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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by RyseSlade

  1. I had stopped playing the game when schematics were added. Just came back to take a look at how the game is progressing but I have to admit now that my whole factory doesn't work anymore I have no idea what to do in the game. I have checked a few random schematics on the market but I couldn't afford to buy more than a few. Guess I will come back in a few months to see how it's going...

  2. I thought about doing something like that too but I am still working on my industry to create the screen for my programming board. Is there any website out there that lists all methods available to call on elements? Couldn't find any resource yet... And what is that 10 link limit?


    Is there any way to query the current volume of a container? Would have to use separate container for every ore.

  3. Same here. One of my computers is stuck in loading screen. Gave up after around four hours at 100%.


    CPU is at 30%, GPU is at 70% all the time

    SSDs, Ethernet - all bored at 0%...


    Did anyone find a solution or did it just magically work some day?

  4. Ich hab das Spiel auf mehreren PCs installiert. Auf meinem "Gaming-PC" lief es bis 74%. Danach ging ewig gar nichts. Nach ca. 3 Stunden hab ich ein bißchen rumprobiert mit Alt+Tab. Auf einmal lief es bis 100%. Da hängt es nun wieder seit einigen Minuten. Die ganze Zeit Grafikkarte bei 60-70% Auslastung und CPU bei ca. 30%.


    Auf einem anderen Rechner hat es keine 5 Minuten gedauert beim ersten Start...

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