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Expansion Idea: Emergence

Guest Rockafella

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Guest Rockafella

Dual Universe: Emergence


100 years after the first landing on Alioth multiple signals are detected from nearby systems and the Novark having perfected the art of crafting, begin their research into stargate technology. In just a few short years the first two stagates are constructed and scouts are dispatched to investigate. 


Upon return the first scout report determines that the Novark was not the only ship that escaped the destrucion of earth. There were 2 more. The Nordius arkship, filled with most of the earths general population, initially on the same course as the Novark, successfuly escaped to a nearby system (name to be decided), have established a govenment and have set up colonies on 2 of the inner system planets. The Nordius have become mining experts and have developed static mining technology. They have also expressed their will to share this technology with the Novark to reach the common goal of peace and prosperity.


The second scout never returned but several distress signal were recieved shortly after he left. ......I have reached the destination system  ......The civilisation seem hostile and call themselves the Arcadis ......Their weapon systems seem advanced and they have sheild and cloaking technology ......They have intercepted my ship 'Transmission lost.'

Upon further analysis by the Novark council it was determinied this civilisation had emerged from a maximum security prison ship named 'The Arcadis 3,'  which was in high orbit around earth at the time of its destruction. They must have escaped and should be considered dangerous.


Expansion Features:

3 new factions to choose from upon account creation (existing accounts will be given the option to choose a faction after entering game and be given the option to re package and transfer all constructs to a district in the system belonging to the faction of their choice). Each account will generate seperate skill points called 'faction points,' to spend in a faction specific skill tree which gives bonuses based on the factions profession. Bonuses will be additional to the base skill tree.


The Novark: Crafting experts

The Nordius: Mining experts

The Arcadis: Weapons experts


With the introduction of The Nordius and The Arcadis will come some new modules and features.

XL surface scanner: Can only be used on (M,L) dynamic cores. Will be used to scan down new t5 ores.

XL static mining rig: 1 per tile, can only be used on (L) static cores. Will be used to mine t5 ores.

Cloaking device: can only be used on (S,M,L) dynamic cores. Will provide a 2 minute cloak to active construct. Cannot be activated when locking target or being locked. Unable to warp while cloak is active.

Static sheild modules (M,L): Used to proved shield to static construct. 3 states: vulnerable, active, inactive. Requires fuel to keep operating. Enters vulnerable state at time of players choice. Visual effects for various states.

Dynamic shield module (S,M,L): Used to provide shield to dynamic construct. Shiled amount varies depending on size. Once depleted requires time to recharge. Recharge time depends on size. Visual effects for various states and hit effects.


Features will include:

3 types of Infinite ores known as t5 ores. Ores are scarcely present on the outer planets / moons of each system. Randomly distributed so only a small amount of tiles contain these ores. Ores are found and mined with new mining /scanning modules. Only 1 type of ore will be found in each system. Ores are used to craft t2 variants of engine / weapon / industry modules which will provide better damage / range / efficiency than their t1 counterparts.


PVP improvements:

All dynamic constructs will now have a power limit based on their size. Power limit can be increased with the base skill tree. Engine / weapon modules will now have a power consumption value. Once power limit on active core is reached, no more modules can be added to the construct.

The introduction of an overview (similar to EVE) which will list all constructs within a certain range. The  ability to view / lock a target using the overview.

Various visual improvements, gameplay improvements and bug fixes.


Wrote this quickly on the fly but I think its a pretty cool concept. Feedback / criticism / discussion welcome.





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