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Everything posted by AmpOnEveryDay

  1. Removed prior bug report until I can get back on. I was having an internet connection issue that may have played in. Edit: Yep this one (referring to the mission system) was on my end.
  2. Subject: [BUG] Launcher sizing issue Current Version Number: PTS .24 launcher Impact: If not for my second monitor or finding the Ctrl+mwheel zoom, I wouldn't be able to click "update game". Summary: Launcher too big Description: The launcher is way too big for my monitor regardless of my screen resolution and with or without my second monitor enabled. Tried to resolve: Disabled second monitor. Cycled through various resolutions on my main monitor from tiny to 4k. I closed and reopened the launcher at every change to my resolution setting beyond the first. Restarted the pc with just the main monitor enabled and tried again. Used the maximize button at the top right. Results: The launcher was oversized at every point. Reproduction: Opened the launcher. PSA: For anyone with the same issue and only one monitor. Since the entire top section can be used to click and drag the launcher, you can hold Ctrl and roll your mouse wheel to zoom until the top section is giant then drag the window up far enough to be able to click the button at the bottom right to update. I also cannot access https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/forum/50-public-test-server-feedback/ Edit: Found the reason for the size issue. Windows 10 has a setting for scaling. Mine was at 150% I've never had it resize an entire window larger than my screen before but setting this down to 100% fixed the issue. This is however not a problem with Windows or the setting as this launcher is the only thing that I've ever seen this setting interact with in this way. Normally scaling of an app stops at the size of the display and things are resized within the window to make them easier to read from a distance since I'm playing on a big screen tv. Not everyone will be affected by this since not everyone uses this scaling setting but for those that are, it'd be nice to have a clamp on window size so as to still be able to use the scaling setting higher than 100% and view the launcher normally.
  3. Full testing would require access to all items that could possibly interact with intended changes introduced. Making some items the normal way may take longer than the public test periods. I would expect they've thought of this and have a plan in place. Otherwise unless all intended changes are based on the new player experience, the $ and time put toward opening up a server for the public to test new features is mostly waisted on an act first think later move with no foresight.
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