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Everything posted by shadowfyre2

  1. In that blog the asteroids were supposed to be for the miners, to give more opportunities to mine. But then anything above t3 is in pvp areas so now they are for pkers to use to draw out non combatants to be killed. This is a mistake if their goal is to make mining more fun.
  2. I don't disagree but I'm hoping there's more nonpvp content in the works. If I didn't I would just leave. However all I see on the roadmap is polishing what they have. I don't see more nonpvp content there which concerns me.
  3. Which leads me back to my original concern. Is this game for me? It there a place for me in this universe or is it a niche game focused on pvp. Right now the game doesn't have enough support for a pvp centric game because they want a living universe and doesn't have the bots to run the economy for shipbuilding. And without pve gameplay I doubt they will gain that sector of the players. Maybe it can be another eve online, I don't know.
  4. That's my concern. The game was promised to have a place for non pvpers as well as playable by solos although solos should not progress easily nor quickly. Having nothing beyond to to do but support pvp content is a game killer for me. They aren't designing the game to be pvp only. The developers want a universe to be player centric. Without merchants and industrialist to sustain the universe, the developers will have to support these areas with bots because I won't play a game that I can't enjoy. And I'm not alone. There is a reason we can't find agg for sale on the marketplace and why it took 3 weeks for medium landing gear to be sold. The merchants and industrialist won't play if they have to start from scratch so often because the pvpers use the higher content as bait for an ambush. I want there to be pvpers but without non pvpers or bots, the economy can't survive on pvp.
  5. And the zebras are necessary to sustain a healthy market place.. to continue with the analogy, lions can hunt lions and fight for territory but to not have the zebras will lead to their extinction. A pvp game cannot sustain itself. Unless the developers plan on running the market with bots for the pvpers, the economy won't be robust enough to sustain the game long term. Without something more than being stuck in the safe zone at level 1 or 2 like a caged animal, non pvpers won't play. Players like me will take our patronage elsewhere
  6. Look people, before I get attacked for being a care bear, let me give my ideas that I would like to see in the game...the original intention were 6 pillars:exploration, building, economy, rpg, pvp combat, and social. Each was supposed to be equal. Right now they have building, economy (although I am finding that lacking on some areas), and pvp. Social should come at release though. So far it feels like the economy and building is only for supporting pvp. Maybe that's because they are focusing on pvp right now. What attracted me to the game back then, however, was building, exploration and rpg. To me, rpg is more than pirates and prey. With the lack of any evidence that the other pillars will receive any attention, the statements that there probably won't be any npcs at release and the game tentatively scheduled to be released next year, I am questioning if the game will be for me. I think there would be a way for pvpers to coexist with rpgers. Maybe establishing a 3 part universe where the outer parts are lawless, the safe zone on the inside and a large section in-between be limited pvp. Maybe have it patrolled by boss level enforcers or something. Set up a bountyhunter system so if someone was killed without returning fire they could contribute to a bounty to be place on the shooters head. The price, in comparison to the other pirates would establish a notoriety system which would determine how much information is given about that pirate, ie weapons of their favored ship for the higher leveled. or location. Next put a quality on the ore. The higher the quality, the better the element made. IE a rail gun with a higher damage or better accuracy. Then put the better quality in the lawless areas. This would allow rpgers to develop their elements but they wouldn't be as good as those who took the risk. As well, the higher quality ore could justify a higher asking price. I think quality shouldn't be considered for blueprints so someone could possibly make a better ship than the creator intended by collecting higher quality voxels and elements. Last change i would make to pvp is set up outposts to control the disputed areas. Here the controlling corporations could restrict or loosen the limits of the pvp in their sphere of influence but opposing corporations could attact and gain control of the outpost. There could be a bonus to talents associated with the outposts as well. This would create a reason for massive space battles and alliances besides the asteroids. On the exploration side, I think it would be a blast if the developers allowed some of the players to be quest creators. So many are good story tellers that giving the an outlet in the game, such as exploring a lost civilization on Jago, would be a fun experience.
  7. Might be because the games that cater too much to pvp end up failing because most pvp gamers are into games like modern warfare. But then again if that is the focus of this game, it's not the game for me. It's in its beta testing phase. I am stating concerns I have about the game and how the game feels from the point of view of a casual non pvper. If they want to lock gamers like myself out of the game, they are developing it. Maybe it will succeed, maybe not. I'm stating my experience.
  8. My point exactly. They were promising a full game for non pvpers. it is beginning to feel like I'm being locked out of content because I can't play much, not interested in pvp, and not a part of a large organization. I'm hoping that the rest of the game is coming. I'm worried they are focusing on pvp so much the rest of the pillars are centered around supporting pvp rather than building a robust universe.
  9. They needs npcs but they also can't restrict level 3 and 4 content to the pvpers. I don't mind it taking longer to build my wealth when avoiding pop, but it is beginning to feel like I'm being locked out of content because I can't play much and am not a part of a large organization
  10. When I started following the game years ago, the purpose of the game was to make a realistic universe. If its all about pvp, it's not for me. And after watch games in the industry for over 20 years, it will become a niche game. Maybe that's the new vision for the developers. To make a game with massive space battles. This is different from where it was when I was so looking forward to the game pre alpha. Thus my worries. Such potential only to cater to hard core pvpers because without being hard-core, this type of game, a game where you have to build up wealth, will be unplayable to those who have a job and can't play daily or want to be lone wolves. And these potential gamers are part of a real universe.
  11. That's where I am right now however they are adding dynamic vs static construct and take that safety away. Plus, without the resource regeneration, the ore is harder and almost impossible to find. When the game goes lives, planetary resources will become nonexistent.
  12. Only level 1 and 2 asteroids are in the safe zone. Confining me to level 1 or 2 content. As for making credits in mining, there's not much to be had in t1 or t2 ore anymore without a heavy hauler and that takes credits to build. I don't mind the pvp love the developers are handing out but it feels like they want to force pvp battles with their statements about fighting over resources and not adding pve content before release. My worries are there. I don't want to be a part of pvp yet that's where all the content is and will be for a while. Not that I mind if there are those who want to be pirates, but my concern is being forced into pvp or not being able to enjoy the game. For example the ship that was destroyed isn't even on my map so I can recover and fix it. That's feature is a game breaker for me. I'll venture out beyond the safe zone but not if I can be decimated to the point I don't even have a ship to rebuild.
  13. I am beginning to worry about the game. I am not into PVP. I don't care if people fight each other but I don't have the time to be a hard core gamer. I have never been able to develop the skills to compete in pvp nor can I keep up with the equipment necessary to be more than a fly on a horses back in such combat. With the Asteroid patch, the developers seem to be proud that they have added another way to force people to "fight over resources". They also have said they aren't planning NPC's into the game before release. I wanted to try to earn some credits so I could complete my heavy hauler by mining an asteroid today. The asteroid was being camped by some pirates which destroyed one of my ships (I had one docked on my main ship so at least they didn't get the light hauler). I found the ship was so destroyed it wasn't even recoverable on my map. I can't make enough credits to continually create my ship. I can't play the game enough to compete against pirates. I can't even afford a shield nor guns for my light hauler to protect myself. Is this the future of the game? Are the developers making it so if you're not a pirate, or part of a large corporation, you are restricted to level 1 or 2 areas of the game, missing out on 60% of what this game has to offer? Is this game going to be nothing more than hard core gamers killing anyone they can? This will ruin the game for me. I worry about when they add the static construct pvp into the game. Will I be restricted to the 3 planets in the safe zone then? They don't have a resource regeneration in the game at this point so the planets aren't going to be able to offer me anything to make credits or enjoy the game much past where I am now. If the focus of the development of this game is all about adding things in the game to force combat, I am running out of places to explore, things to build, and the capability to even build ships(many of the elements aren't even for sale anymore and the means to create an industry line requires credits and ore which are camped by pirates, as per the developers design) I believe this game has a lot of potential, but the direction of forcing pvp on those who aren't interested in pvp and not able to survive the space battles the developers envision will create a universe full of pker's and ruin the game for me. It worries me.
  14. I would like to be able to input a simulated weight for containers when in Build Mode. This way I can work on the balance and thrust of a vehicle as though it was under a load.
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