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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Shadow

  1. I can only bend to your reasoning.

    Very convincing about how deep went your thoughts.


    Imagine a language other than English becomes the main language used in game right from the start. All the players not proficient in this language might very well be discouraged by this fact. It has been seen in a few games in the past, launched just with an international server. English is the most spoken language in video games (at least if we are not aiming to the asian market). So doing the game first in English (and in other languages after release) is also a way to avoid unplanned situations. This is also a way to incite players to communicate with all others, regardless of their nationality, especially for diplomacy (because let's be honest: which language is used for diplomatic talk in EvE, most of the time ? ;))


    English is not only used for diplomacy  :) (did you ever try to understand a Russian fleet commander speaking to Frenches in  English ? it is worth it). Actually, we even push french people to use the game in English if they can.

    Having a french translation is more a security for those who are not quite confident they can understand English and for game discovery.




  2. Thank you all for the welcoming.


    Always happy to meet another writer!

    ... and another EvE player it seems  :) (I read a bit of your blog).


    Well, it seems your centers of interest are exactly what Dual Universe is aiming for :D

    Well... the quest was hard, but I've found it ! Now, it's time to be patient... at least, I have my nickname reserved  :) (which is a miracle in itself)

    ... and we probably forgot... "likes to destroy things" too  :P.


    Welcome! Please settle in and enjoy the ride. Keep all hands, feet, and other body parts inside the forum at all times, and do not hesitate to present any ideas which may occur throughout the duration of the ride. Enjoy your stay at the Dual Universe forums!

    Yes sir !




  3. - Colonist M0099, logbook entry 001 -


    I woke up from cryogenic sleep while the Arkship was landing on the planet. Actually, the term "crashing" would be more exact. As you can guess, awakening went brutal.
    Fortunately, my body wasn't smashed to pieces.


    After railing against the AI and her creator - who had thought that waking up someone in the middle of a crash would be a good idea? -, I began to listen to her instructions and slowly stood up from my hibernacle.


    Having beta-tested the nanoformer and associated nanostorage, I had no need to run the AI simulation. Thankfully, I had not forgotten that part of my memory. "It's like bycicle, you never forget how to use it" said the engineers. Well, they were true, except that I didn't recall any blueprint outside of basic shapes. Whatever, it was no big deal.


    I had a precise idea of what I wanted to do: build a versatile ship and go out explore our new galaxy.
    I had no idea where I was. I cannot recognize any constellation in the sky. The AI wasn't either. While some were affraid of this idea, I was pleased to have a challenge to measure to. It was the opportunity to forge our own path, our own new civilization... and, why not? forge a name that may be remembered for ages.


    But currently, I didn't feel like aa hero... My body was incredibly weak and and frail, my thoughts were so slow, and my memory was shredded.
    But, at least, I was able to stand up and walk a bit without help. I was moving myself with caution. The Arkship didn't land perfectly vertical so the ground was not really horizontal.
    Eventually, I got to my suit.


    I struggled for nearly half an hour. But finally, I activated the main systems and locked my helmet.
    Exhausted, I stood there a few minutes while my personal AI - I named it "Mia" - was checking every system.
    Even after ten thousand years, there were still all operational. I don't know who designed them, but anyway, good job guys.


    Like in a dream, I opened the Arkship airlock, got shocked bu the environment beauty and strangeness, eventually went out, and began writing my story.

  4. Good afternoon adventurers,


    I answer to many pseudonyms, but here you can call me Shadow  :ph34r:.
    I like playing RPG, strategic and sandbox games. My favorites are Space Engineers, EvE Online, Baldur's Gate and a lot more.


    In day to day life, I'm a french pentester (IT security) and developer during my free time.
    Someday, I also decided to write a novel which I'm still working on (don't ask me where I find the time to do it, I don't know myself, but I clearly don't have enough of it).


    Like what seems to be a lot of people these days, I feel a lack of gameplay and innovation in current games.
    While searching (deeply) for a good sci-fi multiplayer game, I found Dual Universe which looks like very ambitious, but also very promising.

    It's also an old gamer's dream for me too and I especially like the ideas to explore the universe, gather resources, PvP with ships I've created myself or create AIs.


    I think that the only way to create a good game is by using all realist (and good !) ideas from everywhere, be it "copying" other game mechanics or listening to players.
    Thus, I will probably make a lot of comments or critics based on my experience and my imagination. I always try to be constructive, but my imagination can get carried away sometimes. So do not hesitate to say "stop" :) .


    As we say in EvE, Fly Safe.



  5. Hi Nyzaltar and thank you  :),


    I prefer to ask early as implementing translation can require costly changes in the code base if it was not anticipated.


    Also, from my experience (especially EvE Online, but also other MMO and sandbox games), not supporting different languages at launch or shortly after it can discourage players as people who are not speaking fluently start with a disadvantage (either by playing later, once the game is translated, or try to play in an environment they don't understand or misunderstand).

    Of course, I'm not talking about alpha or closed/open beta where it's clearly ok to stick with English.


    Moreover, adding several languages shows to foreign players that they are not forgotten and that you take care of them.

    Like in more standard games (with multiple shards), players often yell when there is no EU servers, for example.


    I understand that translating is really time-consuming (I organized a project aiming to translate Lineage2 in a distant past). That's why I was pointing out that community can help too  ;).


    Anyway, thank you for your fast answer.




  6. [Not sure if this post is better here or under The Gameplay Mechanics Assembly, feel free to move it.]


    Hello Novaquark (and hello everyone),


    I was wondering what languages you planned to support for the game and if you thought about asking help to the community on this subject ?


    Even if I never used them, there are some online translation tool (like Transifex used by Prison Architect for example) which seem to be useful and well-designed so that translations are also reviewed.


    What is your opinion ?




  7. Hello Nyzaltar,


    Maybe, you could keep a bullet point list (on the forum or on the site) with core/extra functionnalities you have planned and theire status : done, ongoing, todo (or your status list was even better) ?




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