The Eldritch Nation (TEN)
Who are we? - A Militarisic Nation of strong willed and ambitious people. We are a nation of opportunities for every citizen, a nation with disciplined soldiers.
What can we offer? - To become one in the journey to totality, in our world every single citizen is an asset, every profession is important and we listen to everyone's wish for their preferred line of work. We can offer careers in exploration & colonization, research and development, building, mining, transport, trade, various military specializations and much more. We are an Archon of The Ascendancy, and we participate in joint fleets with the other members.
How to join? - It is really easy. Send an application in game, just search for us on the organisation page or join us here ask for a recruiter and then you should be set!
Where can you contact us? -
Key Leaders:
- simpletech
- Zedivann
- Quaken
- Darrk
Military Command
- Ajhkhum
- Imperator
- JustVader
- Superior Charlie
You can also contact me through PM on this forum board or leave your interest in a comment below. Thank you for reading. I hope to see you becoming one of us! If not, see you on the field.
Eldritch Nation Trailer
Credits to:
- Armedwithwings for trailer and second poster
- Aetherios for the first poster