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How I see interdiction in DU


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So we all know the pvp update is coming and highly anticipated. I have a suggestion for interdiction and i don't know if it would be to late to implement.


So here's how it works.


An Element  is created for interdiction only once applied to a construct (maybe bound by energy as that's coming soon) This element would be able to link to other same type devices in a group of ships (min 3) once activated it would create a net that would catch passerby's if the group is able to net the target.  Things like distance between Modules could matter for example the three "interdiction" ships would need to stay in a formation (set distance) or the net would break/be less affective. I imagine 3 ships making a small triangular web and have to be at a short distance but including more interdiction ships would allow the net to be a larger area. I'm sure this could be elaborated on much more but just wanted to toss this out here and see what people say.

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