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  1. We keep of course varieties like stained and such for selected honeycombs. But I am proposing to remove all colored honeycombs, and add color pigments to the game that allow us players to create inexpensive paints for brushing or spraying. Meaning, a news way to colorize our ships, giving us players more control of their design. The ships could be painted directly, or a graphic file of a texture could be applied to selected regions of the ship, that would consume various amounts of the basic color pigments. Color pigments would be: - white dye powder - black dye powder - red dye powder - green dye powder - blue dye powder - transparent dye powder (to create various translucence levels) Color pigment modifiers or top paint coatings (can be combined) would be: - reflective mirror ingredient - matte ingredient - glossy ingredient - oily rainbow ingredient - glitter ingredient - metallic ingredient - (anything else I could not think of) The painting scheme of a ship can be saved as a local user file, or as a paint scheme BP. Texture files can have partial transparent or translucent areas, too. When brushing or spraying paint, areas or voxel groups can be selected. One side of the paint coating and modifier coating can be mirrored to the other side of the ship. Imagine the possibilities that this will give us! Imagine the new ships we will get out of that!
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