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We could use some construct filters...

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Title says it all. Going into the map, you get this handy dandy menu that lists constructs, territories etc of the stuff the player owns and any orgs they are legates in own. That's great. It even tells you who owns them. BUT...! All of the constructs are listed together. All space constructs are listed with all dynamics and all statics of your own and your org(s). You can't filter out anything.

  • I want to see all of my personal constructs?
    • I need to know their names and scroll through the entire list until I find them.
  • I want to see all of the constructs in a specific org (I'm legate in several)?
    • I need scroll through the list and mouse over each and every construct if I don't already know which org it belongs to.
  • I want to see only static or dynamic or space constructs (looking for a specific station or ship or base), for a specific org or my own?
    • I need look at the icons and then check who owns them.

In short, it's a mess that needs filters. It's fine if you're a solo player or a regular org member, but legates need to be able to filter. It would also be great if a search function was enabled so that you could search for the name of a construct (if the list is long) rather than scrolling through the whole list until you find it. Basic quality of life stuff for any system which lists anything. Sorting, filtering, searching should come standard.

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