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Posts posted by Davis

  1. 15 hours ago, Abatos said:

    I'd love to have you with the United Earth Space Corps. I only have a few members for DU at the moment, but I'm definitely looking to expand to 30 or more over time. I definitely have more of a, every member counts type of mentality, instead of just trying to get as many people as possible. I've played a ton of Space Engineers and I'm a very experienced ship designer. The UESC has existed for over 4 years now and has always brought high caliber members from military, to architects, to programmers. It would be a real honor to have you on the team.


    I appreciate the reply Abatos, if could please send me a discord link again (the one in your reply expired) I would be happy to discuss further!

  2. Hello Everyone, 


    My name is Davis and I am in search of an active organization to join. I myself come from a heavy role-play background and have lead various "factions" within this niche realm of gaming. I was originally going to start my own organization here with friends, but unfortunately a lot of them are skeptical that NQ can achieve what they claim they will achieve and have decided not to commit to the game. I however am a firm believer this game is going to be everything I've ever wanted and would like to play with people who also are huge fans of this game!


    Like a resume I'll list a few things below that I think make me attractive as a prospect for an existing organization;

    • I understand and believe in abiding by a hierarchy in order to achieve goals. 
    • I have strong communication skills and understand the importance of diplomacy. 
    • I am adult with a job, and therefore have a at least 12-15 hours a week to sink into gaming. 
    • I have 4 years experience in a leadership position which involved a faction of 35+ real people. 
    • I understand the importance of resource management and allocation, and that games like this requires a team effort, not a selfish approach. 


    As a side note, I'm not particularly interested in joining the massive organizations that exist. I'm looking for a small to medium sized group, that way I can contribute more actively to the growth of said organization. 


    Not much else to add, I look forward to any future conversations we may have! 


    Discord Tag - Davis#3285


    Best Regards, 


  3. On 6/14/2016 at 6:06 AM, Linxie said:

    TLDR: I hope to see systems that support a heavier & immersive base of RP.

    Note, no idea if this is the right place to post it.


    The RP I speak of:

    Classic RP, with /emotive and in /say Text basis with simple D&D rolls on aspects. 


    The back bone:

    So in a lot of games in the recent RP is often pushed aside, and often the community is the group that has to pull together to make a proper RP collective. - External Websites and such to unit RP under one banner and so on, choose a RP Hub... and so on so forth.


    So what I hope is that the systems in place will be there to also not only have the gameplay fun but detail more RP aspects, in an Optional manner... 

    With In-game support for the RP community, like a few details where everyone can add in details, like a status, Character looks, history and any other details the writer chooses (Moderate the 18+ out if the developer has hands on with it. IE: no more "Warcraft goldshire effect")


    Next is the group of people who think RPing is purely for fat people in their basements with no life, and their idea of fun is Killing and making fun of the RP community... I ask there be a form or reporting people for this annoyance, or immersive breaking... it is not fun when a group for example could be doing a escort mission and folks jump in that are NOT apart of planned RP events jumps in and kills everyone.


    I am unsure of the gameplay so I can't assume as much, so please keep the small group of people who enjoy this aspect of games...



    What I would be drooling over:

    - Emotes for characters... - LOTS OF THEM! different sitting styles to different walking ways, things that define characters.

    - Creative clothing choices and crafting where we can edit clothing, attack bags or belts to clothing with drag and snap on way...

    - in-depth character creators... Something like Black Desert online... 

    - A detail chat system, and RP addon tools... Like above a Character sheet to add in character details. *nod* (For non Rpers It can be used to add their achievements or a Fraction Alignment.

    - Knowing cosmetics COULD be a buy on the store, keep in mind, should be at least decent looking clothing for non-store things.(assuming)

    - A good tutorial base intro... A simple break down on RP, just to inform that people do these aspects and external link to forums to show a guide or so on.

    - Knowing only a little there will be factions in the game, and RP community will be a buzz over it, to make it more detail could there be an In-game "data base" where you can see status of each person.. who is on the "Kill list" or something like that, with the about and history of the character is there to be seen... the Current status can be locked to when you meet the character...

    This can be interesting as factions war and you have bounty hunters where you can 'give a usb' to the hunter with the details your character knows about X to hunt...



    I hope some of this helps in some way!

    Ask questions.. :D

    - Li Li 

    Your stuck between a rock and a hardplace when it comes to providing indepth support for role-play communities. Every person role-plays at different levels, with different tools. Hardcore players use /me’s and do’s, others are creative writers that do forum role-play, and majority feel as though simply assuming their role of captain in game is role-play. All of which are different forms and calibers, which is why you can’t generalize or make rules around role-playing in a game that doesn’t require it.


    My organization is made up of hardcore role-players from a GTA SA mod called SAMP where strict rules were enforced for role-play and standard, while it was fun and realistic it wasn’t ideal for a mass player base, its much to hard to police. 


    While I would love hardcore role-play here, it just isn’t feasable, but I support role-play organizations playing together and hosting events and deep political negotiations, all of which we’ve been given tools for in game to carry out! 


    My advice about the section of your post for players who just pvp without reason and ruin peaceful role-playing, is that you treat them as ruthless pirates in your role-play scenarios as we do, we actually plan to keep a list of pirates who are kill on sight and will share this with whatever alliances we make. 


    Its also not fair to call these pvpers annoying, they just play the game for different reasons and we as RPers need to plan for every in-game situation!


    On a side note, if you’re in a heavy role-play organization, shoot me a PM I’d love to get our organizations involved with each other! 

  4. 11 hours ago, CoreVamore said:

    You just contradicted yourself.....


    And as I said, loss of quanta from a death is a bad idea, period.

    Lmfao no I really didn’t, its just clear you want you don’t agree with more serious consequences for death and that’s fine, but there isn’t a touch of contradiction lol.


    claiming people will stop trying to accumulate wealth because small portions of it can be lost on death is ridiculous, but it will make death a bit more of a penalty. And as I mentioned above a system where money could be stored outside of your wallet could be the balance for this system, as you shouldn’t lose what is not on your person when you die. This would force rich players to store money and could see the birth of player made banking systems. Rather than everyone having all their money always on them ready to spend. 


    Maybe this isn’t a good idea but claiming I’m contradictory as you’re only counter arguement isn’t a strong counter arguement in my opinion!

  5. 2 hours ago, CoreVamore said:

    um, no, just no!  This means that killing an industrialist could net you billions of quanta - so no to that idea, also because quanta is not physical money, just like most money in todays world isnt physical. The suggested mechanic above would discourage, and possibly even push away, anyone wanting to be a huge industrialist etc. So again, no! ;)


    It doesn't discourage industry, it encourages defense and protective measures when a "industrialist" is travelling in the open world. This would also promote the VIP status of certain players making them higher value targets as their wealth goes up, as it should be. Losing items is meaningless if you have billions of quanta to buy it all back. Money is the most valuable asset in any economic situation and it should be a risk everytime you're killed. 


    Not to mention the whole idea that you need to keep all quanta on your person is ridiculous. You should be able to store it or have a organization bank where money can be pooled. 

  6. On 4/10/2017 at 6:14 PM, Ripper said:

    How NQ plans to implement turrets, or combat for that matter is pure conjecture at this point.




    With ANY game that has AI, there is a balance that needs to be achieved.  Since the AI in a computer can be a crack shot, and always place that round through your right eye, programmers need to balance AI accuracy with realism, player challenge, and player enjoyment.   Players want "Realism", but they also want to progress in the game.  They just don't want to progress too easily.


    An auto-turret should be balanced to provide a realistic result, while not being as "Effective" in combat as a player manned turret.  Effectiveness could equate to less damage, less accuracy, a slower response, or possibly more power/resource consumption.  Maybe it should behave at a skill level of the green newbie straight out of flight school.  Whereas, your teammate, may be an awesome shot with years of experience.


    Some players believe that auto-turrets will break multiplayer cohesion.  It's very possible that auto-turrets, or scripted weapons COULD do this if not properly balanced.  There are a lot of players that would like to play a game with several teammates manning different parts of the same ship.  They SHOULD be more effective than the same ship with scripts and auto turrets.  You're maximizing firepower and accuracy and minimizing construct resources.


    But the cohesion of your Organization, could ALSO apply to a fleet of ships attacking the same objective.  In this strategic example, the organization decides to throw more resources at the problem, so they don't have "all their eggs in one basket".  Instead of one highly performing ship, they decide to use multiple inferior ships.


    Both strategies recognize and depend upon Organization cohesiveness, and both strategies should be a available as an option.  One method should not significantly out-way the other, all other things being equal.


    I'm sure most Eve players recognize that the Organization with the most resources usually wins the battle.  Don't expect your new Org with 5 friends from school to outperform Band of Outlaws.  You'll never have the resources to compete.  There's nothing prohibiting a large Org from fielding SEVERAL multiplayer ships against your fleet of single player ships.   The winner will most likely be the organization who has invested the most player, voxel, and script based resources to the battle.  Not whether a specific number of ships were multiplayer verses the number of single player ships.


    Unfortunately, if a game is played enough, there usually ends up being a "preferred" strategy or loadout.  I'm betting you'll find a tutorial on a fan site within weeks of Dual Universes release.  Players find ways to exploit the resources they've been provided.  NovaQuark should focus on providing a balanced solution that has as many variants as possible.  Of course, balance has to start somewhere. 


    NovaQuark should start out with a couple of options, and then invent new elements that can provide balanced variation.  The more variation you have, the more difficult it is to balance things.  So go slowly, but variety adds to the spice of gaming life.  Variety vanquishes repetitive, boring game play, and it provides the player with more strategic options.


    In my opinion, well balanced auto-turrets should be a part of Dual Universe.


    Completely agree with all of this, balanced auto-turrets for static base defense is key for a game that involves base destruction and has opportunity for offline raiding. There needs to be deterrents against that sort of thing and I see this as a the best solution. Lethys mentions turret linking on ships so that a player could control multiple guns, and I think this could be cool for certain types of guns, but needs to be limited. 


    The other big thing with turret linking on ships is that you will eliminate the need for multiple combat roles in a ship, and therefore smaller crews can pilot large ships, and I find that to be unfair. A large ship, with many guns, should need a large crew to operate at full capacity. 

  7. On 5/22/2018 at 5:08 AM, Lethys said:

    right now they plan on doing the following:

    - you have a resurection node (one permanent at the arkship, one "mobile" which you can place anywhere you want, possibly more when you learn skills)

    - if you die, you respawn at the nearest node

    - the node you place down needs energy to work - or fuel. So you have to make sure it's powered at all times

    - when you get killed, a RNG determines which items are destroyed and which are dropped

    - you respawn at the node, naked and with no inventory (money is safe and is not destroyed/dropped)

    - you can travel to your body to pick up the items that were dropped (in case they're still there and haven't been looted already by someone else)


    The only means to progress in DU is via skills (because it's like in EVE online: you train them via time - there's no "actively using a skill to improve it") and money (quanta). So imho a hit to skills only disencourages players to do PVP (as seen in EVE when flying T3).

    And since it's a subscription based game, you have to invest RL money to play. Over time (months and years) you can train the skills of your character via the same system EVE uses - passive training with time. People would be really upset if they invest say 400€ over 33 months (12€/month to play for example) just to get killed by some random enemy and losing their char.

    Heck, I wouldn't even bother leaving the safezone with my oldest char just to prevent death. And I would constantly make new alts to just kill random players outside the safezone to make them lose their char - just to make a point how BAD that system is.


    Penalties to death are required and good - but those should be balanced. Otherwise you just kill pvp completely because noone wants to lose skills or their (old) character. People would just use alts and noob-chars to do pvp - which would be boring to see because they could only use basic stuff. 


    I think losing your whole inventory, spawning at some RN (thus you need to get to the battlefield again), needing supplies to gear up, need a new ship to fly there again and possibly losing your other ship to the enemy is already enough as punishment.

    I agree with Lethys, it's a very fine line between discouragement and realism. From what is described above, the system seems balanced, but I'd like to see a portion of quanta dropped as well. Maybe a random number generator that determines between two percentage points (for example, 1%-5% of the total wallet amount) but nothing more. People should fear dying, but not be scared to do PVP at all.

  8. I feel as though this would be over kill. Using a free CAD designer online before actually doing it in game is a great idea, but there is no reason it needs to be in game. Just pre-plan, pick your resource type and build away. You'll see if it works, or doesn't and if it doesn't then back to the drawing board. It's a part of the design process. 

  9. On 6/12/2018 at 8:52 PM, Mephetic said:

    Relevant (from the last tutorial video): 



    Exactly, and what the original poster describes as an issue in his original post is exactly what NQ wants. By creating local markets with a hint of global viewing, we will all be in competition to get other players to buy from our markets and generate tax revenue. Things like who has the safest outpost, or the most resources, or the resources you need, or the best prices, will all be factors of attraction. It's up to use as players to create that balance, not NQ's. As it stands this market system is perfect, and will be amazing to see live in a video game. 

  10. On 5/24/2018 at 9:47 AM, Immortal Prospect said:

    So this is an idea based on WWI-WWII Hospital Ships. Most people wouldn't fire on them due to the red cross on the side. So this is my Idea:


    Should there be somewhat of an established neutrality sign to put on the side of a ship to say it isn't part of any side in a current conflict?


    Ex: Two major powers are fighting over some planets with a lot of rare materials in the same solar system. The solar system is also directly in the middle of a major trading route, and merchant ships are being fired on continuously due to both sides thinking they where part of the other. So here is a solution: A trading ship could put a symbol on the side to show it is not part of either side and to not fire. 


    This is just an idea, but I would love to see what the community thinks. 


    Much Love, Immortal



    I think it's a great idea, but something that players should develop themselves via ship design & painting of their ship (can you paint your ship?!). 

  11. I think decomposition in this particular MMO setting is a waste of valuable resource. Resources will be finite in this game, and what would be cool is some process of recycling to take place. Perhaps buildings that are built in unprotected zones could be "deconstructed" via a tool or machine and so that players could regain a percentage of resources used in the constructs construction. This could be applied also when territory units are destroyed and bases are exposed. 


    Could even create opportunity for players to become scavengers, and hunt around for bases left in unprotected areas as another means of resource gathering.


    This would also solve one major issue, bases that are inactive or left unprotected would be broken down and used to feed players personal growth. Creating a sort of ecosystem that helps keep resources inside the server. 


    I also think the process of de-constructing/recycling should be a longer process, not something that is instant. It should leave the scavengers vulnerable to attack for a period.


    Just some ideas.

  12. On 6/14/2018 at 12:15 AM, Papa said:

    Just curious,


    • From release, there is going to be an incredibly competitive market, which will inevitably create a huge demand for service providers.

    What types of job titles are people thinking of claiming in-game?

    What kinds of services are people thinking of providing? What would you call it for marketing purposes?

    Have you pre-established any rates of compensation for your work? Are they in relation to any other game/job outside Dual Universe?

    Do you have any marketing techniques planned to grow your business?


    • Dual Universe seems to provide some cool opportunities for people with skills and education gained in real life.

    Do your chosen in-game professions relate to any skills/job titles you have outside the game? (3d modeling, logistics, architects, programmers, etc..)

    Do your skills outside DU give you a step up in-game? Do you think your expertise will play a part in your in-game status?

    Do you plan on profitting from your talents, or working on your own masterpiece?


    If you were going to make a list of in-game professional titles, based off of all available information, what would it contain?

    Neat idea for a thread!


    While I won't go into listing a massive amount of job titles, I do think this economy will create something more real than we've ever seen before. With that being said, job titles of all kinds will come to surface. Everything from civilian, professional and military based roles and perhaps even religious? 


    I come from a heavy role-play organization and we see this game as the first in our history of playing games that has been made to cater to all types of players, including role-players. The  reason I bring up role-play is because that's essentially what we're all doing when we assume this artificial role in-game, and those titles will vary with what role we take on. 


    In regards to wages, I think it's much too early to determine that. That will completely depend on the actual supply of quanta, along with how easy it is for a player to profit, either alone or in an organization. But wages in my opinion will be a thing most organizations take up. Depending on the job of course, and more importantly, it will depend on the tools NQ gives us as organizations to pool and collect money from our markets, trade routes, and citizens. The latest market video was great, it's basic with a hint of genius and it will provide an excellent way for organizations to collect money. 


    What I'd like to see is a sort of organization bank (maybe something people have to build similar to a market that can be robbed by invading factions) where money is pooled outside the direct wallet of the leaders. It could function with an automatic payment system of some sort that could be set up via a UI and payments can be made singular or periodic. I suggest this system because I've gotten the impression that quanta will not be a item that is dropped, but merely a number in your inventory. This could help organizations efficiently manage payments to players, and proper separation of organization funds from personal funds. 


    Finally, on your last point I think it's great that dual has incorporated the LUA script feature. It adds a rarity to the ability to create cool constructs and will generate a niche market for advanced ships. 


    Sorry if I was a bit off topic, just wanted to throw my two cents in!

  13. On 6/22/2018 at 12:23 PM, CN_FireStorm said:

    Hello I noticed your post, here is a discord full of various artists who work on projects for DU organizations. I encourage you to post your request here and also, to the fellow artists in here we are always looking for more friends to work on projects with. The idea is to have fun, build our skills, meet more artists and all the while learn from each other while we help the DU community.


    the discord “multimedia freelancers” https://discord.gg/tKtGQEa


    i hope this is useful.

    - Firestorm

    I appreciate this a bunch, thank you very much!

  14. On 6/18/2018 at 4:16 PM, boots_1588 said:

    oof im ok at graphic design, I can try if this is still relevant ))

    two questions: how many peeps u got in ur gang and is it accepting new members?


    We're always looking for new members, but right now it's still very small, only about 9 guys. We haven't started to recruit publicly yet!


    We wanted to get a sick insignia and all that first before we went public. 


    And if you're willing to give it a shot we'd appreciate it, as I mentioned, graphics isn't a skill for any of us so we need the help lol!

  15. Hi everyone,


    My organization and I are looking for anyone willing to lend us their trusty art/design skills to help create a more modern, stylish, and appealing organization emblem. 


    If you're interested please shoot me a forum PM! We are willing to pay if need be, we just haven't found anyone who can really hit the target on Fivver.


    I've attached our current insignia, to give you an idea of what we got!






  16. I think the element system is perfect the way it is, but a few people have commented that they would like to be able to re-skin or re-model elements to their liking. I think that's a great idea but something that should be run through the dev team, long after full release, so that good designs can make it in and the garbage ones cannot. 

  17. On 6/1/2018 at 8:34 PM, virtuozzo said:

    That's just a learning curve, a community concept and a marker to differentiate between focus / form / profession / professionalism of organisations. 


    I'd leave it up to players to pick their options. Don't provide an in game solution. Yes, it decreases tresholds. Yes an argument can be made in relation to new player experience. But it adds costs, it constricts the sandbox dynamic and it doesn't provide the kind of tech push needed to build communities that go beyond the pixels. 

    It's not really a learning curve, that suggests it can be mastered with time. Without a way to communicate with you troops, squads and fleets instantly then you are putting your players at a disadvantage. If this was your average MMO with questing with a max of 10 players in your squad then I'd agree, Discord is fine. But what happens when the Terrain Union mobalizes it's entire fleet of (just guessing) 300 enlisted troops and flies out with 190 ships? You can't slap them all in one discord channel, and you can't tab to switch between channels and honestly typing just isn't a viable communication channel in a PVP situation where every second counts. Have direct voice comms with either just people in your organization or people in proximity is a must for a game like this, it's completely about efficient communication. 

  18. In-game voice would be nice to have for battle. People will say discord is the way to go, but when you get fleets of 100 plus kids it'll be hard to communicate clearly.


    Something similar to Squad would be ideal, but I'm not sure on how applicable that is in this games coding. 


    Or just local voice comms would be good to talk to people outside of your discord channel when you see them. Text is great and mandatory but in my experience having comms allows for fast communication versus typing it all out. 

  19. The idea behind a player driven sandbox game is that the players build the world, from the ground up. With that said of course the developers will need to provide tools to the players in order to allow them to build their ideal governments and organizations. But forcing any system is contradictory to the game's core mechanic of being an open sandbox game.


    When it comes to the political landscape and tools we'll be provided to help run our organizations, there are a few that I personally feel are important. Things like;

    - Setting a political stance that can be seen by all other organizations ( At War, Neutral, Ally) that pertains to organizations of choice.

    - An optional voting system (that could be toggled on and off by the current head of the organization at anytime) that would physically remove people from the head of their organization and replace them with the most popular vote.

    - A possible revolt functionality for vassal states or nations. (I haven't been able to find exaclty how vassalization will work so if anyone can enlighten me, please do so)

    - The ability to assign roles to players (something along the lines of having 20 slots and being able to make custom titles and give them to players within your organization) but this could also be achieved by creating different outfits, which they're doing now. Just adds a deeper level of role-play.


    Those are just a few actual game features, inside of the political script as a whole, that I think are necessary to allow for any government type to take form. As well as provide mechanics for uprising and government change by popular decision. 

  20. I'm looking to get my logo re-vamped or made more futuristic since our factions core leadership have very limited knowledge on graphic and art design. 


    Anything would help, and your above work looks sick so keep it up!


    NOTE: A bit of background information on our organization that may help spur your creativity is as follows;

    • We're Militaristic Imperialists 
    • We demand military service by all citizens
    • Our organization initials are O.U.D (Order of United Dominions)



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