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Question: Dual Universe is really laggy for me now - it wasn't like this for me before. It has made flying around a pain in the butt. Do you think its time for me to upgrade my computer? I currently have 16 GB RAM with a GTX 1660 Super GPU (6 GB.) Request: I just need someone to test if my surrogate pod is working. - if it is visible in search and accessible to all. It's name is "aliensalmon pod".
I have an idea. How about industries, containers and cores getting upgrade/overclock slots. //Introduction It could be handled in such a way that there is a button to the left of the X that takes you to the upgrade window. There you can put in your upgrades, but here's the thing, you can only put in one untalented upgrade, and if you put in talent points you can have up to 6 slots. (All numbers are exambles) //Upgrades Industries For the industry upgrades, I have considered: Overclocker Upgrade (makes the industry 5-10% faster); Input/Output Upgrade (you get an additional input or output (output is evenly distributed)); Parallel Upgrade (all same industries do what the industry does with the upgrade) //Upgrades Cores For the Cores have thought about it: Size Upgrade: (the build area will be 1%-2% or more); Fuel efficiency upgrade (only in dynmaic cores) like the Talent but as Upgrade); Thrust Overdrive (allows you to get more out of your engines (higher fuel consumption) (only dyncor)); Speed Upgrade (you can move faster in the area of the Core); Engine Warm up accelerator (shorter Warm up time(only dyncor)); Better Breaks (Breaks are more effective (only dyncor)); Larger Atmosphere (atmospheric engines can operate 100m (or more) above the atmosphere(only dyncore)); Durability Upgrade (everything has 2% more durability) //Upgrades Containers I have thought about the containers:Link Upgrade (you have more links to distribute); Mass Upgrade (things weight less (like the talent)); Space Upgrade (the container has more space (like the talent)); Large Rang (you have a larger link range); Overlapping Sender/Receiver Upgrade (container can send things into a container on another core in the area); Item Warp Upgrade Transmitter/Receiver (you can connect a container to another container from anywhere and send items (warp cells must be in the container (maybe pop a slot)); Quantum Entangled Upgrade (connect 2 or more containers sharing the same inventory from anywhere (maybe add black matter to the game (1 black matter per hour)) //How to craft Those were the ideas, but how do you make an upgrade? I have thought about the following: There are 5 levels of upgrades (like in the game already), the upgrades are made in the Assembly Line (Tier 1 in XS and 5 in XL, and the Quantum Entangled in only as tier 5 eg). One upgrade requires 125 Electronics, 250 Components, 500L Alloy, 400L "Heavy Metals" (the Category). Tier 1 should need about 2 hours and Tier 5 2 days. I also can imagine that to put a higher Upgrade in sth you need to have a Talent. //Balancing I know this is not balanced and it should be mainly about the idea that everyone can keep up without a lot of play time, even without a lot of talent or for smaller quality of live improvements like the item warp upgrade and faster industries. If you have balancing proposals then just bring them here //Who is this aimed at? However, the upgrades should not be easy to get in the beginning, it should be for big productions or for newcomers, who should join their friends but didn't get anything to craft because their friends "save 5L". // I hope you like my idea and that we can discuss it well in the comments.
Hey all, Got a quick question. I'm thinking of upgrading my old Silver Kickstarter pledge to a Patron pledge. So far as I can tell, I don't get a discount for doing so. While I'd love to do this, I don't want to effectively waste my $60 from the kickstarter by buying a full price Patron pledge for $180. Anyone know if this is possible? I suppose the right thing to do would be to contact NovaQuark and ask, but has anyone had any luck with this in the past?
4µ%£¨41µ4%µ14¨£/.41µ% 4105816 %M1%651µ5¨151%µ5115%1µ101011 ................................. Current Decryption ............................................................ LOADING ............................................................ Tries translation Eufenitian/old french to primary english: actived Français en conclusion (ci-dessous) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Message from DeltasofFR. > Hello community! How are you today? I have a suggestion about DevBlog, called "DevDiary & Pre-Alpha Teaser" Problem: The blog is a little abandon, OUTDATED. The last news is from October 2017. Issue: it would be great if we had a regular news channel ° - To make minimum one article every month ° - To be inventive, talk about the game himself or Novaquark Team. Details: 1°: Write one article minimum every month to retain players or curious visitors, the DevBlog must be "the appointment of month", one moment unavoidable for all. We are living in a busy world, people want be fast, eat fast, travel fast, etc... DevBlog would like be one platform for read easily about Dual Univers. Even the player who does not have the time should want to go take a look, just to see:"What's happen in DU?" 2°: I don't tell to Novaquark how to make her job, ^^, heheheh. But If we don't have content, we can make a little interview of 5 minutes about one developer. Just transcribed his story, not video needed. DevBlog can talk about: - Gameplay - Lore/Story - Concept art - About Novaquark philosophy. (inteview?) - About developer, her point of view, etc... (interview?) - Events (in-game/IRL) - etc... Players/visitors must know: - Where Dual Universe was going. (Past) - Where Dual Universe is going. (Present) - Where Dual Universe will going. (Futur) It's almost a roadmap, almost, not really a roadmap. Example: I suggest to see World Adrift and Squad games, 2 team differents, World adrift have a little team of dev and Squad have a little team of dev dispatcher in World (not in same place :s) The Squad News - News every month (more or less) The World Adrift News - News every weeks and one video every week Commentary: My point of view, Dual Universe is a Pre-Alpha, we cannot compare it to anothers games. I am not telling to Novaquark Team to be like World adrift or Squad team. Dual Universe is Dual universe. The work to make this project is really huge, I am not saying:" It's easy, just do it". My proposals do not ask to do it immediately, each game needs to progress at its own pace. Doing this with a regular news channel makes the player trust on DU. I'm not an expert, and I'm just joining the community recently, maybe I don't have legitimacy to talk about that. I know it's not easy, the game is only at its beginning. But we believe on you! The Idea of this topic, about DEvBlog, is to make the game alive in subconscious of people. I am not talking about players of DU only, but others too. All players, patrons people,etc... Trust on his project. Trust can go down or climb with time. What that, journalists, investors and randoms people can talk more about the game and invest on it! More me, I talk only for me, but sometime, I connect to my PC and I haven't time to read FORUM, try to find the good topic, etc... Only for read news. I start my computer, I go in one Website Hardware, I look fast, and leave my desk. Thank you for your understanding, goodbye DeltasofFR ________________________________________________________ "For a better World" SC End of transmission, au revoir _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Traduction français, l'idée de base et de dire que le contenue du blog des développeurs manquent trop de contenu, qu'ils pourraient améliorer sa, sa apporterait plus de lisibilité au projet, de faire des articles régulièrement minimum mensuelle pour que sa soit un rendez incontournable. Et j'ai un peu aborder le contenu de celui-ci, en somme sa devrait parler de la situation du jeu (mais sa on le sait tous xD). A la fin, mes commentaires avec mon point de vue, où j'explique qu'au final, sa profiterais a tout le monde.
HELLO TO YOU ALL, i hope you had a great christmas time. NOW, i have another question about upgrades of the pledge. example: I got the pledge GOLD 120€, it contents 23 DACs. If i upgrade my pledge to SAPHIRE with 50 DACs, means that i get the DACs added to 73 DACs or it will then just 50 DACs like the latest step of the pledge? Sorry if i ask too much, lol ... but ... i am a newbie =) Thank you for now .. Floyd
Hello , I'd like to be able to create, design and program things or why not trade it with the comunity to get rich ! Those would be some kind of products, programed systems, like automatic defense of a fort, city, base. Or even admin acces, Doors control, restrictions, and maybe ability to HACK terminals that were programmed by other players in order to bypass security, to control the program and reverse the situation. By designing I also mean the UI shape would be something you could create or trade, So each faction could own its own "personality". And maybe something more than the UI, dunno lets talk about that ! You would be able to save the program on hard drives, to use it from a "smartphone from the future", a control terminal, a spaceship(anysize). Something like that would require a simple langage such as LUA, you'll have to learn sure but this feature could be the opening for an infinite way to scultp the world, and make this place living with tons of interactions, and new paths. Its also a big opening for trading(selling programs, AI), recruiting(a member that knows how to program), wars/battles: victory by hacking devices (etc...) You would choose whatever you want to create to defend yourself, upgrade the base/ship (etc...). I hope that this idea wasn't already set Thanks ! EDIT: I went further into my explanations, to let you exactly know what I meant: I was thinking about something more "complex", at least free to do anything. Like a turret protocol, choose when, how, why it should fire. And something I would looove to be able to do is assembling my system to make my turret: servo motors, power source, weapon technology used, sensors, and hull but with voxels not the furnitures(meshes) they give. Then you'll have to script the turret to make it aim right by contoling each servo motors, setup the axis, program it so you can control it with the keys you binded in the program, or even program an AI that aim everything the sensors detect as 'hostile". Thats where the hacking is interesting, he change the aim protocol from hostile to allies, tirn those against the creator maybe ^^
- 11 replies
- programing
- AI
(and 4 more)
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