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Everything posted by SkyIsGreen

  1. I just read the territory devblog post and I had a few ideas and addressed my own concerns. You can find the post here I think solo-players will drive the economy for cheap items/weaponry whilst the larger groups would go for the more advanced, more expensive and effective stuff and both economies are needed to drive the prices of each respective market but I don't think they've really been included thus far into the development or future of the game. So my attempt at fixing this comes in the form of TU and Ark token adjustments. I think the idea of Ark tokens is a fantastic idea for nurturing small/new cities or securing ties with neighboring organisations, because especially at the beginning of a city, one of these bad boys is not only a pillar of safety for the city's inhabitants, it encourgaes solo-players to branch away and explore and even possibly join an established city's organisation. It also signifies alliances as (the way I'd like to see it being implemented) a solo-player can't just simply "get one" and would take the combined effort of organisations to acquire one. With that said, I think a good way of implementing such a device would be to either have it as a rare resource. Or having access to an ark token blueprint and the resources to construct it be rare. (I personally prefer the latter and it makes more sense although doesn't really fit with the current lore) If the Ark token was to be implemented in this way then the territory unit I think would to be a fairly easily acquirable device, I think this gives solo-players the OPTION to claim their own stuff, but indirectly imposes penalties for doing so (a solo-player doing this wouldn't be able to defend all of the land he claimed, so it kind of nudges them to form alliances with other players, because lets face it, this game is going to be dominated by large groups and PVP, the only way to survive early game will be to form alliances) So yeah, those were my thoughts, let me know what you guys think! Hopefully we can come up with a solid way of implementation for the ark token as I think it'll alleviate a lot of the concern connected with big organisations steam-rolling small ones. THANKS FOR READING.
  2. I'll definitely be focused around building stuff. I can't wait to find out how much freedom we'll get with the builder, because I'm literally writing all my crazy ideas down.
  3. Really pumped for this game, definitely pumped for advanced building. I'm really looking forward to the out-of-ship game-play personally. (It all looks really good, but I can't wait to explore and develop stuff) Anyone else have a particular interest? Look forward to shaping the universe with you all!
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