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  1. OUR VALUES We expect nothing of our members, other than a passion for coding and/or a desire to learn. Your time is your own, we will never try to manage our members in any way shape or form. Simply put, you have absolute freedom to do what you want in Dual Universe. OBJECTIVE To become a hub of individuals who love to code and game, and to make in-game money along the way. As a software developer, hacker or a scripting enthusiast you are in a unique position to make your mark in Dual Universe. You have skills that others do not posses, we are here to organize and focus our efforts and create world class code that will be used over and over again by Dual Universe players, willing to pay for the privilege. HOW WE OPERATE We will maintain a list of planned features. Any member is then free to contribute to those features. When we release a DPU, the lifetime profits will be shared amongst the contributors depending on the share of their contribution. So if you write half of a module that goes on to make in-game money, you'll get half the profit. You'll also get a cut for other contributions such as testing, or even for simply coming up with the idea in the first place. LEADERSHIP xNerox is the founder, however we are a self organizing meritocracy. You simply have to prove your worth, and could become the de-facto Leader until the next genius comes along and unseats you. NEWBIES PROGRAM Red Hat Systems recognizes the value of sharing knowledge with those who desire to learn. If you are thirsty for knowledge we will do our best to bring you on board and bring you up to speed. AFFILIATIONS Band Of Outlaws - We are proud members of the Band Of Outlaws. We are bound by one universal value: Freedom! The freedom to do what you want, where you want, when you want. We encourage all members and non-members alike to take a look and join Band Of Outlaws. There awaits your place in the dual universe.
  2. RED HAT SYSTEMS This topic, sponsored by Red Hat Systems, aims to inform players about the LUA scripting side of the game and clarify the facts. KNOWN ELEMENTS Propulsion Engines, Fuel Tanks, Cockpit, Navigation Instruments, Doors, Weapons, Batteries, Containers, Accelerometers, Radars, Targeters, Drone Bay, Elevator, Inclinometer (Gyroscope), and last but not least… CONTROLS UNITS / DISTRIBUTED PROCESSING UNITS Control Units – A control unit is the computer hardware, whereas the DPU (Distributed Processing Unit) is the computer's software. In fact, every element in the game will have a built-in DPU. The difference between control units and other elements is that the control units exist specifically to run player-customized DPU's, whilst the DPU's embedded in other elements are not customizable. DPU's will be distributed (sold, copied, transferred, etc) in black boxes. Think of the black box as a USB Memory Stick. Only a single black box can be inserted into a control unit at any one time, however a construct (ship, car, boat, factory, etc) can have many control units and therefore many black boxes. The black box is therefore simply a transport mechanism for the DPU. More on black boxes later. Each DPU will be capable of emitting events (standard pre-defined events written by the devs and also player-defined events written in LUA) and exposing executable functions (again, predefined + custom). The DPU will also have a collection of event handlers (again, predefined + custom: you get the idea). An event handler simply listens out for events, and then executes a function if a player-defined expression evaluates as true. Each DPU has multiple slots where other elements can be plugged into (Think of USB Ports). KNOWN EVENTS (EXAMPLES) self.radar1.enemyAt(x,y,z) KNOWN FUNCTIONS (EXAMPLES) self.inclinometer2.getRoll() self.Inclinometer4.getPitch() self.engine1.setPower(100) self.weapon7.fire() In the example events and functions above, “self” is simply a Lua keyword that implies the code is referring to its own scope. “radar1”, “weapon7”, etc are the names of the slot that is emitting the event or is being targeted to execute a function. “getRoll()” is an example of a function being invoked (safe to assume it will return a numeric value with roll angle). SYSTEM DPU The system DPU is rather special. It handles user input (emit event when a key is pressed) and also controls the flow of procedural code (as opposed to event driven) via the use of timers. I.E you could call system.setTimer(0.1) and provide a function that will be invoked every 100 milliseconds. Another awesome feature of the system API – Customizable GUI! That's right, via calls to system you can customize the games GUI. BLACK BOX/COMPONENT DPU A Component DPU is an element that you, as a programmer, will be selling to other players. It will abstract the functionality of your custom DPU into what can be seen as a compiled library. The end user will be able to consume your functions and events without seeing the underlying code. If the end-user is another programmer then they can use your Component DPU as a module to write their own Component DPU which requires your Component DPU in order to work. If the end-user is not a developer they can either drag and drop the required functionality via a simple UI, or they can make use of an auto-configure system (Think Plug and Play). SUMMARY What the devs have done here is give us access to the very tools they themselves use to build the game. When you use a Propulsion Engine, its functionality was written by the devs in the same way a player might customize a DPU. The Propulsion Engine has its own pre-defined fully functional DPU inside it. By introducing the concept of Control Units we as players can fully mod the game, from within the game. If we don't like the way the Propulsion Engine handles, that's fine, we can just overide the behaviour with our own code. The same for almost every element in the game. The devs has basicly created an in-game IoT (Internet-of-Things). This system literally redefines Emergent Gameplay, in fact it laughs in the face of Emergent Gameplay. Nothing else comes close. Intrigued? Love to code, or hungry to learn? Join the most advanced organization in Dual Universe. Red Hat Systems needs you!
  3. OUR GOAL: The main goal of Solaris Industries is to create the best ships modifications that one can buy - Whether it be for a small fighting ship, or for a massive space station. OPERATIONS: Everyone has ideas, if your idea sounds like a good/profitable one, discussions will be held on whether or not this is feasible, and if so, how it can be expanded on further to make a profit. THE PROBLEM THAT IS MONEY: If an idea has been developed and sells well on the market, a designer would want to know how the money would be split. Here at Solaris Industries we only believe it is fair that the person who first came up with the idea gets 50% of the overall earning of the modification. The other 50% will be split around to the rest of the people in the organisation who worked on this specific modification. (depending on how much they contributed and so on.) LEADERSHIP: While I am the founder of this organisation I believe that everyone is of equal worth, which is why everyone in this organisation will be valued as such. CUSTOMERS: Band of Outlaws - Confirmed Red Hat Systems - Still in the works... Apply now! https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/solaris-industries
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