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Posts posted by ThePilgrim

  1. I have a single 92 million talent point character. It is the only character I played since Beta day 1. No alts. I invested my time heavily in this character, the ships I built and my base on Sanctuary. And I loved playing. Now, I can understand the quanta reset, though what they are offering is insulting and kinda useless if you don’t start with it. The reset of territories, loss of ships? Ok, understand that…I have my blueprints...but they will be useless without my talents and a reasonable starting Quanta. I personally see no benefit to the idea of everyone starting out the same…quite the opposite. When I started I was inspired by the constructs (not just experience) of all the veteran players, it kept me in the game. This was a paid Beta, I never expected a reset of talent points, and kinda feel like it is a breach of contract between player and dev. Seriously, I was looking forward to starting as an advanced player, I earned it. There were months when I logged on daily but could not play (working an ER during the pandemic first wave in NYC was a no fun)...just to invest in this future day of launch and the coolness of being a veteran player with cool stuff and experience around all the noobs...when I actually had time to really play. I loved this game when I started, the potential was amazing and still don’t see anything like it in potential out there. But the loss of talent points I think is the last straw for me and Dual Universe. Talent points were the one thing no exploit could influence. No matter how good the game may turn out to be, I have lost my trust in the Devs, am a bit disappointed, and a bit all around upset.

  2. I have played since Beta day 1. I have loved the game, building and mining mostly. But to be clear, wipe any of my talent points and I quit. There were no exploits involved in my (or anyone else's) talent points, simply time invested in training them. I understand the need to reset the economy, people got rich on exploits. For me, I mined and refined almost all my own ore and built almost all of my ships and my large base on Sanctuary. No exploits used or needed, I worked towards what I have.. Wiping all my constructs/resources/Quanta is simply unfair. There is an implicit contract between game and player that things one worked hard for are not just erased. A full wipe I feel violates this, and how will new players trust it will not happened to them. There is also the erasure of all the amazing player made constructs that will not be available for new players to awe at and work towards building themselves (like I did), and the large exodus of experienced players and orgs removing a new players chance to learn from a veteran players experience.


    Again, wipe any of my talent points, I am gone. Leave my talent points, wipe everything else and I am probably gone. As a compromise, let players start with their blueprints and X amount of Quanta based on how many months they have played. 10 million for each month? Find a way to make your experienced players that have supported DU want to stay. Or not only will any new player gain be offset by veteran player losses, new players will not stay long if they see NQ can not be trusted. 


    If I have to completely start over and can not trust NQ, I will start someplace else. 

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