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Everything posted by Tharanatos

  1. Here's a new link to the Discord Server since the first one expired https://discord.gg/u3ruwm
  2. I just started a Discord server for lone wolves and smaller independent corporations to talk and share tips and tricks. You can join us here https://discord.gg/zty3tKT
  3. The idea is that if someone has trouble with pirates or something like that, then we might be able to coordinate efforts to deal with the problem. Other than that, we will also as a platform for the exchange of trade info. There might also be a shared tech pool that might help smaller Corporations stay on par with our larger neighbors.
  4. I think land will have value from strategic location. After all, it's easier to mine resources from the tile next door than from some planet several stars away. I also think that access to Ark Ships (and the new recruits that may spawn at them) will be a huge factor for more competitive Corporations. Remember that the conflicts of Europe didn't end when the Americas were discovered.
  5. I do have sort of an idea for coordinated trade flotillas. Sort of like traveling caravans.
  6. I'm looking into the idea of gathering a loose confederation of Nomadic Corporations. The idea is to provide protection for all members including lone-wolf types, as well as shared tech, trade-info, mercenary job opportunities, and motherships with regeneration nodes available to the entire coalition. Aside from a few rules such as no piracy, no mercenary work against the coalition, and answering the call to mutual defense if possible, each member Corporation will be free to play as they wish. Are there any Nomads or smaller Corporations that are interested in joining? If so then I've named this Corporation the Stellar Nomads. Feel free to join.
  7. I'm looking into the idea of gathering a loose confederation of Nomadic Corporations. The idea is to provide protection for all members including lone-wolf types, as well as shared tech, trade-info, mercenary job opportunities, and motherships with regeneration nodes available to the entire coalition. Aside from a few rules such as no piracy, no mercenary work against the coalition, and answering the call to mutual defense if possible, each member Corporation will be free to play as they wish. Are there any Nomads or smaller Corporations that are interested in joining? If so then I've named this Corporation the Stellar Nomads. Feel free to join.
  8. Novarkian, I am trying to put together a loose confederation of nomadic groups called the Stellar Nomads. Would the Cluster be interested in joining?
  9. I'm personally interested in some type of mothership that can act as a mobile settlement and gathering place for its organization.
  10. Will it be possible for players to live a completely nomadic lifestyle in the game? I've started an organization called the Stellar Nomads that's built around the idea but I'm still looking for potential problems and solutions.
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