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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, This post is being put up and polled to get NovaQuark's attention regarding certain mechanics of the game that may or may not be intentional. After a fair number of PvP engagements in DU I've noticed that people are beginning to dive deeper into the cube meta of DU. As in construct XS/Small Core ships that are just a big brick of ridiculousness and large weapons. By maximizing the entire build space of a construct people will fill it with voxel and other essential elements to just power punch an enemy off the field. An effective strategy I must say. While it is not the only strategy in the game I'm trying to view this topic from a longer term or generalized view of the game (from my perspective... which could be totally wrong). NQ and even JC has envisioned people building amazing and powerful ships to traversing the stars and battling each other for one reason or another. However, people will tend to follow the meta until NQ makes a change that forces the crowd to take a different path. With the current stance of PvP, NQ will begin to see more and more ships produced that are just shoe boxes or cubes with no thought, effort, or design prowess behind the build. Without going into too much detail or some long drawn out diatribe, I've created a poll with: Is a simple yes or no Is an option selection based on some ideas I and others have had regarding how to kill the cube and force people to build actual ships instead of boxes. I'm asking for NQ to prevent this from becoming a thing by nerfing the cube meta and forcing people to have to build legitimate ships.
  2. At this point, many of us realize the dangers of XS core sniper ships. For those that don't know, these are XS ships + Gunner seats that are typically equipped with something like a Space Radar L and Large Railgun L. I want to talk about the math and logic behind a scenario associated with these little bastards. Let's start with the math given a scenario involving an XS core sniper aggressor (A Team) against a fleet comprised of an M core freighter and and two XS core sniper escorts (B Team). A Team can lock and fire at the B Team freighter at a range of 160km. BOOM! That's a lot of damage! Of course, B Team also has XS core snipers as an escort so surely this battle is about to turn... right? Not quite. The B Team sniper could be an exact replica of the A Team sniper but unfortunately, B Team can only target the aggressor's XS core at a mere 40km. That's a big 'ole 120km difference between defensive and offensive distances (don't flame me on this comment just yet, read the next lines). While traveling in the big void of space this isn't too much of an issue. Logically, you could just have the escorts run 120km in front of and behind the freighter. The snipers could see and presumably handle anything coming up in front or approaching quickly from behind during tavel acceleration to 30km/h. But what about when there are aggressors spotted during the approach to the destination? Does the lead escort suffice in managing a flanking situation at the destination? The deceleration distance of freighters (even with a bunch of retro brakes) is measured in SU given the time it takes to slow down. We're talking several hundred km when our Space Radar L can only see out 400km. Is it too late at that point for the freighter to attempt an abort? Does the freighter just smash that WARP NOW button to zoom off to safely and say, "Several million in warp cells well-spent!" Does the freighter pilot just cover every spare inch of the ship with Retro-Rocket Brakes like he's making a pepperoni pizza at home? is this a moot point and none of this matters? Hell if I know. Discuss.
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