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Posts posted by Astrophil

  1. Timey-wimey. I see what you did there @Klatu.  ;)


    A cosmic speed limit would certainly either limit the distance between planets or significantly increase travel time between, that is, if you want to stay true to speed- distance-time relationship. A few light-years away and already you're at one or two years of travel time. 


    However, I also understand the wish to observe the laws of physics, so probably if you want systems and galaxies the size of Elite's, timey-wimey or FTL is the way to go. We should also question the flight abilities of the Arkship...is that FTL or capable of warping, or did it just depend purely on cryo-freezing to get the colonists to Alioth?

  2. Yes. Very true points. Paying a sub every month for the full, unthrottled game experience is far more preferable to throwing money at the screen for premium overpriced cash shop items or (God forbid) original release "premium" content. Pay to win essentially. I don't mind at all paying monthly for quality services, even if they do eat up such a very large portion of my time (Netflix and Spotify oops). It's gotta be enjoyable and worth it though.

  3. I wasn't keen on the idea of dogs and cats, but this is a good idea. Considering how bonded humans are to domesticated animals (I have two cats myself), it makes sense some humans would want to bring their beloved pets along with them on the Arkships. Makes me feel sad thinking of all those people boarding the Arkships, leaveing behind their loved ones who couldn't make it onto a ship....but maybe it could lessen the hurt a little if their pets DNA was saved for cloning later on, or simply put into cryo sleep as well.


    Cryofreezing pets wouldn't have been possible. There was a very strict limit on the number of humans allowed on the Arkships, let alone pets. Not to be biased to humans or against animals or anything, but there would have been an outrage among the other humans denied passage. DNA samples is much more likely.

  4. Ah really now...currency exchanges and stuff? We would need market analysts to determine what is a fair trade in each place a certain type of currency is used, and this would need to constantly be done, which is a lot of useless hassle indeed.


    Universal currency sounds like the way to go.


    a ) By definition, Mechanical Workers will be craftable helpers for a player wanting to delve into industrial activity. But it won't be a Pet. 
    It will: 
    - have a precise activity pattern, defined by an AI script.
    - have a real practical usefulness in-game.
    It won't:
    - be a reward of any kind (reserved to backers, founders, or any specific group of players)
    - follow the Player Character anywhere.


    I'm interpreting that as just a general script, whether player-made or predefined. When Nyz mentioned "customized AI scripts" I believe he just means pets can't have AIs, since they're not artificial. So pets, as lifeforms, will have pre-scripted actions, while mechanized machines can have player-scripted AIs.


    Just my two-cents. And by the way, 999th post right here. :)

  6. I feel like a team as ambitious as Novaquark and a game as advanced as DU would doubtlessly create a beautiful and intuitive, not to mention very hands-on, flying system. Unfortunately, this also probably means that along with a Rift, a Virtuix Omni, surround speakers, and a bunch of geeky DU stuff, I'll probably also have to go find a better HOTAS as well. I really, really dislike this game's uncanny ability to cause personal bankrupticies.

  7. Questions that arise in my head:


    Is this a player run Empire? Or one that's designed as a functioning game system by the devs? I know there is the BlogPost (http://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/03/20/organizations-build-your-corporation-faction-nation-or-empire/) which uses the terms Organisations, legates and members, which sounds similar. In both cases, I feel a need to know a little more about how this would function in the game, what shape will it take in terms of actual game mechanics, will it be a case of mega guilds (alliances), and then small guilds join in pre-defined roles?


    If I can see a diagram, or a way of getting a sense of how this system would take shape in the game, it would be easier for me to picture it in action.


    I have some desires to run or be part of an Empire potentially, though I'd need to see how effective/how smooth this would be. Otherwise I'd be a small mercantile type player and do my own thing. If being part of an Empire or Organisation felt restrictive, say I have my role, and I have to stick to it in service of the other guilds, and not be able to divulge from it, it would further entice me towards the smaller end of things. That said, I like the sound of Nobility. 


    This reminds me of a recent kickstarter game: Crowfall, which has its own system known as Eternal Kingdoms, which has players (Monarchs) owning land, controling taxes, creating pvp areas etc. The hierachy is: Monarch, Noble, Vassal and Tenant. The noble, in service to the monarch, much like yours, does the bidding of the Emperor. The Vassals own land, as distributed to them by the Noble, and the Tenant merely uses the land and buildings made available to them. 


    I can see this working well, I like the idea of hierachy, I've just not seen/or experienced it personally to know how it works, if it works well, what in-game systems are required to do it. My only closest experiences is of alliances and smaller guilds being part, but even then, that's more of an equal partnership of guilds, rather than a hierarchical system.


    Who gets to be Emperor? Well from what I can gather of Crowfall Monarchs, players have been able to buy into it, at a very high real money cost, but in-game I believe they'll be able to work towards it. I would say, work towards it. If players want to be Emporer's, make them fight for it.


    I do look forward to hearing more in time how DU devs plan to do Organisations as described in the blog.


    I think you would fit in beautifully, Miss Astrum. If you plan to be a merchant player, joining the Empire would have considerable benefits including protection and a steady market without much cost on your part. Most probably just tax benefits for selling in the Empire and higher taxes for external trading.


    Here is a (messy) flowchart for your convenience:




    Flow of power represented by arrows.

  8. maybe we'll get an genetic engineering addon where we then can create new lifeforms and assign predefined character patterns for them :P


    Ah...Kubrow imprints. I see your thinking.

  9. If organic pets were ever something we see, I'd definitely not be seeking earthlike animals, such as cats, dogs etc, but instead things unique to the planets NQ design.


    Ah yes. Makes me think of that gazelle-zebra sort of hybrid in the hunting concept art. Imagine if you had a pet like that. And you could see it in VR too...mindblowing!

  10. Bounty hunters sound really cool to me. I wonder if there could be a criminal system of some kind, I can't remember which games have this kind of thing, but if players choose to be 'bad guys' and build a reputation as such, maybe there could be 'bounty hunters' to try to catch them, both using technology to their advantage.

    One such game would be Elite of course. But one point, I think, is that a criminal system shouldn't be universal and be an automatic implementation as in Elite Dangerous. Like in real life, justice systems would have to be established by players themselves to determine what is bad or good or wrong or right. Also adds more roles for players ex. judges and lawyers.


    But yeah, bounty hunters sound cool. 

  11. Hello and welcome Metallical,


    Same here. There is surely a conspiration somehow...

    Sorry guys.


    Indeed, that's a lot of Landmarkers. I'm beginning to feel that I'm the only one having never played this game...





    Make that the only two.

  12. I think I'd have to second Kiklix and vylqun on a few points. Defaulting to first person cuts out a whole denomination of players who would much rather have a 3rd person option, one that isn't temporary or need any tool or can be destroyed - unless it is in combat, in which case, yes, a drone or first-person only would be the fairest way to go.


    Otherwise, during normal gameplay, I see no reason to restrict 3rd person views. It'd be helpful to have a wider FOV when building, for example.


    Thoughts? It's a fine line between immersion and practicality.

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