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Posts posted by caravaggio2000

  1. This is a space game...


    I'd be disappointed if there weren't mass drivers.



    Pluck an asteroid out of near space... and accelerate it at the ground.




    I asked about this very thing in a thread in the mechanics forum and the consensus was that it wouldn't be possible because there won't be collision damage in the game.


    I also asked about being able to shoot a Starkiller type weapon from outside the system of the target and most seemed to think it wouldn't be possible. :(


    Question about energy and projectile weapons

  2. Actually, Death Stars may be possible. I don't know the details, but in an interview on some website, I read that one of the devs are hoping people work towards building their own version of the Death Star. This isn't a solid confirmation but it sounds like it might happen. Here's the quote.

    "Players will be free to build ships with any designs that they can conceive, as well as buildings or space stations. In fact, Baille is eagerly hoping a few thousand enterprising players will work towards building their own version of a Death Star."



    That's what got me thinking about it, but if you have to get your Death Star within 80km to fire it at something you might as well build a million tie fighters.

  3. In an interview with JC Baille on the XPGamers YouTube Channel, he said that weapon damage an hits will be calculated based on weapons and skills of the user. Hit probabilities will be used, and there won't be actual projectiles. I also read something like that in other posts - this method is said to be a lot less expensive when it comes to server resources.

    Having projectiles as separate entities would kill performance in large battles - at least with server technology that's available today.


    Plese correct me if I got that wrong, but I think that's how weapons are planned to work at the current state.



    So... you can't turn asteroids and planets into weapons themselves? No collisions?

  4. So, I was thinking of what it would be like to build a Death Star or Starkiller Base in this game and i wondered, how far would that beam of energy be able to travel in the game?


    Could I, for example, have a Starkiller type base in one system and shot at a planet many systems away? Would the beam continue to travel until it hits something?


    What about projectile type weapons? If I shoot a ball of tungsten from my rail gun will it just keep going if it doesn't hit anything? Would it be effected by gravity in the game and have an arc when I am in orbit of a planet?


    After a big space battle near a planet is there go to be a ton of debris orbiting around the planet hitting ships when they try to approach?


    Edit: (Not entirely sure if this is the right subforum for this, if not, feel free to move it)

  5. Maybe it could work like some of the Civ games. You build a space station and you get a certain sphere of influence and control. As you gain more power there or build the space station to be larger, the sphere of influence grows.

  6. So it is intended to work similar to EvE, which will not work, because it has different rules. First: EvE has savezones for every type of playing, where soloplayers can dwell, grow, contribute to the game. With all open with the exception of the arkships area and some randoms spots, which have been somewhat arkified, soloplayer won't be able to do much more than build a small ship. I doubt, they will ever leave a system on their own in that setting.


    You might say: hey, but this is cool, its a PvP game. Well might be the case, but this will drive loads of potential players away. There are many MMO gamers out there who like to play on their own on a evening or two, then again joining their guild. This works well in nearly every MMO, it won't work here. What good is a space sim, when this sim does not offer you to leave you startsystem?


    The next point is: everything is made of voxels and the human being is very destructive in nature. No guild of a reasonable size will be able to protect their stuff. I sincerly doubt there will be such things like cities of outposts in space without arkification. In EvE even this high security areas have seen raids, killing each and everyone though this was rare and expensive. In DU this is quite simple. Big guild -> many or big ships -> big destruction. You are not online, protecting? Great. I can't believe in any real buildings and greater structures with human players in a game where everyone is able to attack everything an any time. And they will...


    Do your unlimited open PvP in space, but don't be sorry, if this game will never grow to a notable success. There have to be limits, or most people without big guilds behind them will leave within months. Might be wanted by the devs, to only get the hardcore PvP audience, who knows :)


    I agree with you that a lot of games that have tried to have open world PvP have had difficulty with the things you mentioned, but I don't think it is impossible. At some point I'm sure someone said MMOs would never work, but then someone made a game where they did. To me, if you are worried about that, you should focus your attention on how it could be made to work.


    In the real world the struggle has bred innovation. If the game is made well, it will be the same there.


    Han Solo was always harassed by the big guild (Empire) with their countless ships. What did he do? He built a faster ship.


    Edison invented the light bulb and people could see and work at night.


    When countries were attacked, they built more defenses, made agreements with other countries for mutual protection, or they vanished.


    My take after reading up on the game is that is exactly what the game is supposed to be about; struggling to survive and inventing new ways to make it easier. Someone in the game is going to get sick of getting their ass handed to them when they are out mining for the super special resource and invent something to protect themselves or make some agreement with others to mine together.


    I hope someone does make a huge guild that goes around ripping everyone else to shreds in the beginning, me included. Why? So I can get together with a bunch of other players and smaller guilds to take them down. Maybe it doesn't even have to be via armies and navies. Maybe we just out think them and hack their security systems making all their ships go haywire. Maybe we put all our energy into taking the planets that make the key resource their ships need to fly and force them to the table. Who knows? It would be fun to try win, lose, or draw.


    Personally, I want to go out to the edge of the universe at create a race of robots which will one day, when everyone is least expecting it, fly in and rain asteroids down on everything you and everyone else has built. That's good fun. Sure, you'd be pretty pissed that day, but think of all the countless hours of fun you'd have plotting your revenge against me.


    Maybe you don't like the idea of anything you've made having a chance of being screwed up by someone else in a game. Maybe you don't want to worry that you might have to make something, or buy something, or make an agreement with someone to get protection. There are thousands of games out there like that. If you want to play this game though, I say help figure out how to make a 99.9% open world pvp game work for people like yourself that don't always love pvp.

  7. who would enforce them?

    What I'm saying is there would be automatic outcomes.


    You hire a bounty hunter and give him a contract to kill Petey the Pirate. When the Pirate is killed by the bounty hunter the funds are automatically deposited in his account as per the agreed upon contract.


    You make a treaty with the Petey Alliance that you won't attack each others territories. You include penalties in the contract if broken. If Petey decides to attack you anyway, that is fine, but he suffers whatever penalties he agreed to in the contract.

  8. Looking around at many people's ideas on here , I think one thing we need is binding contracts.


    Hire a bounty hunter to take out that pesky pirate? You need a contract.

    Hiring a miner to get that awesome ore? Contract.

    Negotiating a treaty between two warring factions? Contract.


    The contracts could have automatic rewards/consequences like pay, rewards, penalties for breaking the contract, etc. They need to be flexible though so the players can make them to suit whatever needs arise.

  9. Man after my own heart.


    If you want a big driver for conflict between players, then you need only create zones of rare resources (and limited). Limitation can either be how many are spawned in the universe, or how much can be harvested before it dries out. This then forces players to fight one another for control over said resource if either wants to progress forward in their expansion, technology or what have you.


    Absolutely! I made a post in one of these threads about just that. Resources should NOT be spread out evenly, especially the rare/important ones. That will make players have to trade and/or war over resources, just like the real world.

  10. Sure it might stink for people that don't want to fight at first, but isn't the whole point of a game like this that the players come up with solutions to problems, not artificial rules?


    If there were a bunch of organizations and governing bodies competing for resources and territory in space there would be fights and the fights wouldn't be limited to some special grid in space where fights are allowed to happen. If I want to play a space pirate robbing the poor unsuspecting miner who doesn't have any defenses I should be able to. Playing a space pirate is no better or worse than a miner. Next time the miner goes out he'll put more consideration into his safety. If you didn't put thought into who has access to your most vital secrets and resources and I infiltrate your organization, I should be able to bring the whole thing down. That's just the way it goes.

  11. I agree with a bounty system, but open universe pvp? NO, sorry not into it, don't want bothered. Some people need to be miners and manufacturers or no one has anything to use. Make them a full time target and they simply will leave this game for another. Pvpers are ok people but they tend to want what they want, and not compromise on it. Safe zones around planets, and stations are definitely needed, and gilds that specialize in Pvp will pop up anyways, because some players cant play any other way. There has to be compromise, safe zones and Pvp universe wide, not all of anything.

    Get your guild to set up defenses or set them up yourself. The whole world should be PvP, but if players want to make laws or set up defenses, that is fine.

  12. I also dislike the idea of pvp battlegrounds, "normal" pvp should be open world because of various interests.

    BUT what i would like to see are playerdriven tournaments, giving out a fixed amount of modules and ressources with which players can create their vehicles and then let them fight against each other in tournament style. The participants would have to deliver a blueprint prior to the tournament and would get the vehicle for each round, keeping it completely fair to everyone.


    Someone else had the idea on here that it was open world PvP, but t hat there could also be virtual or training PvP matches to hone your skills. I like that idea. I definitely want 99.9% to be PvP for the realism.

  13. Scare Recources should be a important part of early till mid game pvp, in late game territory/really advanced recources should be the main drivers


    I personally think that recources for basic ships should be more or less "common" while advanced components (FTL drive/strong weapons/shields) should need really rare recources comming up only every few systems, the recources for Stargates should be so incredibly uncommon that wars will be fought over sources


    In addition to this, I think resources should not be spread in a homogeneous fashion. That way some organizations can corner the market on certain resources which will encourage trade and war.

  14. I am actually pretty pleased with the way death works within the current lore. When you die, you are resurrected at the nearest arkship. 


    Whats the motivation to not die? Having to start far away from where you left all your constructs. You might have to buy or build a new ship just to get back to where you died.

    AFAIK, eventually, large organizations will be able to create their own resurrection technology, thus making it so you do not have to spawn so far away if you die.


    That's the problem though isn't it? Once you get powerful enough, there is no consequence.


    Example: Hamster Group makes a large dreadnought and equips it with a resurrection pod. They go happily attacking knowing they will resurrect right in the middle of the battle where as their opponent  (if not so equipped) has to fly back from the middle of the galaxy.


    Example: Hamster Group puts a resurrection pod in the middle of their base. No matter how hard Gerbil Group tried to take them out, they never can because the Hamster are respawning back in their own base, in the middle of the battle, and getting right back to it where the Gerbils have to fly back.


    What about no death penalty to start, then a time out penalty for the middle levels, and then permadeath if you are at the cap?

  15. I don't think it would work if your items just "disppeared". That destroys realism and makes it harder for looters when they only get a fraction of what they were after.




    Death will definitely matter if people take advantage of the fact that you are temporarily not around to defend your things. They could steal your ship or blow up the building you were trying to defend. What I'm saying is that death does matter a lot if you have something to lose. Something like a reduction of your skills would also help make it not worth dying. Long respawn timers could also have an effect, with more experienced players having much longer wait times in comparison to new inexperienced players. Attacking innocents will be far less rewarding than targeting known individuals in this system, making the game harder the more you play it by raising the stakes.


    I'm all about the consequences and I don't mind if I lose everything or some portion of it (including skills, etc.), but I hate respawn timers. If you have all day to play it isn't a big deal, but when you only have a limited playing time, having to wait 15 minutes or whatever to  get back into the game stinks.


    Wow thanks! I guess I need to read the Dev Blog more and start looking into LUA scripting.


    Will there be any limit to the number of constructs one player can automate? Could I potentially have a fleet of thousands of drone fighters for example?

    Can anything be automated? Could I say, strap an engine and control system onto an asteroid and launch it at my enemies planet from afar?


    The robot invasion is looking more and more likely and I like it.

  17. Will we be able to automate things in the game? Should we be able to do so? What and how much?




    Could we automate a probe to seek out resources and report back when they are found?

    Could we automate a mining device to get those resources?

    Could we automate a fighter to harass our enemies?

    Could we automate a factory to build those fighters?


    Your future robot overlords want to know. :)

  18. This could be simple to add with the in-game virtual world mechanic. Basically players could use that to make private instances that can be easily managed by hosts. Sort of like hosting E-Sports tournaments in real life. That allows the players to create the game they want to create without any need for developer intervention. 


    I like the idea of every square inch of the "real" universe being PvP. However, I can see the value in "virtual" PvP battlegrounds or the like to hone your skills in.

  19. You could have some kind of family/organization/legacy system where, though your character died, your heir gets most of the stuff you had (that wasn't on you or destroyed)


    The part I worry about with multiple characters is spying from within.

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