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Posts posted by trytryagain

  1. 6 minutes ago, Elitez said:

    Our main concern should be: "What NQ can do so we have 1k+, 5k+, 10K+ players in DU after release?"


    10,000 subs won't be enough to do anything. That's less than $100,000 a month in revenue for a company with two offices (in expensive locations) and 30+ employees...For reference, 30 people at $40,000 a year salary is already $100k a month. 


    I think they have more than 30 employees...and regardless, their staff is likely making much more considering their office locations and the expense of good engineering talent. 


    So...it isn't a stretch to suggest they need 10x that amount depending on their margins after ad costs and staff/server/office overhead. 


    And in that context....I don't think anyone here has any idea of how NQ can earn and maintain 100,000 subscribers...wipe or no, that's going to be a struggle. 

  2. Hanlon's Razor is a good thing to always remember -- in games and in life. 



    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


    For all the crap that we players might talk, game design and development is no easy feat. 


    I have seen people talk about this silly idea that NQ never wanted to make a game and always wanted to "sell their tech" -- tech that hasn't proven to scale, is reliant on specific vendors like Unigen/AWS, or is based on public academic research...no sane company would spend 8+ years on a game just to "sell the tech"...


    It makes zero sense. 


    NQ isn't a scam. It has made very, very typical mistakes for a first-time studio that were easy to avoid...but they have tried. I respect them for that at least. 


    There's a big difference between changing one's mind due to changing circumstances and "lying".


    Reality is they could pull DU offline tomorrow forever -- there's never a guarantee that any online game or service will remain online or available. 

  3. Yeah, you can't sue over lack of persistence...but you can take it to KS if they promised you a t-shirt and never fulfilled it.


    That's a physical good with a clear and simple deliverable and it isn't an optional thing for them to fulfill.


    It would never become a lawsuit, but with enough persistence you could get NQ in trouble with KS and maybe even get them banned from the platform (not that this would matter very much). At the very least NQ should explain why this is so delayed. 


    It isn't like it is hard to get t-shirts printed and shipped to backers...

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