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Competition for new UEF store ships The current UEF ships are, to be frank, quite bad. They were made a while ago, but now that we are all a bit more accostumed to ship building and to what a ship can do, it is time for new ones. I suggest a new competition in different categories to decide on new ships. These ships are not for us, they are for the new players who may not have found their way to other ways to purchase a ship yet but really want one, why not give them something more useful? The game needs a lot of things, but the CM and community holding a competition for new UEF store ships does not stop any coders or designers from doing the other stuff.

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No, we don't need anymore contests as this is a waste of time. Dev resources would be needed and anything that takes them away from actual gameplay mechanics such as mining overhauls or most importantly PVP overhauls.... I cannot support this. After release i say.

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