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Posts posted by ShadowLordAlpha

  1. The game was only recently released at E3 and hasn't been really publicly know for very long. Also while there are a few videos there is no where near the same amount that NMS and SE have. There are also a number of people just lurking and waiting for that time where they can play the game.

  2. I'm practically a socialist so I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm with the others in that the market will take care of most of these issues, but I have some lingering questions:


    1) How much of the production chain is one player able to reasonably handle? If I want to build a hover car to zoom around in am I "expected"/able to mine, refine, and construct it all on my own within a couple of sessions? Or is the resource system so vast that I can only participate in a small part of it and have to buy from a dealer? The former would cripple the market, the latter would block a lot of players from building something form voxels.


    2) How fun is the act of mining itself? Is it like Eve where it is shooting lasers at rocks and is boring as heck (although a good bonding experience for corps, but player bonds should be made over stories, not boredom) or is it more like space engineers where there are ore voxels to be collected? Not as bad as eve but still not that fun. A game is a series of interesting choices. For mining it is the scouting, deciding what to mine and where to mine it. That is the interesting gameplay.


    3) The new player experience. New players need a hook, a sense of agency. There needs to be a low risk-low reward entry into resource gathering that is renewable around the starting zones (construction grade plastic using organics from hydroponic farms for their first house?).


    4) Is the production chain discreet based (need all the materials before construction starts), or flow based (x resources consumed every second, not enough resources the construction time increases)?



    Now that I typed it all out I think low-volume resource gathering should be automated, if not for new players then within a couple hours of gameplay. Pick a resource, scout for it, design (or buy) a system to harvest it, and defend it is all very interesting gameplay. While the resource is being collected the player can continue to do interesting things while the miner mines.


    High volume gathering, I wouldn't ban automation out right, but it would be much more challenging and a lot more involved to keep the systems running smoothly. A lot more hands on work with player(s).


    1) They expect us to take a long time just getting into space so I doubt that it will take just a few sessions to get to a point where you can make nearly everything, at least in the beginning


    2) We know that the nanoformer (that thing on your hand) will handle gathering and mining and I assume a bigger version of it will be available for ships with specializations so that its better, or can only, at mining or building so yes there will be ore voxels that we need to collect and then refine into the materials we want but you can also use those voxels directly to build so you can make things like a wooden house if you want.


    3) I would agree but we don't know if they plan on doing resources resets for the arkzone or what their plan is so we will have to wait and see. As all players will be starting on the same planet the area around the arkship could become drained of resources quickly (or not they are large planets) so they may have some way of renewing the resources every so often.


    4) I would hope flow based as it would allow for partial construction of things without needing everything all at once




    The designing and building the system would take some time as scripts and other things would probably need to be written and that does take time though it also depends on what they give us to work with in the beginning of the game.

  3. it should be possible as we do have the anti-grav tech however the power requirements might be a bit high for anyone to do until we get better more efficient reactors latter in the game but I could see them working in this kind of game though more as a in planet space station or to defend itself from a hostile ground (and fully land based attacks for the most part)

  4. (sorry for my english it is not perfect)

    Natural anomalies that can transport you on far distance, on another side of galaxy or even in other galaxies. 

    There can be some wormholes features:

    1. To detect them you should have some high-tech sensors, or just find it randomly (almost impossible)

    2. Wormholes can drift in space changing their position periodically. 

    3. Only small ships can use wormholes. Large ships can use it only with large energy spending.

    4. There is unknown what you waiting on the other side, or to figure that you have to send probe that can give you some data.

    Wormholes can be used to find new places for colonization, or place to hide your supersecret military base ;)


    We don't really know what they have planned for space or if its just going to be a big empty . . . space . . . you fly though to get to other planets and systems. This does sound cool though and could be the basis of Stargate technology though or it could just be something to look for in space.

  5. You can't ban the usage of something to stop something else in a sandbox game. The point is that a person should be able to make an entire ship run on scripts, the real issue here is that it has to be something difficult and expensive to pull of, no matter if it's a building or a spaceship.




    while -= x = -1 do


    if x == 0 then


    if x == -1 then




    This is a rough example of an automated move/detect/drill/move script for a drillbot on a horizontal straight line pattern. This can be made to loop with keeping an eye out on its fuel reserves and inventory space on the drillbot. It's a simple automaton. But, I can make it check around it, if it finds open air, by stating that x has to be either 2 or 1, so the bot double checks instead of falling to its doom. And this is the issue. Not all are Jedi Masters in programming and not all have the artistic mindset to build a factory. If it's a feat of strength to make an automaton on the scale of a battleship, then a person should be able to do it, but with that person being on board and NOT afk. The human element should be present.


    Thats assuming you can check around it in the first place. Though there should be a way to and I do agree that it should not be easy to script something like an autopilot and by extension a full auto-miner


    Also fully automated battleships sounds like something I would do so its probably going to happen if its at all possable

  6. From my experience with A.I. scripting, yes, you can access inventories by command prompts. You can automate it, th point is you have to be prcise. 


    When coding A.I. you got to think of ants.


    If you cut off the legs of an ant, an ant will undershoot its return home to the hive. Same goes for the A.I. . The variables on distance travelled should be measured and coded to make an automated factory, which is hard mate. Trust me, it is. I helped a friend once to finish his Uni project on his engineering degree and trust me, automating machinery is hard. The devs better add a range-finder in game, cause I ain't counting steps or voxels.



    And an automated construct would be online, day in , day out, with or without you online. A ship though, would disappear on a log out. So, the devs have to make a really good "AFK automated mining" kind of detection, to prevent the system from being abused into complete automation.


    The way I see it being implemented though, is that you simply don't have to fire the drill manually or adjust its range if it's on a gimbal. The script will do that, while you sip your coffee, eat your doritos and simply drive the ship from asteroid to asteroid.


    I very much doubt a ship will disappear on logout simply because if would cause more problems than it solves and needlessly creates the need for a more complex system so the ship part would not be a problem. I have made auto-mining scripts in SE (sort of similar but I'm hoping this game has more freedom) and this is no where close to AI levels of complexity. Its literally just a fire weapons script with a movement script (this would also check fuel and such) and some kind of inventory management script. You also don't need a range just a position (preferably provided by the factory construct) of the offload point and a way to get the ships current position. most of the time this is relatively easy to get from ingame scripting.

  7. Automation is not a bad thing. Period.


    Complete automation is a bad thing. When complete and total automation of a specified process occurs, a play is given a benifit beyond belief. I beleve that everyone could do with a little automation. 


    Let me just hand you an example. Let's say you have a smart home system that wakes you up, turns on the coffee machine and opens the blinds. That is completely fine and should be welcomed, as it already is. However, when you see that the automation now lifts your bed, glides it down the hallway and gives you a full course breakfast, it's a problem. Not only is it a problem, but it sounds absurd because now you have eliminated things that are healthy, and have turned it into a complete glob.


    So, automated mining, to a degree, is a healthy thing. Automated, mining, extraction, refining, and crafting all on the same ship or station without any workers. Problem.


    I would have to disagree with this simply because if I can automate a miner I better be able to automate the unloading of said miner and there should be a way to move that inventory to other areas using conveyors and sorters in very large quantities. Then who in their right mind would want to refine all that by hand? I would of course have defense everywhere as well as a few people at least in case something breaks down or goes wrong but for the most part I should be able to automate the whole process. I still have some human interaction (idk how or if repair drones would work but I would still need the humans for things like script problems). I doubt mining ships of the scale I am talking about will be common in game for a while after launch but they will happen as people need more and more resources.

  8. I doubt they would not have some way to automate it or at least mine from a ship as mining by hand can get really boring and isn't really fun to do all the time. The massive amount of materials may actually be needed though in order to build large constructs like a stargate or an 8km space station and unless there is some real reason to no industrial type organization would crash a market in a material as it would crush their own profits in that material.

  9. Just a random idea I had a few minutes ago but it's something that might come in handy, particularly for small ships and for VR.  Usually in voxel games, particularly Space Engineers, when you sit down in a chair you're locked in place.  Your ability to interact with the environment is limited to a standardized control panel which probably involves an annoying menu interface.  The idea here is to enable players to interact with anything within arm's reach while seated in basically the same way as they would while standing.  This way you can place door controls, electrical panels, status displays, etc in voxel mode and have all of them fully usable while seated.  This would make it more practical to build compact interiors that don't generally provide enough room to move around without being limited to pre-made cockpit elements.  And yes, this also gives you the ability to spin your chair around.

    now if we could get them to roll as well we could have office spinning chair races

  10. I would like to see people who find vulnerabilities in the network stack behind Dual Universe, or even vulnerabilities on the website, etc, be rewarded for reporting those issues to NovaQuark.


    Here's a short list of several companies that offer such rewards, either in the form of money, swag or a "hall of fame", to people who report major security issues to them about their sites and products:






    I know that most people here aren't going to be participating in such a program, but as the game grows, undoubtedly people with that kind of experience are going to be playing. 


    If it helps them fix bugs in there system or to even find things that people could be exploiting I would love to see this implemented at least in some way. Even if it was just a plex ingame or something not even real money (though a hall of fame as well would be kinda cool).

  11. So i was thinking, in many science fiction books/games/films there are always many bio-technological implants or gadgets that after one injection or augmentation are then permanent part of your body, like Infra-red camera directly to your eye so then you can see in darkness or muscle strengthening to make you jump higher etc. I thought it would be great to have at least some possibilities to do things like that in DU  :D

    I think it would be cool but probably two lines so one would be cybernetic augmentation and one would be bio augmentation. so you could get your eye replaced with a camera to see in the dark. or you could get geneticly engineered eyes to see in the dark. each would provide something a little different so something like the eyes could of course give night vision but it could use power for the cybernetic ones and the bio ones could make you unstable or paralize you for small amounts of time

  12. I prefer the idea of having to fight over a wreck if you want to salvage it, or (my preferred gameplay style) sneaking in when nobody is around, just like in Eve. 


    There's always going to be the bottom feeders rushing in after a battle to try and pick apart ships after major battles :P


    It gives an angle for pirate gameplay, and it could allow for people who want to specialize in salvaging and not combat to still get in on the action. 



    On the topic of towing, I'd like to see an SOS system, where you could broadcast a distress signal if your ship is disabled and any ships in the vicinity would see the signal and could choose to assist (without necessarily knowing who is broadcasting the signal). 


    I'm just imagining a tug boat sneaking off with the wreck as two salvage ships fight over it and are completely distracted by each other.


    The SOS system sounds interesting. Possibly with the ability to broadcast on different frequencies so that only friendlies can pick it up or something like that

  13. https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2016/02/20/builder-gameplay-voxel-tools-elements/


    I was reading this in the devblog, meditating about the possible relationship between the "virtual simulator" and the LUA code...


    Starting from the point that in the "real game" you could use LUA only to interact with the "Mesh-based Elements"; should it be possible to use the code in the simulator to automatically build complex (or repetitive) voxel patterns?


    What do you all think about it?


    the virtual simulator is kinda like single player creative from what I have read. You can build whatever you want there and such but it will not exsist outside of the simulator. Thats why I sugested making it an actual single player thing that can be done offline away from the servers.


    Depends on how much control they let us have using LUA but sounds interesting. I doubt they will have the simulator automatically making things though unless its through a foundry at which point you might as well build it in world as you would have the blueprint already as far as I know

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