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  1. I realised why I could not rebind to certain keys , the keys I wished to rebind to are modifier keys and so theyre locked, Getting used to wasd , but would hate to use it in a fast paced fps game , but Im fine with this as I get time to check which keys im pressing
  2. Im an older gamer and long since got used to playing arrow keys for movement , r-shift for jump etc , and heavy use of mouse buttons, yet it seems I cannot rebind hell of a lot of the keys Ive grown used to . The key settings do not recognise mouse buttons and the likes of shift/ctrl cannot be rebound either , has anyone come across this and found a solution ?, Im too old in the tooth to learn WASD , the different hand position is uncomfortable to me, I really want to try the game but it fails at the first hurdle with the rebinds Help and advice welcome Thanks Jez
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