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hello ! for this topic I would like to see if it would be possible in the near future to propose updating missions on mining unit's, to develop this idea I will explain to you how I see the process. - I propose the mission on the mission board with two different validation conditions to update the mining unit . - 1st condition the person comes on site without using the VR station and updates the minig unit's . (depending on the talents of the updater the resources generated can vary and therefore make a better reward for those who have good talent would be attractive for many players) . -2nd validation condition: the player goes through the VR station to update the mining unit. (so as the talents are not taken into account, the resources generated by the update will therefore be less and the mission reward also but it is for more speed 😛 ) If the idea can be put in place to facilitate the conditions, it would also be necessary to review a point on the authorization of the mining unit's. - power allowed only all players who accepted the quest can only do the update and not do anything else such as changing the ore mined by the mining unit. or create an authorization section related to updating mining unit's for the quest system. I hope you like the idea 😛 N'étant pas très fort en anglais je poste également la version FR ! Bonjour ! pour ce topic j'aimerai voire si il serait possible dans un avenir proche de pouvoirs proposé des missions d'actualisations sur des mining unit's . Pour développé cette idée je vais vous expliquer comment je voie le procédé . - Je propose la mission sur le tableau des mission avec deux condition de validation différentes pour actualisé le mining unit - 1er condition la personne viens sur place sans utilisé la station VR et actualise le minig unit's ( en fonction des talent de l'actualiseur les ressource généré peuvent varier et donc faire une meilleur récompense pour ceux qui on de bon talent serait attractif pour beaucoup de joueur ) . -2éme condition de validation : le joueur passe par la station VR pour actualisé le mining unit . ( donc comme les talents ne sont pas pris en compte , les ressource généré par l actualisation seront donc moindre et la récompense de mission également mais c'est pour plus de rapidité 😛 ) Si l'idée peut être misse en place pour facilité les condition ils faudrait également revoir un point sur les autorisation des mining unit's . - pouvoir autorisé uniquement les touts joueur qui accepté la quête a ne pouvoir faire que l'actualisation et ne pas faire autre chose comme par exemple changer le minerait miné par le mining unit . ou créer une rubrique d'autorisation lié a l’actualisation des mining unit's pour le système de quêtes . J’espère que l'idée vous plaira 😛
I'm not sure if I have the power to restart the Game in case of a wipe. I'd like to share a possible motivation for me and maybe some others. Scanning can be very frustrating, guessing that all fancy tiles are gone anyway, probably. There is too much pressure running for this. Instead of Gems and whatnot once was planned ... What about spread a little extra to all the MU gameplay. a pure T1 Node also spits 10% T2 ore (random ore each time), plus 1% T3 ore (yep, random ore) - plus 0.1% T4 ore - and guess what, also 0.01% T5 ore .. while a T2 Node spits 10% T3, 1% T4 and 0.1% T5 - and a T3/T4 Node just follows that row the same way e.g. working with a Malachite T2 Node means you get tons of Malachite plus all sorts of ore in addition, but just those tiny portions in the time it takes to extract 200L Malachite, you'll also get the sum of 0.2L T5 ore and 2L fancy T4 ore Not being able to get all sorts of ore, even in very low amounts was my personal frustration. Especially after tri-scanning a total time of ~200h since the MU gameplay.
Level the playing field whether you are a solo player or part of a large corporation. The current problem with mining, even with the small player base we have now, is that mining areas with higher tier nodes are quickly overrun leaving most others out of being able to set up mining units worth anything of consequence. Though I still enjoy setting up mining units, I miss the old days of digging holes and searching for the nodes. I do understand why they had to get rid of it however. Asteroids! Well, that's cool for the people who are here early after reset but diminishes quickly, especially in safe zones. I propose keeping territory scanners for general area ground content like they are doing right now for the purpose of placing mining units, but add a secondary scanner with a shorter scan duration that is designed to try and find concentrated pockets of minerals. The ability to find mining nodes of tier 1 would be common place, but the higher your scanner skills increases the chances of finding larger nodes. Then for every tier, the chances of finding nodes at all gets harder and harder but the ability to find them and the size of the node would once again be based on your scanning skills. When nodes are discovered, you can get the option to open an instance, you and your cargo ship enters the instance, and you can mine away. The instance would only be open for a set duration (24 hours?) and once the timer is up, or you leave the instance, it is gone forever. This way there are no permanent holes in the world, the players that invest heavy in scanning skills will have the highest chance of finding valuable ores (as it should be), and mining goes back to being an exploration again. A system would have to be put in place where the possibilities of finding something vary at each territory (just because one person doesn't find the good stuff, doesn't mean someone else with RNG something great at that location) and once and instance is entered and left, that territory will spawn another random chance of regular to valuable ores.
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- mining
- mining units
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