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Everything posted by OMGhixD

  1. We are all having connection issues. I've concluded the issue to be centralized around the market, And the way the game cache content. Since the new players spawn into the market upon the first loadup, this causes a big majority if not all to be at the market (ish). I asked my friend whom already was in the game to go to the market. This was to troubleshoot and he got disconnected and now he cant access the game. Therefor i believe the issue lays within the market and the fact that there is 1 server (multiple machines working as a cluster) trying to display and provide data of thousands of players. This was a big ass mistake TBH. Whynot make multiple REALMS and cross-connect them instead. This wouldn't have had such a catastrophic impact if the game was developed that way. (Look at Blizzard Entertainment), That is how they do it and its working great for them. I myself work with server(s) on an emulated game and stored/cached gamedata has caused issues many times. Majority of the time it has also been cached data and or something someone brought to a highly populated area. This would break ***everyones*** game.
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