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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Leonis

  1. Although it's said in their org page they won't accept people using their service if they're not "in Friendly terms with The Solar Empire."
    So their still kindda linked. I won't hire SS if I wanted to 'secure' my org's people (that is to say if I had my own org) if I were a Solar Empire enemy, or didn't trust the SE.

  2. @Stark You see I thought it was someone from the SE that had the idea to create Solar Secure. Then, it was obvious to me they were allies with the SE, as they were a sub-org of their to me, even though they are independent.


    @SolarSecure Also, you talk about 'independence', but your org (SS, yeah I know SS looks weird) is located in some of the SE territory. So, isn't it a bit suspicious? I mean you call being independent but you are amid another org's territory, you can't be totally independent (I mean essentially).

    @MrStarWars As they have had some agreement with the SE upon creating their org, and are set to be in the SE territory, I see SS as some kind of a SE sub-org (at whatever extent, that is). What I mean is that SS couldn't have been if the SE didn't exist, and at first at least, couldn't raise without the SE's support (as it's their first client, as first allies).
    And the CSYN is an org of orgs. It's not the same. SS is an org born with, or upon, or from the existence of the SE. Basically, it's a very specific kind, merely because of how, and why it was created.

  3. @mmtheboss, No, I'm more here for Unity. We need to be united as empires. The pirates and the heavy republics are all above us in numbers now, and number means visibility, popularity.

    So we don't need to know, but if you are contracted by the SE (and them only I mean), they take no responsibility of your actions? I don't get it here.

  4. I land on the planet, I chop the hill off, put my flag on it (I'm King of the HILL), put the hill into a giant enclosed sphere made of nanodiamond, I destroy the planet where the hill used to be on, I paint the sphere (that contains the hill) with Starlite, now it can't melt form any point heat under more than 10,000K degrees, this Starlite is actually some modified sort of Starlite also containing 'negative mass' atoms on its outer layer, the 'negative mass' reverts the time line between the sphere it's around and the rest of the Universe, the sphere goes back in time forever, nothing can touch the sphere as the magnetic field around it is so overwhelming that matter coming close to it is repulsed.

    I'm King of the hill until the sphere containing my hill disappears before even time has ever existed, which is to say I'm not king of the hill a long time, but by no-time I am the last king of the hill and no more king of the hill right after... or right before? Anyway, I am king of the hill, and even for the name of it, without that hill ever existing again, the hill last was mine. Now it's all a legend, most people don't think that hill ever existed, but I do, the Universe is a vast complexity of dimensions yet waiting to be explored...

  5. While mining is going to be a detrimental part with playing dual universe, i hope to see solutions to make it where planets don't look like they have been stripped mined for thousands of years. I especially believe Alioth will be a victim to poor landscape as everybody starts there and needs to mine to get up on their feet.

    There should be a system to fill back the wholes gradually maybe. Like if you cut into Yogurt and move it a little bit, the cut will refill... It's the same for dirt. Where there is wholes, you refill it. Once there is a new enclosed area full of dirt (and where there once were ores), ores are re-implemented among that area of dirt procedurally (dirt areas are replaced by ore ones).

  6. That's a shame. The step taken will be hard to be overwritten now. The rumble peddles fast in here. And I still don't clearly get the relation between the Solar Empire and Solar Secure. On your page you say you are "independent" and the Solar Empire is an "ally", but isn't it the Solar Empire (or one of their member) that created (initiated the idea) Solar Secure. I thought Solar Secure was a Solar Empire faction directed by them, but it turns out you say something completely different. @Sakej99, you said you are from the Solar Empire, then Solar Secure is also from the Solar Empire? You see I'm kindda lost now here, and there...

  7. @Kakakalaa : The 'rookie' is supposed to be 'Senior Officer', pardon me but he's written it himself. If he wants to communicate in the name of his org he must take the responsibility, and if he feels too much like a rookie he can ask in his org for help to write his post... Then, he's not 'non-english speaker' apparently, but it doesn't change a thing, I don't talk fluent Spanish, so I don't argue too much in Spanish in the forums not to do the same mistake of miscommunication. He's done it, and I have legitimately criticized him, that's all. If he feels down because of my overwhelmingly negative comment, it's not my problem. I criticize to help actually, I don't troll, I don't comment for nothing.


    i must insist that this pointless bickering cease. They have made mistakes as im sure we all would of at some point. Give him a moments time to learn from the mistake and correct himself. im talking to you @Leonis who has ultimately decided to undertake the task of attacking someone who is still a rookie. You know better and you should act accordingly instead of setting a bad example for yourself and for your organization.


    He played big. As a rookie I wouldn't have posted like that... As 'senior' (the title actually doesn't bother me a lot, but as he's expressed himself by talking in the name of his empire...).

    What I think is pointless is the over shocked reactions. I have a very criticizing reaction and some react to me the same way. It's not like that we step forward. Someone criticize large, if you want to soften the talk, go on, but don't say I 'attack' him like it's nothing. I attack HOW he did perfunctorily, not who he is. I want him to reconsider and edit his post, that's all. I wouldn't be attracted by his offer to join his 'Solar Secure', and I say why. I have nothing against Solar Secure.

  8. Salutations Commandant Adams Je suis l'Empereur Toch de l'Empire Solaire. Je viens aujourd'hui vous offrir un poste dans nos rangs. Vous êtes commerçant, constructeur et surtout mineur? Eh bien, nous avons des départements pour tous ceux et vous pouvez vous impliquer dans chacun d'eux :)! Nous sommes une grande famille heureuse ici et acceptons n'importe qui peu importe votre sexe, préférence de genre, nationalité, couleur de peau, etc. Vous pouvez suivre ce lien pour atteindre notre page de description et notre lien Discord si vous seriez si désireux de nous rejoindre pour nous poser d'autres questions ou vous pouvez simplement me message personnel sur le système de messagerie Dual Universe. Vous pouvez parler en français si vous le souhaitez bien que la plupart d'entre nous parlent anglais, nous avons des Allemands et d'autres nationalités dans nos rangs! Alors assurez-vous de jeter un coup d'oeil et de nous donner un appel ou un message si vous êtes intéressé :)!

    https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-solar-empire#tab-description Merci! À un de ces quatre! ~ Empereur Toch ~

    Salutations Commandant Adams Je suis l'Empereur Toch de l'Empire Solaire. Je viens aujourd'hui vous offrir un poste dans nos rangs. Vous êtes commerçant, constructeur et surtout mineur? Eh bien, nous avons des départements pour tous ceux et vous pouvez vous impliquer dans chacun d'eux :)! Nous sommes une grande famille heureuse ici et acceptons n'importe qui peu importe votre sexe, préférence de genre, nationalité, couleur de peau, etc. Vous pouvez suivre ce lien pour atteindre notre page de description et notre lien Discord si vous seriez si désireux de nous rejoindre pour nous poser d'autres questions ou vous pouvez simplement me message personnel sur le système de messagerie Dual Universe. Vous pouvez parler en français si vous le souhaitez bien que la plupart d'entre nous parlent anglais, nous avons des Allemands et d'autres nationalités dans nos rangs! Alors assurez-vous de jeter un coup d'oeil et de nous donner un appel ou un message si vous êtes intéressé :)! Merci! À un de ces quatre! ~ Empereur Toch ~

    Alors là... C'est inadmissible d'écrire comme ça tout en blanc surligné !!! Stop sérieux.


    Adams, si tu cherches une organisation qui te convient vas sur le site community et regarde les orgs. Regardes les plus importantes si tu veux jouer en étant pas mal aidé, et si tu cherches la sécurité, si tu veux plus d'exploration moins guidée, choisis une org plus petite. L'Empire se focalise sur la sécurité et l'organisation stricte, pour maintenir un bon environnement de jeu aux citoyens. Donc voilà, si tu veux tu peux choisir l'Empire, clique juste sur l'image en dessous ici, d'ailleurs on recherche surtout les non-anglais en ce moment pour élargir notre influence internationnale. D'ailleurs il y a trop peu de français. Viens, on est bien xD. A mort le SPAM.

  9. For slider doors, I don't see where the problem is technologically speaking. But hinged doors that would swing could be harder. Actually, hinged door technology would be really useful for release hatches beneath planes.

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