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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Omfgreenhair

  1. Is any form of mechanical mining already part of the game? Or is it still "Magically scoop stuff from the ground like someone went mental with a giant ice-scooper"?
  2. I'm in for building resource gathering systems. I'll start out with building a moving mining station that gathers resources, processes them into base materials and move the platform to the next resource point. I will sell my materials to anyone and influence the market by (for example how the diamond industry here on Earth does it) storing massive ammounts in storages, so the demand and supply stays in check in my favour. This opperation ofcourse needs a person who understands the market, a person who'll manage the infrastructure between the moving base and storage depots/markets and a person who organises the security. Once this grows, because people don't like grinding but do like their big expensive projects such as Death Stars and other copyrighted stuff, I can expand my corporation and provide influence in local politics. Buying politicians, sell-sort and others to one day become filthy rich. Then, I'll blow up my entire corporation (litterally! Best firework show EVER) and watch the whole system that has been depending on my corporation tip over like dominos. Anarchy and chaos at its finest. You muppets have no idea what you're in for. ...and meanwhile irl still do the same office job and be disguisted by exactly the same people doing this in real life. Plan B: Design very cool looking space ships like they are sportscars. I have experience with video editing so I'll also make commercials for them. I'll get a Brit to do a Top Gear escque voice over.
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