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Posts posted by itsmeB3AR

  1. Just now, Mod-Mondlicht said:

    No, I think the preview box is not a perfect fit to its content and logos in it seem to be quite a bit smaller, but I don't know for certain. Your preview looks pretty ok I think. Try to save the changes and see if it fills the org icon in the top list.


    I didn't do that much - just like CptLoRes suggested, I removed some of the overhead. If you search for "compare text online" you can find some sites that let you find the differences between texts.


    In short, I removed the following:

    • the doctype <?xml ... ?>
    • the attributes xmlns, xmlns:xlink, width, height and version from the <svg> tag
    • the grouping tags <g...> and </g>

    Not sure if all of it was necessary for the fix, but these are rather non-important things that the shape can do without :) 


    Mellow greetings


    thank you . im more than happy that i have a code for it now :) i appreciate your help . 

    i went to save it and i get " unknown server error " haha .. just cant win atm :P but atleast i can put it in there now when it decides to actually work . 

    i hope this system gets a little simpler in the future .. it shouldnt be this difficult to upload an image haha 

  2. Just now, Mod-Mondlicht said:

    Try this

    <svg viewBox="0 0 320 256">
    <rect x="0" y="0" width="320" height="256" style="fill:rgb(85.098039%,85.098039%,84.705882%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/>
    <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 122.632812 76.871094 L 160.003906 119.011719 L 197.378906 76.871094 L 224.710938 76.871094 L 160.003906 149.832031 L 95.296875 76.871094 L 122.632812 76.871094 "/>
    <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 216.816406 98.050781 L 235.601562 76.875 L 262.933594 76.875 L 244.152344 98.050781 L 216.816406 98.050781 "/>
    <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 103.191406 98.050781 L 84.410156 76.875 L 57.074219 76.875 L 75.855469 98.050781 L 103.191406 98.050781 "/>
    <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(100%,56.862745%,30.196078%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 200.027344 116.980469 L 210.726562 104.921875 L 226.292969 104.921875 L 215.59375 116.980469 L 200.027344 116.980469 "/>
    <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(100%,56.862745%,30.196078%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 119.976562 116.980469 L 109.28125 104.921875 L 93.714844 104.921875 L 104.410156 116.980469 L 119.976562 116.980469 "/>
    <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:evenodd;fill:rgb(100%,56.862745%,30.196078%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 178.785156 85.234375 L 160.003906 106.414062 L 141.222656 85.234375 Z M 178.785156 85.234375 "/>
    <path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(1.568627%,1.176471%,2.745098%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 43.527344 165.832031 L 39.804688 156.175781 L 41.285156 156.175781 L 44.289062 164.125 L 47.296875 156.175781 L 48.769531 156.175781 L 45.046875 165.832031 Z M 57.453125 165.832031 L 50.417969 165.832031 L 50.417969 156.175781 L 57.453125 156.175781 L 57.453125 157.5625 L 51.804688 157.5625 L 51.804688 160.316406 L 56.628906 160.316406 L 56.628906 161.699219 L 51.804688 161.699219 L 51.804688 164.453125 L 57.453125 164.453125 Z M 60.902344 165.832031 L 59.523438 165.832031 L 59.523438 156.175781 L 60.902344 156.175781 L 60.902344 160.347656 L 65.503906 156.175781 L 67.449219 156.175781 L 62.230469 160.914062 L 67.660156 165.832031 L 65.714844 165.832031 L 60.902344 161.488281 Z M 71.253906 157.5625 L 68.085938 157.5625 L 68.085938 156.175781 L 75.804688 156.175781 L 75.804688 157.5625 L 72.632812 157.5625 L 72.632812 165.832031 L 71.253906 165.832031 Z M 77.457031 164.453125 L 77.457031 157.5625 C 77.457031 157.371094 77.492188 157.191406 77.566406 157.023438 C 77.636719 156.855469 77.738281 156.710938 77.863281 156.585938 C 77.988281 156.464844 78.136719 156.367188 78.304688 156.289062 C 78.472656 156.214844 78.652344 156.175781 78.839844 156.175781 L 84.351562 156.175781 C 84.539062 156.175781 84.71875 156.214844 84.886719 156.289062 C 85.054688 156.367188 85.203125 156.464844 85.328125 156.585938 C 85.453125 156.710938 85.554688 156.855469 85.625 157.023438 C 85.699219 157.191406 85.734375 157.371094 85.734375 157.5625 L 85.734375 164.453125 C 85.734375 164.640625 85.699219 164.816406 85.625 164.984375 C 85.554688 165.15625 85.453125 165.304688 85.328125 165.429688 C 85.203125 165.550781 85.054688 165.652344 84.886719 165.722656 C 84.71875 165.796875 84.539062 165.832031 84.351562 165.832031 L 78.839844 165.832031 C 78.652344 165.832031 78.472656 165.796875 78.304688 165.722656 C 78.136719 165.652344 77.988281 165.550781 77.863281 165.429688 C 77.738281 165.304688 77.636719 165.15625 77.566406 164.984375 C 77.492188 164.816406 77.457031 164.640625 77.457031 164.453125 Z M 78.839844 157.5625 L 78.839844 164.453125 L 84.351562 164.453125 L 84.351562 157.5625 Z M 89.589844 165.832031 L 88.210938 165.832031 L 88.210938 156.175781 L 93.492188 156.175781 C 95.054688 156.175781 95.835938 156.960938 95.835938 158.53125 L 95.835938 159.625 C 95.835938 160.972656 95.261719 161.742188 94.113281 161.925781 L 95.929688 165.832031 L 94.402344 165.832031 L 92.613281 161.976562 L 89.589844 161.976562 Z M 89.589844 157.5625 L 89.589844 160.59375 L 93.417969 160.59375 C 93.785156 160.59375 94.050781 160.511719 94.210938 160.351562 C 94.375 160.191406 94.457031 159.925781 94.457031 159.558594 L 94.457031 158.59375 C 94.457031 158.226562 94.375 157.960938 94.210938 157.800781 C 94.050781 157.640625 93.785156 157.5625 93.417969 157.5625 Z M 102.820312 165.832031 L 101.445312 165.832031 L 105.164062 156.175781 L 106.542969 156.175781 L 110.265625 165.832031 L 108.886719 165.832031 L 108.03125 163.613281 L 103.679688 163.613281 Z M 105.859375 157.972656 L 104.199219 162.234375 L 107.5 162.234375 Z M 118.957031 165.832031 L 111.921875 165.832031 L 111.921875 156.175781 L 118.957031 156.175781 L 118.957031 157.5625 L 113.304688 157.5625 L 113.304688 160.316406 L 118.128906 160.316406 L 118.128906 161.699219 L 113.304688 161.699219 L 113.304688 164.453125 L 118.957031 164.453125 Z M 122.402344 165.832031 L 121.023438 165.832031 L 121.023438 156.175781 L 126.304688 156.175781 C 127.867188 156.175781 128.648438 156.960938 128.648438 158.53125 L 128.648438 159.625 C 128.648438 160.972656 128.074219 161.742188 126.925781 161.925781 L 128.742188 165.832031 L 127.214844 165.832031 L 125.425781 161.976562 L 122.402344 161.976562 Z M 122.402344 157.5625 L 122.402344 160.59375 L 126.230469 160.59375 C 126.597656 160.59375 126.863281 160.511719 127.023438 160.351562 C 127.1875 160.191406 127.269531 159.925781 127.269531 159.558594 L 127.269531 158.59375 C 127.269531 158.226562 127.1875 157.960938 127.023438 157.800781 C 126.863281 157.640625 126.597656 157.5625 126.230469 157.5625 Z M 130.949219 164.453125 L 130.949219 157.5625 C 130.949219 157.371094 130.984375 157.191406 131.054688 157.023438 C 131.128906 156.855469 131.230469 156.710938 131.355469 156.585938 C 131.480469 156.464844 131.628906 156.367188 131.796875 156.289062 C 131.960938 156.214844 132.140625 156.175781 132.332031 156.175781 L 137.839844 156.175781 C 138.03125 156.175781 138.210938 156.214844 138.378906 156.289062 C 138.542969 156.367188 138.691406 156.464844 138.820312 156.585938 C 138.945312 156.710938 139.042969 156.855469 139.117188 157.023438 C 139.1875 157.191406 139.222656 157.371094 139.222656 157.5625 L 139.222656 164.453125 C 139.222656 164.640625 139.1875 164.816406 139.117188 164.984375 C 139.042969 165.15625 138.945312 165.304688 138.820312 165.429688 C 138.691406 165.550781 138.542969 165.652344 138.378906 165.722656 C 138.210938 165.796875 138.03125 165.832031 137.839844 165.832031 L 132.332031 165.832031 C 132.140625 165.832031 131.960938 165.796875 131.796875 165.722656 C 131.628906 165.652344 131.480469 165.550781 131.355469 165.429688 C 131.230469 165.304688 131.128906 165.15625 131.054688 164.984375 C 130.984375 164.816406 130.949219 164.640625 130.949219 164.453125 Z M 132.332031 157.5625 L 132.332031 164.453125 L 137.839844 164.453125 L 137.839844 157.5625 Z M 141.566406 164.453125 L 141.566406 163.210938 L 142.945312 163.210938 L 142.945312 164.453125 L 147.765625 164.453125 L 147.765625 161.699219 L 143.078125 161.699219 C 142.890625 161.699219 142.714844 161.664062 142.542969 161.589844 C 142.375 161.511719 142.230469 161.414062 142.105469 161.292969 C 141.980469 161.167969 141.882812 161.023438 141.808594 160.855469 C 141.738281 160.6875 141.699219 160.507812 141.699219 160.316406 L 141.699219 157.5625 C 141.699219 157.371094 141.738281 157.191406 141.808594 157.023438 C 141.882812 156.855469 141.980469 156.710938 142.105469 156.585938 C 142.230469 156.464844 142.375 156.367188 142.542969 156.289062 C 142.714844 156.214844 142.890625 156.175781 143.078125 156.175781 L 147.765625 156.175781 C 147.953125 156.175781 148.128906 156.214844 148.296875 156.289062 C 148.46875 156.367188 148.617188 156.464844 148.742188 156.585938 C 148.867188 156.710938 148.964844 156.855469 149.035156 157.023438 C 149.109375 157.191406 149.144531 157.371094 149.144531 157.5625 L 149.144531 158.804688 L 147.765625 158.804688 L 147.765625 157.5625 L 143.078125 157.5625 L 143.078125 160.316406 L 147.765625 160.316406 C 147.953125 160.316406 148.128906 160.355469 148.296875 160.425781 C 148.46875 160.5 148.617188 160.597656 148.742188 160.722656 C 148.867188 160.847656 148.964844 160.996094 149.035156 161.164062 C 149.109375 161.332031 149.144531 161.511719 149.144531 161.699219 L 149.144531 164.453125 C 149.144531 164.640625 149.109375 164.816406 149.035156 164.984375 C 148.964844 165.15625 148.867188 165.304688 148.742188 165.429688 C 148.617188 165.550781 148.46875 165.652344 148.296875 165.722656 C 148.128906 165.796875 147.953125 165.832031 147.765625 165.832031 L 142.945312 165.832031 C 142.753906 165.832031 142.578125 165.796875 142.410156 165.722656 C 142.242188 165.652344 142.097656 165.550781 141.972656 165.429688 C 141.84375 165.304688 141.742188 165.15625 141.671875 164.984375 C 141.601562 164.816406 141.566406 164.640625 141.566406 164.453125 Z M 153.007812 165.832031 L 151.625 165.832031 L 151.625 156.175781 L 156.914062 156.175781 C 158.476562 156.175781 159.257812 156.960938 159.257812 158.53125 L 159.257812 159.902344 C 159.257812 161.46875 158.476562 162.253906 156.914062 162.253906 L 153.007812 162.253906 Z M 153.007812 157.5625 L 153.007812 160.867188 L 156.839844 160.867188 C 157.207031 160.867188 157.472656 160.789062 157.632812 160.628906 C 157.792969 160.46875 157.875 160.203125 157.875 159.835938 L 157.875 158.59375 C 157.875 158.226562 157.792969 157.960938 157.632812 157.800781 C 157.472656 157.640625 157.207031 157.5625 156.839844 157.5625 Z M 160.902344 165.832031 L 159.523438 165.832031 L 163.246094 156.175781 L 164.628906 156.175781 L 168.351562 165.832031 L 166.964844 165.832031 L 166.113281 163.613281 L 161.757812 163.613281 Z M 163.9375 157.972656 L 162.285156 162.234375 L 165.582031 162.234375 Z M 170.003906 164.453125 L 170.003906 157.5625 C 170.003906 157.371094 170.039062 157.191406 170.113281 157.023438 C 170.183594 156.855469 170.28125 156.710938 170.40625 156.585938 C 170.53125 156.464844 170.679688 156.367188 170.847656 156.289062 C 171.015625 156.214844 171.195312 156.175781 171.382812 156.175781 L 176.621094 156.175781 C 176.808594 156.175781 176.988281 156.214844 177.15625 156.289062 C 177.324219 156.367188 177.472656 156.464844 177.59375 156.585938 C 177.71875 156.710938 177.820312 156.855469 177.890625 157.023438 C 177.964844 157.191406 178 157.371094 178 157.5625 L 178 158.804688 L 176.621094 158.804688 L 176.621094 157.5625 L 171.382812 157.5625 L 171.382812 164.453125 L 176.621094 164.453125 L 176.621094 163.210938 L 178 163.210938 L 178 164.453125 C 178 164.640625 177.964844 164.816406 177.890625 164.984375 C 177.820312 165.15625 177.71875 165.304688 177.59375 165.429688 C 177.472656 165.550781 177.324219 165.652344 177.15625 165.722656 C 176.988281 165.796875 176.808594 165.832031 176.621094 165.832031 L 171.382812 165.832031 C 171.195312 165.832031 171.015625 165.796875 170.847656 165.722656 C 170.679688 165.652344 170.53125 165.550781 170.40625 165.429688 C 170.28125 165.304688 170.183594 165.15625 170.113281 164.984375 C 170.039062 164.816406 170.003906 164.640625 170.003906 164.453125 Z M 187.238281 165.832031 L 180.210938 165.832031 L 180.210938 156.175781 L 187.238281 156.175781 L 187.238281 157.5625 L 181.589844 157.5625 L 181.589844 160.316406 L 186.414062 160.316406 L 186.414062 161.699219 L 181.589844 161.699219 L 181.589844 164.453125 L 187.238281 164.453125 Z M 194.820312 165.832031 L 193.4375 165.832031 L 193.4375 156.175781 L 194.820312 156.175781 Z M 198.675781 165.832031 L 197.296875 165.832031 L 197.296875 156.175781 L 198.675781 156.175781 L 204.480469 163.664062 L 204.480469 156.175781 L 205.859375 156.175781 L 205.859375 165.832031 L 204.480469 165.832031 L 198.675781 158.347656 Z M 213.246094 165.832031 L 208.335938 165.832031 L 208.335938 156.175781 L 213.246094 156.175781 C 213.757812 156.175781 214.222656 156.257812 214.636719 156.417969 C 215.054688 156.578125 215.410156 156.804688 215.699219 157.097656 C 215.996094 157.394531 216.222656 157.75 216.386719 158.167969 C 216.542969 158.582031 216.621094 159.046875 216.621094 159.558594 L 216.621094 162.453125 C 216.621094 162.964844 216.542969 163.429688 216.386719 163.847656 C 216.222656 164.265625 215.996094 164.617188 215.699219 164.910156 C 215.410156 165.207031 215.054688 165.433594 214.636719 165.589844 C 214.222656 165.75 213.757812 165.832031 213.246094 165.832031 Z M 209.714844 157.5625 L 209.714844 164.453125 L 213.246094 164.453125 C 213.882812 164.453125 214.378906 164.277344 214.726562 163.929688 C 215.070312 163.585938 215.242188 163.09375 215.242188 162.453125 L 215.242188 159.558594 C 215.242188 159.246094 215.199219 158.964844 215.105469 158.71875 C 215.015625 158.472656 214.886719 158.261719 214.710938 158.085938 C 214.539062 157.914062 214.332031 157.78125 214.085938 157.695312 C 213.835938 157.605469 213.554688 157.5625 213.246094 157.5625 Z M 218.828125 164.453125 L 218.828125 156.175781 L 220.210938 156.175781 L 220.210938 164.453125 L 225.71875 164.453125 L 225.71875 156.175781 L 227.101562 156.175781 L 227.101562 164.453125 C 227.101562 164.640625 227.066406 164.816406 226.996094 164.984375 C 226.921875 165.15625 226.824219 165.304688 226.699219 165.429688 C 226.570312 165.550781 226.421875 165.652344 226.257812 165.722656 C 226.089844 165.796875 225.910156 165.832031 225.71875 165.832031 L 220.210938 165.832031 C 220.019531 165.832031 219.839844 165.796875 219.675781 165.722656 C 219.507812 165.652344 219.359375 165.550781 219.234375 165.429688 C 219.109375 165.304688 219.007812 165.15625 218.9375 164.984375 C 218.863281 164.816406 218.828125 164.640625 218.828125 164.453125 Z M 229.445312 164.453125 L 229.445312 163.210938 L 230.824219 163.210938 L 230.824219 164.453125 L 235.644531 164.453125 L 235.644531 161.699219 L 230.957031 161.699219 C 230.769531 161.699219 230.59375 161.664062 230.421875 161.589844 C 230.253906 161.511719 230.109375 161.414062 229.984375 161.292969 C 229.859375 161.167969 229.761719 161.023438 229.6875 160.855469 C 229.617188 160.6875 229.578125 160.507812 229.578125 160.316406 L 229.578125 157.5625 C 229.578125 157.371094 229.617188 157.191406 229.6875 157.023438 C 229.761719 156.855469 229.859375 156.710938 229.984375 156.585938 C 230.109375 156.464844 230.253906 156.367188 230.421875 156.289062 C 230.59375 156.214844 230.769531 156.175781 230.957031 156.175781 L 235.644531 156.175781 C 235.832031 156.175781 236.007812 156.214844 236.175781 156.289062 C 236.347656 156.367188 236.496094 156.464844 236.621094 156.585938 C 236.746094 156.710938 236.84375 156.855469 236.914062 157.023438 C 236.988281 157.191406 237.023438 157.371094 237.023438 157.5625 L 237.023438 158.804688 L 235.644531 158.804688 L 235.644531 157.5625 L 230.957031 157.5625 L 230.957031 160.316406 L 235.644531 160.316406 C 235.832031 160.316406 236.007812 160.355469 236.175781 160.425781 C 236.347656 160.5 236.496094 160.597656 236.621094 160.722656 C 236.746094 160.847656 236.84375 160.996094 236.914062 161.164062 C 236.988281 161.332031 237.023438 161.511719 237.023438 161.699219 L 237.023438 164.453125 C 237.023438 164.640625 236.988281 164.816406 236.914062 164.984375 C 236.84375 165.15625 236.746094 165.304688 236.621094 165.429688 C 236.496094 165.550781 236.347656 165.652344 236.175781 165.722656 C 236.007812 165.796875 235.832031 165.832031 235.644531 165.832031 L 230.824219 165.832031 C 230.636719 165.832031 230.457031 165.796875 230.289062 165.722656 C 230.121094 165.652344 229.976562 165.550781 229.851562 165.429688 C 229.722656 165.304688 229.621094 165.15625 229.550781 164.984375 C 229.480469 164.816406 229.445312 164.640625 229.445312 164.453125 Z M 241.847656 157.5625 L 238.675781 157.5625 L 238.675781 156.175781 L 246.398438 156.175781 L 246.398438 157.5625 L 243.230469 157.5625 L 243.230469 165.832031 L 241.847656 165.832031 Z M 249.433594 165.832031 L 248.054688 165.832031 L 248.054688 156.175781 L 253.339844 156.175781 C 254.902344 156.175781 255.683594 156.960938 255.683594 158.53125 L 255.683594 159.625 C 255.683594 160.972656 255.109375 161.742188 253.960938 161.925781 L 255.777344 165.832031 L 254.25 165.832031 L 252.457031 161.976562 L 249.433594 161.976562 Z M 249.433594 157.5625 L 249.433594 160.59375 L 253.265625 160.59375 C 253.632812 160.59375 253.898438 160.511719 254.058594 160.351562 C 254.222656 160.191406 254.304688 159.925781 254.304688 159.558594 L 254.304688 158.59375 C 254.304688 158.226562 254.222656 157.960938 254.058594 157.800781 C 253.898438 157.640625 253.632812 157.5625 253.265625 157.5625 Z M 259.363281 165.832031 L 257.980469 165.832031 L 257.980469 156.175781 L 259.363281 156.175781 Z M 268.875 165.832031 L 261.839844 165.832031 L 261.839844 156.175781 L 268.875 156.175781 L 268.875 157.5625 L 263.21875 157.5625 L 263.21875 160.316406 L 268.042969 160.316406 L 268.042969 161.699219 L 263.21875 161.699219 L 263.21875 164.453125 L 268.875 164.453125 Z M 270.804688 164.453125 L 270.804688 163.210938 L 272.183594 163.210938 L 272.183594 164.453125 L 277.003906 164.453125 L 277.003906 161.699219 L 272.324219 161.699219 C 272.132812 161.699219 271.953125 161.664062 271.785156 161.589844 C 271.617188 161.511719 271.472656 161.414062 271.34375 161.292969 C 271.21875 161.167969 271.121094 161.023438 271.046875 160.855469 C 270.976562 160.6875 270.9375 160.507812 270.9375 160.316406 L 270.9375 157.5625 C 270.9375 157.371094 270.976562 157.191406 271.046875 157.023438 C 271.121094 156.855469 271.21875 156.710938 271.34375 156.585938 C 271.472656 156.464844 271.617188 156.367188 271.785156 156.289062 C 271.953125 156.214844 272.132812 156.175781 272.324219 156.175781 L 277.003906 156.175781 C 277.195312 156.175781 277.375 156.214844 277.542969 156.289062 C 277.707031 156.367188 277.855469 156.464844 277.980469 156.585938 C 278.109375 156.710938 278.207031 156.855469 278.273438 157.023438 C 278.347656 157.191406 278.382812 157.371094 278.382812 157.5625 L 278.382812 158.804688 L 277.003906 158.804688 L 277.003906 157.5625 L 272.324219 157.5625 L 272.324219 160.316406 L 277.003906 160.316406 C 277.195312 160.316406 277.375 160.355469 277.542969 160.425781 C 277.707031 160.5 277.855469 160.597656 277.980469 160.722656 C 278.109375 160.847656 278.207031 160.996094 278.273438 161.164062 C 278.347656 161.332031 278.382812 161.511719 278.382812 161.699219 L 278.382812 164.453125 C 278.382812 164.640625 278.347656 164.816406 278.273438 164.984375 C 278.207031 165.15625 278.109375 165.304688 277.980469 165.429688 C 277.855469 165.550781 277.707031 165.652344 277.542969 165.722656 C 277.375 165.796875 277.195312 165.832031 277.003906 165.832031 L 272.183594 165.832031 C 271.996094 165.832031 271.820312 165.796875 271.648438 165.722656 C 271.480469 165.652344 271.335938 165.550781 271.210938 165.429688 C 271.085938 165.304688 270.988281 165.15625 270.914062 164.984375 C 270.84375 164.816406 270.804688 164.640625 270.804688 164.453125 Z M 270.804688 164.453125 "/>


    thats nearly perfect !  does it have to " fill the preview box completely ? " 
    can i ask what you did ? 

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165.304688 77.636719 165.15625 77.566406 164.984375 C 77.492188 164.816406 77.457031 164.640625 77.457031 164.453125 Z M 78.839844 157.5625 L 78.839844 164.453125 L 84.351562 164.453125 L 84.351562 157.5625 Z M 89.589844 165.832031 L 88.210938 165.832031 L 88.210938 156.175781 L 93.492188 156.175781 C 95.054688 156.175781 95.835938 156.960938 95.835938 158.53125 L 95.835938 159.625 C 95.835938 160.972656 95.261719 161.742188 94.113281 161.925781 L 95.929688 165.832031 L 94.402344 165.832031 L 92.613281 161.976562 L 89.589844 161.976562 Z M 89.589844 157.5625 L 89.589844 160.59375 L 93.417969 160.59375 C 93.785156 160.59375 94.050781 160.511719 94.210938 160.351562 C 94.375 160.191406 94.457031 159.925781 94.457031 159.558594 L 94.457031 158.59375 C 94.457031 158.226562 94.375 157.960938 94.210938 157.800781 C 94.050781 157.640625 93.785156 157.5625 93.417969 157.5625 Z M 102.820312 165.832031 L 101.445312 165.832031 L 105.164062 156.175781 L 106.542969 156.175781 L 110.265625 165.832031 L 108.886719 165.832031 L 108.03125 163.613281 L 103.679688 163.613281 Z M 105.859375 157.972656 L 104.199219 162.234375 L 107.5 162.234375 Z M 118.957031 165.832031 L 111.921875 165.832031 L 111.921875 156.175781 L 118.957031 156.175781 L 118.957031 157.5625 L 113.304688 157.5625 L 113.304688 160.316406 L 118.128906 160.316406 L 118.128906 161.699219 L 113.304688 161.699219 L 113.304688 164.453125 L 118.957031 164.453125 Z M 122.402344 165.832031 L 121.023438 165.832031 L 121.023438 156.175781 L 126.304688 156.175781 C 127.867188 156.175781 128.648438 156.960938 128.648438 158.53125 L 128.648438 159.625 C 128.648438 160.972656 128.074219 161.742188 126.925781 161.925781 L 128.742188 165.832031 L 127.214844 165.832031 L 125.425781 161.976562 L 122.402344 161.976562 Z M 122.402344 157.5625 L 122.402344 160.59375 L 126.230469 160.59375 C 126.597656 160.59375 126.863281 160.511719 127.023438 160.351562 C 127.1875 160.191406 127.269531 159.925781 127.269531 159.558594 L 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209.714844 157.5625 L 209.714844 164.453125 L 213.246094 164.453125 C 213.882812 164.453125 214.378906 164.277344 214.726562 163.929688 C 215.070312 163.585938 215.242188 163.09375 215.242188 162.453125 L 215.242188 159.558594 C 215.242188 159.246094 215.199219 158.964844 215.105469 158.71875 C 215.015625 158.472656 214.886719 158.261719 214.710938 158.085938 C 214.539062 157.914062 214.332031 157.78125 214.085938 157.695312 C 213.835938 157.605469 213.554688 157.5625 213.246094 157.5625 Z M 218.828125 164.453125 L 218.828125 156.175781 L 220.210938 156.175781 L 220.210938 164.453125 L 225.71875 164.453125 L 225.71875 156.175781 L 227.101562 156.175781 L 227.101562 164.453125 C 227.101562 164.640625 227.066406 164.816406 226.996094 164.984375 C 226.921875 165.15625 226.824219 165.304688 226.699219 165.429688 C 226.570312 165.550781 226.421875 165.652344 226.257812 165.722656 C 226.089844 165.796875 225.910156 165.832031 225.71875 165.832031 L 220.210938 165.832031 C 220.019531 165.832031 219.839844 165.796875 219.675781 165.722656 C 219.507812 165.652344 219.359375 165.550781 219.234375 165.429688 C 219.109375 165.304688 219.007812 165.15625 218.9375 164.984375 C 218.863281 164.816406 218.828125 164.640625 218.828125 164.453125 Z M 229.445312 164.453125 L 229.445312 163.210938 L 230.824219 163.210938 L 230.824219 164.453125 L 235.644531 164.453125 L 235.644531 161.699219 L 230.957031 161.699219 C 230.769531 161.699219 230.59375 161.664062 230.421875 161.589844 C 230.253906 161.511719 230.109375 161.414062 229.984375 161.292969 C 229.859375 161.167969 229.761719 161.023438 229.6875 160.855469 C 229.617188 160.6875 229.578125 160.507812 229.578125 160.316406 L 229.578125 157.5625 C 229.578125 157.371094 229.617188 157.191406 229.6875 157.023438 C 229.761719 156.855469 229.859375 156.710938 229.984375 156.585938 C 230.109375 156.464844 230.253906 156.367188 230.421875 156.289062 C 230.59375 156.214844 230.769531 156.175781 230.957031 156.175781 L 235.644531 156.175781 C 235.832031 156.175781 236.007812 156.214844 236.175781 156.289062 C 236.347656 156.367188 236.496094 156.464844 236.621094 156.585938 C 236.746094 156.710938 236.84375 156.855469 236.914062 157.023438 C 236.988281 157.191406 237.023438 157.371094 237.023438 157.5625 L 237.023438 158.804688 L 235.644531 158.804688 L 235.644531 157.5625 L 230.957031 157.5625 L 230.957031 160.316406 L 235.644531 160.316406 C 235.832031 160.316406 236.007812 160.355469 236.175781 160.425781 C 236.347656 160.5 236.496094 160.597656 236.621094 160.722656 C 236.746094 160.847656 236.84375 160.996094 236.914062 161.164062 C 236.988281 161.332031 237.023438 161.511719 237.023438 161.699219 L 237.023438 164.453125 C 237.023438 164.640625 236.988281 164.816406 236.914062 164.984375 C 236.84375 165.15625 236.746094 165.304688 236.621094 165.429688 C 236.496094 165.550781 236.347656 165.652344 236.175781 165.722656 C 236.007812 165.796875 235.832031 165.832031 235.644531 165.832031 L 230.824219 165.832031 C 230.636719 165.832031 230.457031 165.796875 230.289062 165.722656 C 230.121094 165.652344 229.976562 165.550781 229.851562 165.429688 C 229.722656 165.304688 229.621094 165.15625 229.550781 164.984375 C 229.480469 164.816406 229.445312 164.640625 229.445312 164.453125 Z M 241.847656 157.5625 L 238.675781 157.5625 L 238.675781 156.175781 L 246.398438 156.175781 L 246.398438 157.5625 L 243.230469 157.5625 L 243.230469 165.832031 L 241.847656 165.832031 Z M 249.433594 165.832031 L 248.054688 165.832031 L 248.054688 156.175781 L 253.339844 156.175781 C 254.902344 156.175781 255.683594 156.960938 255.683594 158.53125 L 255.683594 159.625 C 255.683594 160.972656 255.109375 161.742188 253.960938 161.925781 L 255.777344 165.832031 L 254.25 165.832031 L 252.457031 161.976562 L 249.433594 161.976562 Z M 249.433594 157.5625 L 249.433594 160.59375 L 253.265625 160.59375 C 253.632812 160.59375 253.898438 160.511719 254.058594 160.351562 C 254.222656 160.191406 254.304688 159.925781 254.304688 159.558594 L 254.304688 158.59375 C 254.304688 158.226562 254.222656 157.960938 254.058594 157.800781 C 253.898438 157.640625 253.632812 157.5625 253.265625 157.5625 Z M 259.363281 165.832031 L 257.980469 165.832031 L 257.980469 156.175781 L 259.363281 156.175781 Z M 268.875 165.832031 L 261.839844 165.832031 L 261.839844 156.175781 L 268.875 156.175781 L 268.875 157.5625 L 263.21875 157.5625 L 263.21875 160.316406 L 268.042969 160.316406 L 268.042969 161.699219 L 263.21875 161.699219 L 263.21875 164.453125 L 268.875 164.453125 Z M 270.804688 164.453125 L 270.804688 163.210938 L 272.183594 163.210938 L 272.183594 164.453125 L 277.003906 164.453125 L 277.003906 161.699219 L 272.324219 161.699219 C 272.132812 161.699219 271.953125 161.664062 271.785156 161.589844 C 271.617188 161.511719 271.472656 161.414062 271.34375 161.292969 C 271.21875 161.167969 271.121094 161.023438 271.046875 160.855469 C 270.976562 160.6875 270.9375 160.507812 270.9375 160.316406 L 270.9375 157.5625 C 270.9375 157.371094 270.976562 157.191406 271.046875 157.023438 C 271.121094 156.855469 271.21875 156.710938 271.34375 156.585938 C 271.472656 156.464844 271.617188 156.367188 271.785156 156.289062 C 271.953125 156.214844 272.132812 156.175781 272.324219 156.175781 L 277.003906 156.175781 C 277.195312 156.175781 277.375 156.214844 277.542969 156.289062 C 277.707031 156.367188 277.855469 156.464844 277.980469 156.585938 C 278.109375 156.710938 278.207031 156.855469 278.273438 157.023438 C 278.347656 157.191406 278.382812 157.371094 278.382812 157.5625 L 278.382812 158.804688 L 277.003906 158.804688 L 277.003906 157.5625 L 272.324219 157.5625 L 272.324219 160.316406 L 277.003906 160.316406 C 277.195312 160.316406 277.375 160.355469 277.542969 160.425781 C 277.707031 160.5 277.855469 160.597656 277.980469 160.722656 C 278.109375 160.847656 278.207031 160.996094 278.273438 161.164062 C 278.347656 161.332031 278.382812 161.511719 278.382812 161.699219 L 278.382812 164.453125 C 278.382812 164.640625 278.347656 164.816406 278.273438 164.984375 C 278.207031 165.15625 278.109375 165.304688 277.980469 165.429688 C 277.855469 165.550781 277.707031 165.652344 277.542969 165.722656 C 277.375 165.796875 277.195312 165.832031 277.003906 165.832031 L 272.183594 165.832031 C 271.996094 165.832031 271.820312 165.796875 271.648438 165.722656 C 271.480469 165.652344 271.335938 165.550781 271.210938 165.429688 C 271.085938 165.304688 270.988281 165.15625 270.914062 164.984375 C 270.84375 164.816406 270.804688 164.640625 270.804688 164.453125 Z M 270.804688 164.453125 "/>

    i think this is what you guys are after ? sorry i wasnt aware it wasnt showing . i just has a file there for me 

  4. 18 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    NQ approval is for raster graphics (jpg, png) and is done using the account section on the web page. https://www.dualuniverse.game/account/image-upload


    No approval needed for svg shown directly on a screen element. But the svg link you posted is gone, so unable to comment on any potential problem with that. My guess would be that you exported to svg from Illustrator or similar? In that case you probably have to clean up the svg by hand, since they tend to generate very convoluted svg structures.

    im unsure what you mean by svg i posted is gone .. i can see it there? but yeah so i managed to get the image into the org preview window... but the sizing is all wrong .. and no matter what i do i cannot seem to centre it , is there a particular  size or something you add to it ? 

  5. so im trying to do the logo for my org .. i have one made up .. its in svg .. whenever i paste the code.. it doesnt work . i must be doing something wrong... can anyone help ? 

    will attach files.. and various others if that helps - also attached just the logo if i need a copy of that for screens? 




    logo (3).svg

  6. 1 hour ago, Velase85 said:

    Vertical thrusters are good but also suck. It depends on how you use them. Like I said I use mine at an angle mainly to flare my ship as i re-enter the atmosphere at full throttle to give me some upwards thrust as I try to throttle forward without hitting the stall angle. I have used vertical thrusters in the alpha to try VTOL with cargo haulers (think the shuttle in Star ship troopers) but medium containers instead of marines.  So I can explain it as best I can below, and while implementing the actions are simple, they can quickly get complicated. 


    So the codex has the api for what to call, but dosen't really explain how to implement this in the LUA scripts. I recommend watching some videos or going to LUA.org but here is a brief overview


    Click on your pilot seat -> Advanced -> Edit LUA 


    You are going to be interested mainly in the "UNIT" and "SYSTEM" slots; here you will see a Start() and Stop() function and you can another filter called Tick().

    Now in programming "Update" is called every frame and is frame rate dependent unless they system has a "fixed update" which is usually a set interval (UNITY uses this for physics calculations) DU uses tick but in a diffrent way. In LUA you will have "Update" (as stated above) "Flush" this is used in the physics calculations in DU for and is called automatically. and "TICK" this can be used as a timer to do a single event every time N has complected its duration. This TICK is done in UNIT slot, and I could for example have it fire a weapon, or hit my brakes every 30 seconds. You get the idea. 


    Now System is where actions are managed (key board input, and casing does count) actionStart(action) would trigger when I press a key Down, actionStop when a key is released. The last is neat its actionLoop, which does the event while the key is held down, like an update function; this would be used for movement like applying brakes.


    Now for any engines you put in the vertical or slanted orientation, you will have to make a custom group (this just makes it easier to identify and control)

    Once done you could make it so when you enter the flight seat you could run "activate()" this would start the engines at full power letting you take off from the ground quickly. 

    Or you could "setThrust(thrust)" this sets the engine thrust between 0 and maxThrust in Newtons. 


    What i did was use "toggle()" and a combination of "getDistanceToObstabcle()" which reterns a value in meters of the first object detected in the direction of thrust (I uses this to know when I'm near my construct landing platform, and when that value is equal to or less than 50, it throttles back the thrust of the engine to lower me to the platform without me having to hold Alt+C)

    and the other thing I do is do a call to the Core unit. "getConstructWorldPos()" it returns a vector 3 (x, y, z) position and "getAltitude()" which returns your height above sea level in meters, with respect to the closest planet (other wise in space it returns a null or 0 value) "g()" returrns you local gravitaiton acceleration in m/s^2 and "getVelocity()" returns your constructs liniear velocity in m/s


    So you want to let your engines in the vertical pos when your construct is over n-speed and h-height. in my case i chose a speed of 600 m/s and a height of 1800 meters above sea level. here is where they would toggle off,  adding in my actual code would be kind of tedious and confusing, so I will post an example and a link to an alpha video about scripting. 


    but if i wanted to write out what my constructs velocity is i would do something like:


    local VariableName = method 

    by defualt it would looking like this:

    local constructVelocity = vec3(core.getWorldVelocity())


    if you watch this video this is an example of how you can do in-game progam: 



    and this is a post about LUA programing in general. 





    thank you ! i will have a look through all that and see what i can come up with . sea level though ? how do you manage that when say you are landing on a mountain for example? if its going off sea level . or did i misunderstant that part? 

  7. On 9/12/2020 at 7:48 AM, Velase85 said:

    That is fairly accurate to how mine would work, but I did some added scripting to mine and linked it to the gyroscope; if I remember I will post the code snippet to here later this weekend.


    But to give you an example, you can make a function on the engines to only fire based on x factor. For mine I wanted to to only really turn on the angled thrusters when under 300kh/r or my ship was pointed at a 30 degree angle or greater.


    I was thinking about trying engines pointed down and have them only fire when under X height

    Oh that sounds amazing. 

    Id love to know how to add in only fire under x speed or x height. 

    Ive asked many times in discord to help understand how to do it( scripting is not my strength at all ?) and i need to be shown to learn. The codex doesnt realllly explain anything properly lol. 


    Im really into the vtol aesthetic. So im not really fussed if they are inefficient or not. 

    Vertical thrusters to which im using atm are useless at slowing my descent until im near ground. 

    Where i want to be able to fire mine on approach etc and throttle down/up 

  8. On 9/12/2020 at 3:42 AM, Kezzle said:

    One of our ship designers has some in that orientation; he attests that they only fire when he pushes the throttle past 60%, which seems like an advantage, since you're generally wanting to lift at high throttle, and once you're at cruising altitude you can throttle back and save some fuel cos the angled thrusters turn off. 

    Oh i havent tried that.  As im usually always at 100% thrust unless landing lol. 

  9. 26 minutes ago, coyote76340 said:

    it's quite easy in fact: each engine has got tags which  tell him what it is done for, and you can change these tags yourself, or via lua programmation inflight.


    in the chapter physic scripting, it give you the tags that can handle your engines.

    I've used it in alpha to program vertical engines which I switch between vertical, idle and brake. it can really be done easily.

    This is excellent! Thank you. 

  10. 3 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    They automatically stop once you get past the maximum vertical lift altitude.

    whats the max vert lift altitude ? I easily had them still kicking 1500 metres up which isnt what i want. I need them just to get me up off the ground. Then disable. 

  11. 5 hours ago, LouHodo said:

    Don't know how to make them work like hovers but you can manage them like regular engines.  Reducing throttle till you land gently.  I am sure you can write a Lua script for them to work like hovers.

    How do you make them work with throttle. ? Mine wont turn off at 0 throttle. 

    I could manage if i could get them down. But i only way i can go down is to press c and cut the engines. Lol. Its quite scary ?

  12. okay , so im trying to make a cargo hauler with vertical atmospheric engines. 

    They turn on. Ship lifts up. But only way i can make it come down is to cut power to them with " c" 


    How can i make them act like hovers ? 


    And how can i make them turn off once im at altitude and moving ? 


     Its ALL sorted people. 

    Got my alpha approved status on discord , its all verified  , and i can continue on my endeavours :) wasnt that hard when someone actually wanted to help instead of acting like a gatekeeper 


    next time when people ask for help. Maybe dont be so rude. It doesnt shine a good light on the community. Just saying. 

    And if you simply dont know. Or have no intention of helping. Dont comment. 


    @lorail. Nothing you said was correct. ;) absolutely nothing lol. 



    Thanks for the help 

    Cya in space. 

  14. because , i should have access to say that i was under the nda so i can actually converse with people who are also under it .. im trying to discuss ship designs with a ship maker for my org.. they cant discuss anything unless you already have nda access... which i should have as i purchased the game prior to beta .  


    i dont actually need the forums .. i just need the nda access as i should have already so i can actually discuss with the people im dealing with . 

  15. So i have a couple of issues. Ive put tickets in but ill also ask unless im missing something. 


    1. So i purchased the game before beta. I didnt join any forum though, I received emails for the beta and played the game breifly but performance was bad so i decided to wait. 


    Why do i not have access to pre beta content now though ? 

    (Im trying to converse with an alpha player which i also am. But apparently my account says i dont have access. Which i should) 


    2. The pack i purchased claims to come with a beta key. Which i also dont have. I checked my account and it definitely said it should come with a beta key. 

    I have every email ive received since purchasing the game , no email about a beta key. 


    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated 

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