The idea is simple, we alpha players, have the opportunity to test and try before everyone. So why not build our own city, as an experience ? Anyone can join and build is own stuff, no need for big. So, who's in ?
Why this ?
-Do a social experience
-Strengthen the community
-See how much it's doable or not
-Test the game, and see if we have to address issues to the dev, or new ideas.
It would be very nice if the major organization participate (even with few members) to this and have their own quarter here.
I do not want to own the city, I just want to do a prove of concept, see if it's socially acceptable, as well as doable.
It has to be a community project, and it can be done because we are not yet a huge amount of players. We are all here as tester, so let's do so and see what we can do with this game.
Thank you for your vote, whatever the answer.
I created an Organization for convenient reason, it will just let us build together under the same zone and have no other purpose than rising the Alpha City.