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Posts posted by Karellean

  1. 4 minutes ago, Penwith said:

    Yes, JC did specifically state that talents effected by this patch would be reset, but that did not happen, at least for me. Not that it was a huge deal to train the new talents.


    However, I do see that a reset across all talents for all players would be beneficial, as some/many would respect out of most or all industry and into something else.


    We can already craft out of our nanopack and I think that doing so without schematics is a good thing. Yet, I do believe that advancing from the small scale to industry really is deserving of schematics.


    Instead of unlocking them, I'd rather see an "introductory pack" for industry (in the future as a reward for doing industry tutorials) which provides schematics for certain things, free of charge. So, for example, a set of schematics that allows players to craft XS boxes from an Assembler S, would be a nice start/introduction to what a future in industry might hold. Such a thing would not unbalance the newly "balanced" industry, and go a long way towards allowing people to start from that point, being that hydraulics and frames are useful for other things, too.


    It might also be that an "advanced" schematic be made available, which does allow players to craft XS-S engines, and other items useful for turning an atmospheric speeder into a space capable one. Again, one set of schematics that allow one to reach that result, would be very useful. This one, however, could  have a cost associated with it, perhaps 100k (but provide several schematics that currently cost 75k each.



    A talent reset below X total points would go a long way towards fixing those who were unfortunate enough to start in the last couple of weeks like myself I think, as we can place our starter skills where they are needed more under this new format.

    An introductory pack of industry schematics either for free, or a bulk discount price would be excellent.   Better still packages of schematics that target the most commonly needed/requested starter items... Storage Boxes would be amongst that for sure.....

    As it stands now though....  It is literally about 4-5 days straight mining....  more if you actually have a day job and kids, and get 2-3 hours to play maybe... to be able to do anything else other than ... er ... mining..... 

  2. 2 minutes ago, Mordgier said:

    Don't worry! 


    You have options.


    For example - You can join a mega org as a mining slave. They will give you a hauler with an L container and point you to a meganode to mine out and some will even pay you for the ore!


    Oh the fun you'll have...


    Just a guess... but its players like you who build ships like icecream trucks most likely... and drive them around the starter areas ???


  3. Sanctuary.... Starter System

    I set up as close to market as I could given the amount of territory taken.. to reduce that time to sale.. I figured Id be mining plenty...

    I was mining pretty much any ore pocket and refining the resources...   Storage was becoming an issue...  I did ONE full ore run to market with bauxite yielded about 30k...

    My maths is it took me about 10-15 mins to locate/dig to the ore... another 5-10 to dig it up.. and market and back was about a 20 minute round trip...  so it works out to be about 40-50k an hour...

    My skills are garbage ...I am a day three player...  --- Sure you only need to buy the schematics once... but 50 types of rock is 3.5 mill... then a schematic for each step of the build process... adds up to millions and millons very quickly...     

    ill see what happens... before maybe pulling away from the game... I can see that I am clearly in the minority of people that would be hit the hardest... being anyone who started in the last week... who was just getting the hang of things... before having my legs kicked out from under me, with the changes....  Brand new players wouldnt know from here forward...




  4. Efficiency and Pooling is something my group is good at... and we are fine with a long deep grind...
    This game was already looking slow paced... which I was fine with... -- However these these changes... now glacial pace...

    Even at 100k a day... I can do Iron for 70k... spend an hour mining and flying to market to make a lousy 30k....  even if Im dedicated... its another three hours to get a second schematic.... great I can do Iron and Aluminum....

    Tomorrow I can then make Iron/Aluminimum Alloy.....   Perhaps by the end of the week I can make screws ???  

    Im no rookie kid gamer... I happen to be new to this game sure...  And as a seasoned vet gamer... who happens to be new... Im providing immediate feedback....  After the patch I can now do a fraction of what I could do yesterday... thats a pretty hard hit to take... and the pace that I will now be limited to... considering I had an idea it would be a week or two until I could fly something anyway...  Crazy slow for new players....  99% will be bored long before they see content worth sticking around for...



  5. I am a Genuine Day three player...  Part of a modest size gaming community who was scouting this game out ahead of others joining.
    My findings after 30 minutes with the patch just dropped. 

    --- My Medium Assembly Unit -- Useless -- I now need skillpoints to operate it, which I have already spent.... Am I expected to now wait days until I can use what I had??
    --- My 3D printer unit and My Medium Refiner -- I had JUST enough skillpoints to scrape together level 1 and apparently activate these...

    However I cannot craft anything, as schematics are required now for absolutely everything... just 7 hours ago pre patch... I could craft what I liked...

    So I look for scematics.... Even something as simple as Pure Aluminum.... gonna set me back 70000....  
    To buy ALL the schematics I had access to.. looks like millions...

    I spent my money getting these assembly units...  I have nothing other than the starter "Scooty Puff Jnr Ship"... and from what I can see... now have been set on a pathway, of what may of taken a couple of days to get myself established.... looking at weeks ahead, even months...

    IF this new setup where each and every schematic is going to cost you probably 2 hours to get the cash for a single schematic  is going to stay.. its an issue...

    Getting a schematic for all the resources... let alone all the intermediatery parts, and the final components... thats now weeks of effort I didnt have 7 hours ago...

    As a day three player... with potentially a group of 15-20 behind me... who play these niche survival games... I am hoping that perhaps... there has been some horrific error in judgement when pricing these schematics....  as well as the talent point expenditure / time it is going to take to be able to even craft medium size stuff....    

    When my group sees this.. Id doubt very much they will be following in....

    I really am hoping there has been an error... or I am missing something....    My group is nearly always up for a grind... but there is a grind... and then there is futility...  My midnight maths.. is not liking what I have seen

    with this patch group... It looks like new players will need to work 10x as hard to get off the ground (literally)...


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