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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by LikesGuys

  1. I've been reading a lot of the idea box and gameplay mechanic posts and while nothing is official I am a little worried that DU will turn into something thats not enjoyable. 
    When I first saw this game at PAXWest and talked with JC at the booth (thanks for shirt btw!) the game seemed like an amazing concept to me. Simple, beautiful, and in space. I have and 100% will continue to back the project through launch but some of things I'm seeing posts seem to... over complicate, for lack of a better term, the game. For example, without calling anybody out, I see people talking about calculating the theoretical mass of your ship in order to find out how much thrust you need to leave an atmosphere at with X gravitational force, or really anything that requires me to take a lot math into consideration when I make decisions. I am by no means saying that posts that explain the math and science behind the gameplay are unnecessary its great to read the how and whys. 
    I really just dont want this game to turn into something that requires an intro course into engineering or scripting to play (Because I am the Jon Snow of both). Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. I'd like to play it fairly casual but still want to be part of an organization for the support aspects. It always helps having people around to assist with your goals :D


    Realistically I'd like to play it maybe with a handful of people in a secluded part of the game, collecting resources and building an amazing ship/space station then let others use it for a hub.

  3. I'll admit that the point of the video may have been.... undersold a bit, but I think it still looks really promising. I think most people forget that this game is still very pre alpha and devs at this point are probably less prioritized on showing nice gameplay and moreso on making sure the content works to avoid a NMS situation?

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