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HUB Universal

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Posts posted by HUB Universal

  1. I would think that with engine limitations, that ground vehicles with have superior armor. Engines need a lot less power to keep a vehicle a meter above the ground than to become airborne or achieve space flight. So, for the same amount of power, you could have significant more weight.

  2. Technically, you could VPN/RDP into your home computer with your smart phone and do this, but it would be way cooler to do it natively for certain functions and content. Like if you had a app that could control your base and run your defenses in real time.

  3. I would love to see In-World HUDs that are part of the cockpit and not the user's HUD. This is something that are doing in Star Citizen and I love the idea, so it would be nice if they could incorporate that in DU.

  4. I wouldn't worry to much about it. A year in, the whole safe zone will be a parking lot anyways. Everyone and their dog is going to build in the starting zone, which means it will be a city of significant size, but unfortunately most of the buildings will end up being abandoned. 

  5. GST - Galactic Standard Time, which is the local time at the ark. Then everything else could be based on where you are in relation to the sun as GST +- 12. Would not matter what planet you are on, just where on the planet in relation to noon on said planet. There may be some issues with the rotation of the planet and how long a day is on any given planet, as they would never line up though.

  6. Exactly. I think it will be possible to do so, but NQ wants us to use vast amounts of firepower for such a project so that people could "evacuate" and fight back instead of mining inside the planet and chilling at a bar and suddenly re spawned at another Resurrection node :/

     I think they also said something about knowing where an attack comes from instead dying for no apparent reason (like an asteroid falling on your head)

    "Ask Me Anything" Event

  7. I think there is a very good Org opportunity here. Have a place where people can drop off someone they capture at gun point and the "Prison Org" could hold them at gun point for a predetermined amount of time. The Org would have to pay for Guards to watch the prisoner, which in turn would be paid by the group/person dropping the prisoner off. Of course, the prisoner could just log off, but if the time was only 15 minutes or something like this, it would be better to just serve the time and go on your way. 


    Of course, at any time during the whole process, the prisoner could try to escape with the threat of being vaporized would be there. This also leads to opportunities of breaking someone out of prison, which would also be a fun mission on it's own. Which could lead to some pretty interesting contracts.

  8. I would image that each and every core that is created would have some sort of unique identifier. Copies of core from that same blueprint will have a sequential number attached to the core number. This would be an easy way of giving each and every ship a transponder code. No registry would be required, because it is already built into the "core" database. I also image that the name of the blueprint (Model Number) would be associated with the unique core number, which could also be the type on the transponder code.

  9. There should be 2 types of contract types; open or single seed (with a set number of iterations). Open jobs would stay on the board until someone gets paid, then the job is automatic removed. On a single seed, when someone takes the job, it would be removed from the board. On single seed jobs with multiple iterations (cargo or such) you could set as many sets as you wanted and they would be removed as they are taken.

  10. https://community.du...n/hub-universal 


    Our Mission Statement  

    HUB Universal is a corporation that runs trade facilities where all galactic citizen (no matter what your affiliation is) can come and buy, sell and trade their goods to others. HUB will not affiliate itself with any nation, corporation or group and will not take sides in conflicts. Our facilities are open to all as long as they keep the peace while they visit HUB and enjoy all the services we have to offer.



    Our belief in the power of investing is a perspective that's influenced our company from the beginning and creates a powerful bond between us and the buyers, sellers, and traders we serve.  It is through this bond, that we all prosper and create an environment for Success.  Our commitment to you, is to provide you with the tools you need to make your success possible.



    We champion the traders and those who serve them because we believe everyone should have the opportunity to achieve great financial outcomes.  It is through these successes that we drive the galactic economy and perpetuate a universe of growth and prosperity for all.



    Putting clients at the heart of the experience has enabled us to create products, services and platforms that have shaped our industry and helped clients meet their financial goals.  We strive to offer a complete portfolio of tools that you need from the start to the end of the transaction.  This could be anything from brokerage services, secure neutral negotiation facilities or even a place to unwind after a hard day of trading. We cater to all your needs so you don’t have to worry about what you may have forgotten.



    HUB will never have any affiliation with any nation, corporation or group.  We do not take part in the conflicts of the galaxy, but remain neutral in all things.  Hub will only raise arms against groups or individual if they break the peace at a HUB facility.



    Membership to HUB is free.  There are no dues or fees for Membership, you only pay for the services you use.  Access for HUB Facilities and basic services are free for Members and Non-Members alike.  No affiliation with any nation, corporation or group will exempt you from HUB Membership.  Membership grants you access to all HUB facilities, products and services.  Membership is not employment and has no responsibilities other than maintaining the peace while you visit HUB Facilities.



    Employment with HUB offers many additional benefits.  All HUB products and services are either free or heavily discounted.  Affiliation with any nation, corporation or group will not exempt you from employment with HUB, However, while on HUB business, you must be able to be neutral and impartial.  Understand though, that the HUB badge will not protect you away from HUB facilities due to the neutrality that HUB must maintain will all other the groups.

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