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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by atriumgp

  1. Ok so we can edit our constructs and other constructs (with an accord).


    We can recycle partially a construct (only ressources). At least, only recources, for the moment.


    We don't know for the moment if abandonned items can be taken, destroyed or even stealed without any accord and outside safe zones.

  2. Must confim please. That is not what i have read.


    edit: I found this on q & a to the devs.


    " Only authorized people will be able to edit your constructs"


    So cool it will we possible to edit a construct (personnal and friends).


    But not sure we can get back elements when you destroy an item (of what i red).

  3. Hello all,


    I have read on a post writed by an admin that deconstrunct will not be possible, like legos, so we can not take some elements finded on an item. This is an important thing. It is really good to construct but like legos it could be also really good to deconstruct an item to takes some elements.


    For exemple, when i play legos and i need some blocks finded only on a construction. I can easilly, if i want deconstruct my big block to take elements, a piece of this block. In DU univers it would be cool if we can deconstruct. Construct is as important as deconstruct. Maybe for a question of gameplay deconstruct it is not possible.


    Thank you. :)


    Edit : or even if i want to upgrade an element of an item, if i can't deconstruct it means i can't edit an item. 

  4. all looks very good for an alpha.


    the game has very potential. But planets are too near each others. MAybe it is not the same somewhere else. Also planets need a big fat athmosphere but it is alpha. And for an alpha it looks already excellent.


    There are so much things we can do alone or together, join corporations for helping to build buildings or even cities, etc.


    THank you and keep good work. :)

  5. Thank you for the answers. What i mean of destructing mechanism is for exemple i find an alien mechanism, for exemple a motor of a ship. Can i destroy partially or totally the motor to extract the different elements of the motor ?

  6. hello,


    i have other questions.


    if i find for example a mecanism, can i destroy it and collect materials?

    can i create plans and alliages or whatever i want and put it on my library or is it a library with predefined places for the different plans.

    for last question maybe i see too high or not.^^


    Thank you. See you soon.

  7. Hello,


    i follow this game with interest but i need to know some details who will give a lot of immersion.


    will there be a big atmosphere on planets with clouds and different natural meteorologic effects ?


    the game will have a lot of npc some with secrets or speciality, like real life ? also will npc have a deep ai?


    will there be tons of variety of vegetal, mineral and animal ?


    thank you. :)

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