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Alpha Tester
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    KleinCrafter reacted to Underhand Aerial in [German] Hyperion - An der Spitze des Möglichen   
    Dear ladies and gentlemen,
    this offer is for German speaking players only, please respect that.

    Hyperion - gegründet mit dem Ziel ein Wirtschafts-Imperium aufzubauen,
    dessen Name, Produkte und Entwicklungen auch in den entlegenen Winkeln
    des Dual Universe bekannt sind.
    Als Teil starker Allianzen bietet Hyperion den Rahmen, um in Sicherheit und
    mit Rückhalt Neues zu kreieren und wirtschaftlich zu handeln.
    Die derzeit größte und aktivste deutschsprachige Community sammelt, erforscht und
    baut bereits heute - gemeinsam - Großes.
    Werde auch du Teil dieser Gemeinschaft und lerne uns kennen:
    Hyperion bietet euch das größte deutschsprachige Netzwerk in Dual Universe von Handel, Missionen, Kopfgeldjagd bis zu Rettungsmissionen. 
    Mit der Mitgliedschaft bei Hyperion erhältst du Zugang zu allen Einrichtungen von Hyperion, ein eigenes vQuanta Konto, Lehrgänge mit Betreuung und vieles mehr!
    Mittelfristig möchten wir gemeinsam eine Heimat aufbauen, um weitere, spannende Projekte voranzutreiben. In mehreren Teams aufgeteilt, realisieren wir Raumschiffe, Stadtkonstrukte und diverse, andere Bauprojekte. Die Möglichkeiten für andere Geschäftszweige sind schier grenzenlos und somit liegt es auch an Dir, welchen Weg du beschreiten wirst. 
    Eine freundliche Gemeinschaft deutschsprachiger Spieler und den Zugang zum Hyperion Netzwerk. Erhalte die Möglichkeit an großen und spannenden Projekten teilzunehmen. Hol dir Aufträge vom schwarzen Brett oder nutze unseren eigenen Markt. Bei uns kann sich jeder frei entfalten und seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen, solange es dem Wohl der Gemeinschaft nicht schadet und die Gesetze/Richtlinien von Hyperion, sowie auch der Ascendancy eingehalten werden. Des Weiteren bieten wir Sicherheit und Territorium durch die Ascendancy. Dies ist die größte Allianz im Spiel.
    Jeder deutschsprachige Spieler von Dual Universe der keine Augenklappe trägt und sich Pirat schimpfen lässt ist bei uns willkommen. Wir fordern lediglich eine geistige Reife und die Einhaltung einiger Regeln. Solltest du bei der Hyperion Corporation mitmachen wollen, dann solltest du vor allem teamfähig sein. Ein gutes Betriebsklima ist uns sehr wichtig. Wir haben uns außerdem für ein Mindestaufnahmealter von 16 Jahren entschieden.
    Du kannst dich förmlich auf unserer Homepage bei uns bewerben oder besuche uns auf unserem Discord und schreib uns persönlich! Dort kannst du uns weitere Fragen stellen, gerne auch im Voice.
    Wir freuen uns auf dich!
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    KleinCrafter reacted to NQ-Nyzaltar in Can someone explain it to me?   
    Hi everyone,
    As an exceptional case, we are replying this topic, even if it’s closed, to avoid any misunderstanding. As an exceptional case, as the involved user has explicitly asked for public explanation and the customer support agrees with it, we are in a situation where both parties agree to make it public, so it doesn't break the confidentiality policy. We also want to share this as an example that things don't happen for no reason (and in the case of an error, we are ready to fix it).
    Just to put things in perspective:
    - Emtec3PL account wasn't suspended regarding the game (the account has never lost his rights to play the game when the time will come).
    - Emtec3PL account wasn't suspended on the forum and was still able to contact Community Managers in private.
    - Emtec3PL account was suspended on Customer Support side.
    The situation:
    - Emtec3PL pledged 1 euro as a symbolic donation during Kickstarter campaign (in which case it was clear it was a donation, with no rewards attached to it).
    - Emtec3PL pledged then an Iron Founder Pack after the Kickstarter campaign, which has been upgraded as a Silver Pack shortly after.
    - As explained in the news on our website here the access time, depending on the founder level, was pretty clear and self explanatory: 
    All Kickstarter Founder Backers get access at Alpha 1.  Post-Kickstarter Founder Backers get access at the earliest at Alpha 2. Emtec3PL becomes a Founder Backer after the Kickstarter campaign, first as an Iron Founder, than as a Silver Founder, so he's rightfully considered as a Post-Kickstarter Backer and will get access Alpha 2. Emtec3PL contested that fact and asked repeatedly to Customer Support for an access to Alpha 1. Novaquark Customer Support denied the request and explained why. The last answer from Emtec3PL to the Customer Support was the following:
    Emtec3PL sent this reply because he will have access to Alpha 2 (as planned), and not immediately (as he wanted). Obviously there was no possible discussion anymore, and as part of the process for harassment prevention, the account has been suspended on the customer support side. If Emtec3PL is willing to come back to a more constructive discussion, the account can be unsuspended.
    This example might be useful to put in light how we manage customer service here at Novaquark. Globally there are two schools of customer service:
    The old school: "Customer is king."
    This vision implies that no matter how the customer behaves, the customer service agent needs to endure and gives satisfaction to the customer. In our eyes, this way of doing things is relevant as long as customers and customer service agents behave with mutual respect.
    However, with internet promoting anonymity and online interaction, a growing number of customers started to consider mutual respect as being optional and/or lost focus that the customer service agent at the other end of the line is a human being, not a machine, and he/she is there to help, not to endure someone else's anger or frustration. Having daily customers being rude or threatening can damage a team morale, especially when rudeness or threat is undeserved. 
    Customer Support is not an outlet for customers to let their frustration run wild.
    It's a place to answer customer questions and help them when they have a technical issue.
    Some people would easily throw there: "Hey it's part of the job. If they can't handle it, they can find another job" or the famous “HTFU” (which is perfectly fine in a game where a part of the fun is to compete to see who is the toughest guy. It’s less fine when it applies to your real life where you can’t log out) Our answer to this is "No, it's not part of the job, unless it has been decided that way by the company. It's not up to the customer to decide this part." 
    At Novaquark we value Customer satisfaction as much as Employee well-being. 
    The reasons? We don't want the job of anyone becoming a chore because we aren’t interested in burnouts and high turnovers, and also because we are convinced that, having people less stressed and less harassed than the average in the industry will benefit indirectly to the Customers themselves. So we won't encourage negative behavior from some customers, quite the contrary, by applying consequences to this kind of behavior.
    To put it simply, we are following the other school: 
    "Customer is king... but even a king has its limits."
    We will always do our best to satisfy a customer as long as:
    - the request/demand is reasonable and motivated by common sense.
    - the request/demand is made in a respectful manner.
    Best Regards,
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