploration, research, defense peacekeeping and diplomacy of The Galactic Republic of Planets.The Republic Guard is broken down into the following sections;Republic Command - Republic Command is the headquarters of the Republic Guard. Republic Academy - Where all new recruits are trained. Republic Intelligence - Entrusted with foreign and domestic espionage, counter-espionage, and state security. Republic Operations - Main research and development branch. Republic Tactical - responsible for planning defensive/offensive strategies, as well as engaging in weapons research and development. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Starting Point/Stance: Due to the fact that the Republic will not be able to be a full republic at the launch of the game, with just one planet; It will start off as a Military Force which will then expand into is proper form -(at this moment it will take the form an already established community from another game ran by @Comrademoco; as a Fleet -Borg Defiants & The 1st Fleet- Feel free to join us in main game; Star Trek Online...). Republic Guard - Exploration, Research and Development, Espionage, Trade, Diplomacy. Commanding Officer (1 Spot) Responsible for the overall direction of the fleet, her ships and her crew. Head figure of the fleet, all responsibility falls on his hands. Chief of Staff (1 Spot) Responsible for maintaining the structure/command of the Fleet.Admiral (5+ spots) Responsible for the day-to-day tasks, maintaining the fleet's crew and her ships.Captain (10+) Responsible for running/maintaining a Republic Guard's ship (cruiser or bigger in size) and its crew under his/her command. Commander (20+) Responsible for running/maintaining a Republic Guard's ship (Frigate or Destroyer) and its crew under his/her command.Lt. Commander Part of ship's crewLieutenant Part of ship's crewEnsign Part of ship's crew How To Join All you have to do is reply to this thread or send me a direct message via here on the forums.
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