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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Semigod

  1. Hmmm a bit greedy, aren't we? ;)

    Gameplay? not today... but soon.

    2nd wave of invitations in the Alpha team? I need to check with the management. I will keep you informed :)


    And now the announcements for today!


    1) Our new website is now officially launched. We finished a few modifications today.


    2) Dual Universe spacesuits reveal  (for both male & female, no discrimination!) 




    3) First in-game screenshots are planned for... early next week!

    We think (or we hope at least) that you'll be positively surprised by the pre-alpha screenshots! :D


    Best regards,



    Females? How could you possible achieve such a feature when a 113 crowdfunded game couldn't. 

    Would It be rude to ask for a high res of this image? It looks really pretty. 



    @Vylqun & Semigod: Eagle777 is from Russia. He made some efforts to write in English (even if it's still difficult to understand)


    @Eagle777: If I understand well what you are saying, I don't think we can't compare EvE Online and Dual Universe on many aspects:

    1) In EvE Online you can build things, but you can't design the shape of your ships or your buildings. It's already predefined in the game.

    2) In EvE Online you have planets and Planetary Interaction, but you can't walk yourself, as a character on any planet surface, nor modify it either.

    3) Dual Universe is more centered on a character avatar than a ship model considered as an avatar.

    So while both games have similar points, they are also very different.


    Best Regards,




    No harm meant, I was merely joking. 

    English isn't my native tongue so I understand all to well. 

  3. Have you seen my new cowboy hat? Doesn't really do anything, but it makes me look like Clint Eastwood. 


    No, "cosmetic items" do not affect "gameplay". If you want to be a "hoarder" that's between you and your wallet. Does it affect me? Nope. Not one bit. 


    I'm also all for a cash shop on top of the pay-to-play model if it's purely cosmetic. Because, again. It does nothing to me, or you, or anyone else if they don't have that special glam item. If you're that worried about looking fabulous, go to a mall. 

    @Ellegos : It doesn't effect me so your opinion isn't valid? That's pretty much where you're getting at. 
    Looking good is part of the game... you know the role playing part.
    @Vylgun : My post was merely stating that items/cosmetics are a form of gameplay.  Adding it to the cash shop because it doesn't effect gameplay is for me bollocks. 
    Will I stamp my feet, take my ball an go home? No.  
    Because regardless of how I feel about the whole ordeal, a game has to make money. 
    I'm just the kind of person who says, if you need money raise the price of the sub. Don't add to a sub because well its just stupid. 
    And it only exists to attract the whales and kids who have acces to the wallets of their parents. 
    @NQ-Nyzaltar : "The important idea behind it is: if there is a cash shop with cosmetic items, there will be no gameplay advantage against other players for those who would buy such items. Example: A shiny outfit won't protect you more than a regular outfit. " 
    In terms of gameplay advantage you are correct. 
    "P.S: making the Cash Shop free for the people paying a sub would defeat any purpose of the Cash Shop. " 
    this right here... I don't understand. It might just be me. From my understanding a cash shop is a way to earn money from those who are to cheap to pay for it monthly.
    Or for those who just like to buy their way out. 
    Another possibility is the system ESO and SWTOR uses.
    People with active subscription get 400 crowns/ 2500 cartel points each month to buy stuff. 
    Also, this is just one players opinion, not a rant. Just a view. 
    Good talk!
  4. Will there be friendly fire? 



    also +1 for adding bullets that get depleted. 

    this is a feature I loved in RF online : Arrows


    I was a ranger and I had to buy arrows for my bow, you different types of elements that you could combine with the arrows.

    Fire damage 



    etc.. and depending on the mob you had to pick which to use. 

    It also had a big impact on crafting.


    The shop arrows where pods of 200 arrows, the crafted ones where 500/1k a pod etc...

    Ah RF online <3


    This Monetization model is already used by several big MMOs:
    - EvE Online (PLEX system)
    - World of Warcraft (Time Tokens)
    - Wildstar (CREDD)
    In our opinion, this is a good evolution for the subscription model.
    Furthermore, while it can work for Theme Park MMOs, we think it works best with Sandbox MMOs.
    And so, it might be the most appropriate for Dual Universe.
    But we are very interested to know what you think of it!
    P.S: there might be a cash shop in the future.
    But if such a thing appears, it will only contain items with no impact on the gameplay (= cosmetic)
    Best Regards,


    When will people learn that cosmetic = gameplay


    I'm an armor horder, that means I actually spend time in game finding nice pieces of armor even tho the stats are crap.

    Its like a minigame. and i'm not the only person who does this. 


    Every forum its the same discussion, cash shop is fine as long as its only cosmetic and doesn't effect gameplay. 

    But it does effect it. A lot! 


    I don't see anything wrong with the above system apart from having a cash shop added to this. For those of us who will pay a sub that's just being greedy. 

    The only fair solution to this would be that the Cash shop is completely free for the people paying a sub. 



    Also +1 for calling it C.R.E.D.D.  and not creed :D

  6. I am for P2P too but at ?10/month max. New games tend to cost ?40 flat fee so more than ?10/month is excessive, especially for people that are only able to play 20-30 hours a month due to life. Which leads to a thought - paying by the hour instead of the month. Say 100 hours of game time for ?40 for example (off the top of my head). Though there are all sorts of potential issues that could crop up with that, I'm sure.


    Or you could combine monthly subscription with actual usage kind of like with phone tariffs. For example ?5 a month allows you to play 20 hours a month, ?30/month is unlimited, and more options in between, with options to top up your monthly allowance if you overused this month.




    New games are around 60 dollars/Euros at launch, but those games provide what? 40 hours of gameplay? an mmo... done right = endless hours.

    The fee you pay on a monthly basis also provides events, ingame support... future updates...   and it gives you the right be called a consumer...with rights.


    The pay per hour seems fine in theory, but in practice I think this will be more expensive then the fixed fee. 

  7. Unfortunately, I don't speak whale (ask Dory for that ;)).

    On a more serious note, you have also Endless Space and Endless Legends (2 strategy multiplayer games made by Amplitude Studios) where the community had a huge impact on the game design process. Clearly games using input from its testers aren't common (yet?), but some exist :)


    Best Regards,



    I have heard of neither lol! 

    Well I hope we can put Dual Universe on that list. 

    The problem with input of course is, where is the line between legitimate feedback  or just trying to change the game because there is something you don't like? 

  8. ....opinion..

    The only honest model is the P2P model.

    Personally i'm sick of the want everything for free generation. 

    They want everything for free but in some twisted form of Irony they end up spending way more then they would in a P2P game.


    Who invented the F2P model? The Koreans, and if there is one thing you can bet your ass on its that the Asian culture is driven by greed.

    In the online media ( game wise ) there is this movement hellbent on bringing down the P2P model. 


    How many P2P games went F2P and stuck to their word about not making the item mall p2w? None. 

    Even Trion and ESO said the F2P isn't sustainable if people don't buy stuff...


    Shocked i tell you... people needing to buy stuff so it can generate money? The playerbase goes up, that's true. 

    A F2P game can only end with P2W items, if they didn't people wouldn't buy it. 

    And the people crying for F2P are also the people who leave first. 

    Because entitlement and stuff..


    F2P is a cancer as is DLC. 


    I for one would support if it was a P2P game with a subscription around 20/25 euro's. 

    Because the price of subs haven't gone up in like the beginning of time. 


    DAOC was 15euro's as was Wildstar 10 years later. 



    TL;DR : F2P is a cancer and P2P should go along with the time and raise the price of the sub to 20/25 euros. 

  9. I wonder if anyone here played MU online? Really oldschool. 

    They had this /lean and you would lean really cool against the walls of the buildings.


    It was amazing ( and this is like a mmorpg from 15 years ago ). So you would walk in town and everyone would be hanging.

    Haven't seen this since then. 


    Like this 



    Now picture this pose without the dorkness; but in this cool badass armor. 

  10. Hi vracyon and welcome on our forum.

    However, could you write in english here as it would be the best way for everyone to understand you?




    Hola y bienvenidos vracyon en nuestro foro.
    Sin embargo , se puede escribir en Ingl?s aqu?, ya que ser?a la mejor manera de entender para todos ustedes?




    Best Regards,


    You speak whale?

    I have yet to find any real game who uses the input of its testers.


    How often do threads on reddit or on forums start with " yeah but this has been said before during alpha/beta/zeta" 

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