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Alpha Tester
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  2. Du hast auch von Redefreiheit geredet, welche auch die Grundlage für eine freie Presse bildet. Wie man nun darauf kommt deshalb ein Impressum zu überprüfen würde mich interessieren. Ich garantiere dir es wird noch weitere Gesetze außerhalb des Manifestes welche die Pressefreiheit genauer definiert. Zudem hast du den Artikel 13 wohl nicht Aufmerksamkeit gelesen. Ich unterstreiche die wichtige Stelle mal für dich: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ich rate dir dass du nochmal genauer liest was du auf Eisengrind findest und falls du es nicht nachvollziehen kannst, informiere dich doch bitte bei jemanden vom Fach, bevor du uns Straftaten unterstellen möchtest. Wir haben dir sogar schon mal vor über einem Jahr im persönlichen Voice Gespräch erklärt was Eisengrind ist.
  3. Free speech wird mit Artikel 13 unseres Manifestes garantiert. Da es ein Recht ist und kein Organ, wird es nicht im Organigramm abgebildet.
  4. If this works in real time and with acceptable results, it will definitely revolutionize international communication. Until then I can recommend this translator for texts to everyone: www.deepl.com It's much better than Google Translate.
  5. Now the third one already accuses us that this is about identity... No, it doesn't matter which culture you come from. The only condition is that you can speak German. We also accept Chinese, Arabs, Indians, Africans, even French, as long as they can speak German or are learning it. It doesn't matter if you are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Cthulhu or atheistic, as long as you can speak German. Even the Bavarians have to speak German in our organization. We are an international organization, only that we don't communicate in English but in German. Edit: I don't understand why you think translators are a solution. We want to have an organization where people talk to each other about the spoken word and not write all the time.
  6. There are 100 million people who can speak German and not all of them can speak English. What is worthy of criticism if a German-speaking organization is founded? I don't understand it. Maybe you haven't noticed it yet, but there are many organizations that don't speak English. In the TOP 10 there is already one that only speaks German internally. Ask Frogswam if they want to switch to English. Why should Spanish be dominant now? Your list is also not applicable to prove anything. With these 9 languages, most people live in third world countries that certainly don't have a gaming PC, can't afford an internet connection and certainly could last pay the monthly fee. This should not be a Hate to poor people, I would also like to treat them to play Dual Universe. In the end, French and German will be much higher up the list. But that doesn't matter either. We already communicate in English in this thread, so you are consulting the wrong ones.
  7. Due to our separation of powers, I can neither refuse nor confirm this. That will have to be decided by the Senate. But the Senate will not be elected until we have enough members. I am happy to forward official offers. But I think that since we see ourselves as a state, our organization will not want to give up a sovereign territory. But we will certainly not laugh at your idea of a city with different linguistic quarters.
  8. We do not see ourselves in the responsibility to catch up the deficits from the schools. Our internal language is simply German. Nobody expects from diplomats that they learn German before they contact us. English may be taught as a foreign language in German schools. In many other countries this is not the case. To expect that everyone should speak English is unrealistic. Have you never played CS:GO with Russians? Suka. Some of our members are already older and from East Germany. English was never taught there, only Russian. How come you expect these people to learn English so they can communicate with you? You could also simply learn some German or Russian, then you don't have to shoot strangers directly like a redneck. We never said anything about "honor for the fatherland." Of course, Germany won't have a bigger meaning for us in the game. We are the Atlon colony and not the German colony. Besides, German is spoken in more than one country. But that's already been said for the second time. In 9000 years all people will certainly not speak English, but something new will have developed. Besides, in DU we only have 500 years of development behind us, because we were in deep sleep for the rest of the time.
  9. This is not my active account. I no longer have access due to a change in my data. If you want to contact me, write me here / Dies ist nicht mein aktiver Account. Ich habe keinen Zugriff mehr aufgrund einer Änderung meiner Daten. Wenn ihr mich kontaktieren wollt, dann schreibt mir hier:


  10. English: The Atlon Colony is a new German-speaking organization with the goal of building an independent democratic society. With an extensive election system we offer everyone the chance to advance as a senator and to decide over the future of the colony. We have a constitutionally and comprehensive manifesto which protects the fundamental rights of every single colonist. Our organization is supported by experienced lawyers and economists, which enables us to build complex state structures coherently. Thus we attach great importance to the separation of powers, which is not to be found so far with any other organization. With us there will be no leadership which unites all power on itself. We seek diplomatic cooperation with civilized organizations that take their own legislation seriously. German: Die Atlon Kolonie ist eine neue deutschsprachige Organisation mit dem Ziel eine unabhängige demokratische Gesellschaft aufzubauen. Mit einem umfangreichen Wahlsystem bieten wir jedem die Chance als Senator aufzusteigen und über die Zukunft der Kolonie mit zu entscheiden. Wir verfügen über ein verfassungsgleiches und umfangreiches Manifest welches die Grundrechte jedes einzelnen Kolonisten schützt. Unsere Organisation wird von erfahrenen Juristen und Ökonomen unterstützt, was uns in die Lage versetzt, komplexe staatliche Strukturen in sich schlüssig aufzubauen. So legen wir besonders großen Wert auf die Gewaltenteilung, was bisher so bei keiner anderen Organisation zu finden ist. Bei uns wird es keine Führung geben die alle Macht auf sich vereint. Wir suchen diplomatische Zusammenarbeit mit zivilisierten Organisationen, die ihre eigene Gesetzgebung ernst nehmen. More Information: www.Atlon-Kolonie.de
  11. My organization has a question that is important for our business model and project New Berlin . We want to claim a territory and sell land for Static Core Units to German speaking players. However, this requires that our customers have full control over their static core unit, without us as the owner of the territory being able to influence what happens within the static core unit. Likewise, our customers are not allowed to influence what happens outside their static core unit. On a basis of trust alone, such a business model cannot be successful. The customer must be sure that his belongings can only be reached by him. Will we be able to realize our project functionally?
  12. Eisengrind is actively committed to the preservation of human and social accomplishments. A lapse of society into backward behaviour must be prevented. That is why we need a Charter of Alioth. All social and righteous organizations are called upon to participate in the development and future proclamation. The process of creation has already begun. Every legate is called upon to contribute. After the Arkship lands, a historic meeting of all legacies will take place. At this meeting, the participating organisations commit themselves to the Alioth Charter. Aware of the responsibility of our earth brothers and sisters. Your sacrifice for a future of mankind will never be forgotten. Overview https://eisengrind.de/eg/coa/ English Charter-of-Alioth_english.pdf French Charter-of-Alioth_french.pdf German Charter-of-Alioth_german.pdf Spanish Charter-of-Alioth_spanish.pdf Italian Charter-of-Alioth_italian.pdf Dutch Charter-of-Alioth_dutch.pdf Polish Charter-of-Alioth_polish.pdf Sincerely, Rafiki - Eisengrind Key Manager
  13. Eisengrind setzt sich aktiv für den Erhalt und die Bewahrung der menschlichen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Errungenschaften nach Erreichen des neuen Planeten ein. Es darf nicht hingenommen werden, dass die Menschheit einerseits mit der Flucht von der zum Untergang geweihten Erde die größte zivilisatorische Herausforderung gemeistert hat, aber nach der Ankunft in der neuen Welt zurückfällt in steinzeitliche Verhaltensweisen. Aus diesem Grund braucht es eine Charta von Alioth. Alle vernünftigen, sozialen und rechtschaffenen Organisationen, Verbünde und Verbände von Menschen sind dazu aufgerufen an der Entwicklung und der späteren Ausrufung und Unterzeichnung mitzuwirken. > > Charta von Alioth < < Wir suchen Spieler mit guten englisch und deutsch Kenntnissen, die die Charta auf englisch übersetzen können und möchten. Die Menschenrechtskonvention sollte relativ einfach zu übersetzen sein, wenn man sich am englischen original orientiert.
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