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Posts posted by ODINxKANE

  1. I know that this was elluded to in the short story for this game. It seems that it is at least on the radar right now and im posotive that i read it elswhere although i cant for the life of me recall where exactly.

  2. i think this is going to end up essentialy being a bounty system. the idea of holding a player in "prison" is rediculous. From what i have read you own the space you make the rules, until someone bigger and better can take over your space and then they set the rules. With a bounty system you could pay to have a bounty placed on someones head and then they are opene up for all kinds of punishment including large booms. THis also caters to the criminal side to... if someone wants to be a criminal they can pride themselves on the size of the bounty on thier head. I would also make bounties so that they are paid by a player or faction as well... that means that in other areas of space that bounty may be meaningless. And also it can through a layer of possible treason and backstabbing into the mix.


    As far as punishment for cheating and what not... Cheating = Banned 

  3. lol my feelings on this are lets go new battle star galacitca as far as how they did sound in space (yes i realize that space is a vaccume that sound cannot pass through). They made it sound very muffled but still audible for space battles. This is a game after all not a full blown simulation.


    If your in the lets make this real camp, anytime your in space, turn off your speakers. Problem solved.

  4. I love the idea of a complicated process like this! but not mandatory as you said have a simplified process for those who do not. Just the more complicated the more efficient.


    I would like to have it for both refining and production though.

    I agree, i am more interested in building a ship and exploring. I would prefer not to spend a large amount of time going through a complicated process of refining substances. If i have to babysit a process and it detracts from what I personally consider to be the fun in the game, then the game quickly looses the appeal. If you make the process too complicated then you cut out the people who want to do other stuff in the game.


    What would i recomend?


    there are a couple of viable options.


    1. Make basic and advanced systems, but reward players that choose to go through the advanced option by making it more profitable or efficient


    2. Make a very robust player market system where instead of going through a long refining process i can simply buy what i need using in game credits


    3. make it complex, but for those of us that dont want to do it, give us the ability to assign an AI system or helper to manage it. (of course you have to build your AI system)

  5. if they implement mods in this game i would be surprised just for the simple fact that other players who dont have your mod wouldnt be able to see it or interact with it which could cause some imbalance issues. For example i have a modded cockpit that has a rediculous amount of armor, you dont have that mod and i attack you... how would that play out? What i would like to see is a system where maybe a modder can submit a design or mod to the devs and have it put into the game for everyone. I believe that community involvement is a huge plus in games.

  6. if they implement mods in this game i would be surprised just for the simple fact that other players who dont have your mod wouldnt be able to see it or interact with it which could cause some imbalance issues. For example i have a modded cockpit that has a rediculous amount of armor, you dont have that mod and i attack you... how would that play out? What i would like to see is a system where maybe a modder can submit a design or mod to the devs and have it put into the game for everyone. I believe that community involvement is a huge plus in games.

  7. "LIUTENANT?! why have we stopped?!"


    "S-sorry captain! there is a large school of space whales blocking our path!"


    "God damn them all!"

     RAMMING SPEED!!!!!!!!!




    wasnt there a game years and years ago where your space ship was a bio ship and you had to attack other bio ships to get blood to keep your ship alive and updated. I swear i owned it like 20 years ago or so.... Cant for the life of me remember what game it was though.

  8. @Dominar



    I suggested a grade system, ranging from 5 USD a month for a plain package to a 15 USD with extras thrown in, like cosmetic items or super rare unicorn color patterns or something. Thing is , 10 USD sub is cool for maintaining a server for such a game a DU is projected to be. But 15 USD would be dandy for maintaining the server and provide more resources for server tuning. And let's be honest, it took private servers in WoW over 10 years to finally make a server that works fine. Can you imagine some poor bastard trying to set up a D.U. private server? Holy shit, that would be a savage nightmare of codeing to pull off. So, as I see it, the devs can't be extorted by private servers.



    And a sidenote, WoW is 15 USD per month, but if you buy an annual package you save like... 2 months I think, perhaps more. Bottomline is, you buy sub in quantity, you save more money. 

    10 a month i think would be a comfortable number. although 15 for that fancy super rare unicorn color pattern sounds pretty sick lol. I also agree that buying in buld should make it a bit cheaper

  9. I would actually prefer something more agile, but anything that helps me gather resources and explore would be nice. Something besides flying around a planet in the ship would give more immersion, IMO.

    i agree, unless they make it small and agile enough to be able to work around my "base" or station. For instance if go mining in using my molecular deconstructor and lets say i can carry 1000m3 but i can put on an exo suit and carry 10,000m3 and can mine that amount in the same time or fast than the 1000m3 with no suite then it is certainly worth my time to try and engineer and build one.


    It would also have to show some sort of worthwhile advantage over something like a mining ship. On planets i imagine that the simple way to make it more useful than a ship would be something like fuel. A ship holding itself in a hover would eat a lot more fuel than something that uses gravity to its advantage.


    I can also see it being better for exploring on planets or asteroids where space is tight. something that can articulate itself into essentially different shapes, could be beneficial in say tunnels and caves.

  10. I think the point here isnt can we make them but why?We are alone on a new world, perhaps worlds after a while. Who do you need to fight? Do you need a mechsuit to hunt deer or bison? I think not. If there were aliens with advanced technology trying to throw us out of their systems, maybe, but other than that mechs would be not needed during the exploration and domesticating of a new world.


    The way i look at it the fact that there is going to be PVP is reason enough to try and build something that potentially would give you an advantage over your fellow players.


    The fact that certain people will specialize in different things like exploration, ship building etc... well maybe mech suits would be valuable to an explorer to help on a hostile planet (lora and fauna) or a lack of atmosphere etc...


    Could help with mining or construction for ship builders.


    The whole premise of this gaem is your creativity should come through, so your question is why, my question is why not...

  11. Hi everyone! 


    On behalf of the Novaquark team, thanks a lot for your support! 

    We were expecting to see Dual Universe received with skepticism by many as the game is really ambitious.

    We are aware that several promising projects have been cancelled or didn't deliver at all what was expected from them in the past few years. So seeing a lot of people skeptic is perfectly understandable and we can't blame anyone for that (the only case where we can't remain silent is when someone makes negative assumptions and present them as a truth). All we ask from skeptic people is to give us the benefit of the doubt, to wait and see what we will present over the coming months, and we will listen equally to positive and negative feedbacks. We will also try to improve our communication, to minimize risks of misinterpretation (as it has already happened once). 


    On the other hand,  we have seen the number of people supporting Dual Universe growing tremendously during the last month. And that has bolstered the motivation of the whole team! So thanks again for your support! You can always help us by just talking about the game to your friends, and if you don't convince them, it's perfectly fine: we aren't expecting to convince everyone with just discussions, some screenshots and one video at this point. Spreading the word that our game exists is already a big help! :)


    Best regards,


    Thanks for the info. THe way i see it, this game is very ambitious, but it isnt attempting the impossible. A lot of what they are attempting to do has been accomplished in one form or another. What sets this apart will be the ability to bring it all into one massive game on one server.

    I am impressed by what i have seen so far and as far as benefit of the doubt goes, ill give it to ya.


    I am mildly surprised that the nay-sayers have already come out swinging in some aspects, but on the same token my steam library is full of half delivered promises and abandoned games. The lessons i have learned is that games that have a lot of interaction with the devs and public tend to last a lot better than ones that dont. From what ive seen these devs pride themselves on seeing what the public is saying and have had interviews with bloggers and the such just to let people know that they are listening.


    I think i speak for most of us here when i say carry on with the good work and we all hope to be a part of making it a great game and watching it develop and grow.

  12. I can come up with legit reasons for monthly fee (or at least, a buy-to-play model)


    1) No  hackounts.


    See Planetside 2 and its glorious level 1 wall-walkers and fully unlocked account cheaters.


    2) No pay-to-win.


    You make a game free-to-play, you need to make money anyway. Would you like to lose PvP wars, because the other side can fight with the most powerful weapon of all, The Majestic Walletron, Carrier of Credit Cards? It's either subscription and no pay-to-win / pay-to-play-the-next-planet.


    This game aims for SERIOUSLY enormous proportions. Imagine all WoW servers ON THE SAME SERVER. You know, servers don't run on wishes. I tried ;'( I know. And servers need money, in other words, revenue, which needs to come from some other place than optional things like skins. Paying real cash, for spaceships, would be game-breaking, as the rich would simply roll out starships in PvP like no biggy. Now, I would like for the game to be pay-to-play, but no-sub. I don't like commitments - hat's how my goldfish died - but on the other hand, I don't want for people to log in loaded on cheats and just teleporting around the game. A paid-entry keeps away the cheaters, as these lesser form of humans, tend to be cheap as mothertruckers when it comes to paying for trolling. Perhaps having semi-rare minerals for sale on the market, you know, not REALLY rare, to the point of them being pay-to-obtain being pay-to-win, but rare enough for them to warrent their buying price. In any case, the devs will probably figure out how to monetise the game, AFTER they figured out the gameplay itself. We argueing over the chicken sink while the foundation is being set in here.

    I agree with your logic and my make a wish server never worked out for me either.

    A game of this almost infinite size and scope would require a LOT of money just to keep it operating and the single shard server running at peak performance. I would much rather pay a smaller monthly or even bi-annual fee to play rather than watch the server slowly die. (from my experience this tends to happen)


    Last but not least lets look at two of the most succesful MMOs to stand the tests of time...

    WoW -  paid subscription, massive improvements and little to no server issues over the past decade+

    EvE Online - A game in this genre (i use that loosely) but again massive improvements over the years mainly funded by players subscriptions who are dedicated to the game.

    If either of these games had been pay for your copy and your done, i think they both would have died out a long time ago.


    Other games are following a loose version of this as well, look at Elite Dangerous, the model they use asks you to buy the game for essentially one year of coninued support and updates, after that year they come out with a new and improved version that if you buy you get essentially another year of continued updates.

  13. I thought I saw somewhere that at least in the beginning npcs would be limited to things like animals on planets and such.

  14. I was thinking about this today, and thought it would be cool to have a bounty system in place, where if I come harass you, killing and destroying your stuff, you could put a bounty on me.  There would be PvP driven players that would love to hunt these players down and collect that bounty, just for the satisfaction of doing it.  The game could also include a finders fee, for other players to report where these targets are located.  


    what would be cool is if enough bounties made you fair game to be attacked in a safe zone as well.  And also if there was a system to give titles, or other non monetary awards to good bounty hunters.

    I really like this, the only issue i can see is if you are a newer player and dont have much money to put on a pirates head....

    maybe at that point you can have somesort of a system to add your little portion onto an already existing bounty.





    as far as the rest of the posts where people dispute wether or not PVP is allowed or should or shouldnt be allowed. I dont think that you can have a game like this and not have PVP Howeverthat doesnt mean that the PVE people should be neglected. Maybe there is a way to incoporate both. If you are a PVE person and you want to play without the chance of becoming a target for someone id say tough luck, but what you could do is remove yourself from areas where pvp is likely. set up with other like minded people to build and operate an area with a high defensive capability. or maybe join a group of players that offers a pvp security branch of the corporation or guild. my point is if you are looking for limiting your pvp exposure it shouldnt be too aweful difficult to do. I would say that the area imediatly surrounding the start point should be a weapons dissabled area so that griefers cant camp in orbit and pick off newbs at will.

  15. I imagine that this won't be problem and at the same time, will be a problem. Let me explain:


    So in the dev blog for Lua Scripting, it was stated that constructs by a player and that have functionality will have a Distributed Processing Unit and scripts. We can imagine that you would need to script in a type of AI module in so that turrets could fire. I would then imagine that the turret would either auto detect player constructs with the same owner or organization. If that isn't the case, then the Ai would probably take a couple parameters that define its target radius and targets. This is my idea of what it might be though, so it's up for correction when necessary. 

    I like the idea of the AI handling it for the turret arc. My main goal is to make a couple of things possible and a couple of things impossible.


    1. I want the opportunity for friendly fire to be real

    2. I want tho opportunity for self inflicted damge to be real if you dont manage your ships systems correctly

    3. I think that the ability to alter and change a firing arc could also make it so that you arent firing into an area you dont want to i.e. maybe shooting across the front of a launch bay for fighters or blasting where a ship could potentially dock with yours.

    4. I want to ensure that a turret on the port side of my ship wont shoot a target on the starbord side by somehow magically shooting through my ship without damaging anything.

    5. with fighter class ships with fixed weapons, i want to have to rely on some skill to pilot the ship and  "make the shot"

    6.make it possible for ships to have blind spots where the arcs of fire dont cover or cant cover alowing for attack in a blind spot.

    7. also implement some way of managing weapons size so that capital sized turrets cant blast a fighter out of the air everytime, large weapons should have a hard time hitting small craft.


    just my thoughts, add to them twist and contort them and lets discuss :)

  16. Another thought that i had, in the backstory didnt it discuss that numerous arks were built, some would be lost, some would make it? That could imply that one of the others was succesful at finding something maybe 5,000 years before and they have been exploring and fighting as well and we could stumble upon some of that. Or maybe we find the remains of an ARK ship that wasnt as lucky as ours...


    In an older game called Freelancer this was touched upon in the endgame, you could explore more systems and if you knew where to look you could find one of the colony ships that didnt make it to a planet but had been mortally damaged in space.


    I think with all of this in mind, if the Devs decide to they could practicaly introduce both alien and human wreckage. Of course i have a feeling that we will be making plenty of wreckage of our own in the game in PVP areas ;)

  17. I for one personally hate the games where your gun auto shoots and it will shoot through things including your ship. If a ship or station has a turret, i am fine with auto fire, but it should be restricted by the builder so that its fire arc can not shoot the station or ship. If it does it should damage and destroy the ship or station. It shouldnt be too hard to do, just putting limitations on the x and y axis of the turrett so that you dont blast pieces off of your own ship. maybe even making an adjustable sphere that a player can alter to make his turrett so that it has a maximum arc but wont allow it to shoot at things that arent inside the adstable sphere or semi spere.


    Fixed direction weapons need to be aimed and fired by moving the ship, and actually pressing a button or pulling a trigger to fire them. In this fashion the weapons could still have a minimal firing arc of say +or- 2 degrees from centered once a target is locked, but the ship would still have to be aimed to get the weapon to hit.


    Just some thoughts that i had. share your thoughts.

  18. The effective range idea makes perfect sense. Onto your idea of weapons and shields. I agree that you should not be able to have a visual cloak while still having weapons and shields online. Additionally, if your cloaked then your shields should not be online. Once you decloak then you have to wait a minute for your shields to come online and protect you. Also as for weapons, because they already stated that you will have to lock on to fire let's say that you are unable to lock on while cloaked but as soon as you are fully decloaked you can lock on. Just like you stated ODIN.


    Now there is the matter of unclog king fired and recloaking. My idea, because I feel like you should be able to cloak for as long as you want in a system, is that once you decloak it should have a reset time. Thus allowing you to engage but not be OP.


    Also a stealth ship isn't going to have massive weapons. Maybe some missed bays, torpedos, and a light arangment of weapons

    thats pretty much my sentiments exactly, but i do like the idea of essentially a stealth bomber. Come in get somewhat close, uncloak launch some sort of powerful slower moving weapons turn tail and get out while re cloaking.

    To counter this type of attack make the weapons slower moving and targetable.

  19. It could be really interesting if you could develop or create some sort of biological ships. Like large living space faring "animals". A sort of incredible bio-engingering shooting parasitic creatures or spines as weapons :3 A bit silly maybe but it would be really cool.


    (other "ship types" would be really cool aswell :D

    Space PETA would be all over you ;)

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